Introducing the Trading Post!

This is really neat! I think the only thing I have to say is, can a set of vendors find their way to Valdrakken :smiley:

I can imagine the rage when some “time restricted exclusive” gets put in there.


This feature does look promising, but until someone from Blizzard can confirm it will indeed be cosmetic only, and it won’t be an endless grind to get all the items available there, I will be skeptical about it. Are there plans on adding anything else to this battle pass, like in-game items, recipes, gear, etc? Will unobtainable mounts make a return with this battle pass? Will I be able to purchase a double XP or double token boost from the in-game store?


Because those are in wod. They aren’t putting this new feature in the Dragonflight city because that’s tied with expansion, and Orgrimmar is kind of agnostic of expansion.

Because that version of Draenor canonically no longer exists.

Developing it further would be silly.

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What I am referring too is make the dang timewalking badges account wide not character specific…every year we have events that happen that award time walking badges like the past event we just had for the Anniversary…you log in go to Chromie turn in quest and you get a bunch of time walking badges…like I said my alts and this character each have about 1300 or so of those badges but I can’t use them unless I only get them on one character enough to buy an item…I don’t do Time walking dungeons anymore due to stress …so here I am sitting on 10K plus worth of badges I can’t use.

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“Trading post” implies that these will be set up in remote places.

I’d hardly call SW and Org remote. How about you have them pop up in random locations throughout Azeroth/Draenor and tie some of the tasks to those areas?


This is a nice idea to be able to buy items from the in game shop with in game currency. Look forward to seeing what wild items are added to this to be able to buy as well.

That’s nice and all…but what about heritages armor for the other race like my poor Orc toon? Or you have abandoned that project?


How about no…Because that sounds horrible.

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Wow. This looks really good. It’s good to see that if you miss a month those items will come back around and I was very surprised and excited to see that ya’ll will be putting store items on the trading post. You guys really are doing a great job with Dragonflight. :dracthyr_heart:


This is…curious.

Very curious indeed.

Pretty much every new feature that has come out has had people saying this exact thing and none of them have happened yet so I would say the chances are about 0%.

Way back in Wrath when the first purchasable mount came out people “knew” player power was coming to the shop “soon” after.


With how much WoW feels like an indie game, yes.



Oh, if you haven’t done it already, go to the Emerald Dream portal on that Green Dragon island and watch the little interaction that basically gives us the middle finger over that seed. lol

Yep! I failed to read. :grin:

Doesn’t sound silly at all to me. I’d love this!

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Good to see something being tossed to transmog, but I would still appreciate it if you guys finally went through with allowing gear to be transmogged into shadowlands legendary items. I recall reading somewhere that this was intended to be a thing “later in the expansion”, but it never happened.

Also the new profession helmet items can not only NOT be transmogged, but they also CANT be hidden?! That’s the most ridiculous move I’ve seen so far.

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Blizzard if your going to make these trading post tokens account wide how about doing the same for the Dang Time Walking badges many of us have on alts from doing yearly anniversary and other events that don’t involve doing dungeons…I have tons of badges but no way to use them unless you allow us to combine them on our account.


No reason they can’t do both.

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no power? no interest :slight_smile:

hopefully all the collectors will enjoy this new chore lol

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