Introducing the Trading Post!

Yeah I like the dang Tauren set we were promised years ago to show up finally…

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I didn’t realise the aq40 mount, brutosaur or other rare mounts (which is all I said) was player power. Amazing.


I second and third this! Most of these currencies need to be account bound, not char bound.

If what we get with them is account wide, the currency should be too.


You guys now this is just a way to add purchasable tokens to wow right?

They are literally finessing their way into an in game cash shop and you guys are head over heels for it. Smdh you guys are soo easy to fool.

The money men at blizzard are burning all the good will the dev team built with dragon flight.

You can’t charge for the box and sub and have a cash shop!


This looks great, I am very excited to learn more about it and see it in action!

I wonder if this will be stuff like the CM sets or Mage Tower appearances… TCG stuff is probably a given. Incoming rage from people who want to feel exclusive…


the further i get into my networking degree the more i begin to understand how little the average person understands about how the internet works, and even less about the tech large companies use to provide services to said average person.


Why not? Your suppose to be a dang adventurer going out to the wide world of WoW…

I never said it was? You should quote the entire response.

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I sincerely doubt it.

More likely this is where dev pet projects like the glasses transmogs will go.


Sounds pretty cool.ooking forward to it.

This is what it reminded me of as well with one small change that made it so much better, the fact that it’s not tied to a larger cash shop.

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Is this 2010


So far none of that is true and most people seem very excited about this feature. No goodwill has been burned at this point.


I’m sure it sounds absolutely nightmarish for people that think WoW is a lobby game.

Silvermoon and Thunder Bluff need some love.

Btw, isn’t it similar to how the Genshin Impact Season Pass works ?
I don’t know of another one. But you go doing X activities a month, complete the bar and you get free stuff.

The real measure of this would be how much of this monthly currency can you get from the various contents.

Would it be possible, for example, to max out the month’s rewards by just doing say Pet Battles or something?

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This is the WoW version of Wondrous Tails. Login and do stuff get rewards.

All of the recent changes to crafting are things that 14 has. Gear to improve your ability, High quality materials to make the gear better. Is it a 1:1 copy? No. But is it a move to be more similar to that model? 100%


You’re the smartest person here and nobody but you can see the truth


Looks amazing and can’t wait until the traded post is added.
Like others have said please make the “Traders Tender” currency account wide.

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