Introducing the Trading Post!

This looks like a great way to encourage players to try different parts of the game.

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magic rooster will be a lot for sure but till def be added so will all TCG mounts

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Who cares if that happens? It’s fun stuff I can earn in game or people can waste money to buy if that were to happen. I can also use tokens I bought with game gold to buy stuff from the store already. So what’s the big deal?


Everything rotates. Calm down.

Well duh. lol

I’ll admit I got overly excited and did miss those parts until they were pointed out to me. :rofl:

Ooh that would be nice.

You don’t. Everything will rotate and you can even suspend something from expiring.


I am curious about what they mean by just “doing stuff” and getting the Trader tokens.

What if they add it to the random heroic daily bonus?

Could this be the hat on butt stupid method of bringing a reason to do daily heroics again? I hope so lol

Interesting concept. I’m intrigued.

I don’t see the issue. We used to get badges for random heroics.

Swtor has this you get a lot for sub and having an authiticator on your account

This looks kind of cool, I’m interested in seeing how it works out.

Does this remind you of Cartel Coins? :rofl:


I’m honestly wondering if this is the first step towards a free to play system next expansion?

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lol i just posted about Swtor doing this first


SW:TOR is very much in your face about it. One of the reasons our group bowed out early.

Pretty sure this means that, if you resub on the 6th of a month, you’ll receive your points on the 6th of the month, since that’s the first day of the month your subscription was active.

Your Tender will be awarded the first day of the month when you do have game time or an active subscription

Maybe this is just really poorly written, but I read first day of the month as January 1st, February 1st, ect.
Maybe they mean the day you resub, but if so, they should really edit and clear up taht statement.

No. We welcome this, the world does not revolve around you.

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swtor isnt actually to bad

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Speaking of which, I just got an email like 30 minutes ago that I won the screen shot content for Taris!

So if you have a picture of Taris in one of your strongholds, I took that. You’re welcome.

(Clearly this means I’m a professional photographer)


Yep. This looks like the first step towards more mtx. Get us comfortable with free, then start adding in paid rewards.


Love me some shirtless Kul Tirans and Mag’har Orcs. Woof, slam that big mac truck in my little garage

"You’ll find T&W just outside of the Mage District in Stormwind " so your going to cram this trading post into the same spot where the Mid Summer Fire event happens? Making it laggy as all get out when that event is up and trying to do fire tossing…right good spot…not.