Introducing the Trading Post!

Yes yes yes…

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“Play-2-earn” and doing unemployed/untaxed labor for another player to mow their digital lawn is not the same thing.

Did you stop breathing to type that out or can you multi task?


I am going to guess the answer is no. Your account will get 500 currency per month, not your character.

I would guess the monthly task lists will be the same, but there is no way to know at this point.

The prices in the example picture in the article seem pretty reasonable. For example, it shows the celestial steed costing 900 currency.

This is confusing though:

This suggests I need to log in and send a toon over to the Trading Post to collect a cache.


This suggests it “just shows up”, and you don’t have to do anything.

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What? Lol I made millions of gold in SL just using mission tables and doing Callings

Regardless, there was always an in-game way to get stuff from the shop, or at least as long as tokens have existed.

This looks amazing. I’ve got a feeling I’m going to love this


Wow this looks really fun!

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Looks at Teldrassil. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Too soon?

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FF14 crafting is significantly different lol and where can you get a monthly credit in 14? Ive been buying all mine through their expensive shop xd

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I’m excited for this either way. I was going to play the game regardless. If that picture is anything to go by, it’ll have some nice stuff to buy with those tokens.

20 hour rep grind for mount = good, 3 hours of chores to earn gold to buy shop mount = bad?


From the article

Monthly Rotation

On the first of the month, the traders will obtain new items and update the activities in the Traveler’s Log for the new month. Items that are rotated out of their inventory won’t be gone for good though—they’ll rotate back into the inventory in future months—giving players who missed them the first time another opportunity to add them to their collections. The Trading Post will also include cosmetics from promotions that are no longer available as well as items normally available for cash purchase on the in-game store as purchasable items with Trader’s Tender instead. This provides an alternative way for players to obtain these items.


I would hope not.
It would be very lame to be essentially penalised for not having 60 characters.

Ideally it will be a once per account type of thing


Will you pay $30 for the premium trading post pass for better, additional rewards?

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I like this. It’s basically like the bonuses f2p games give you for subscribing… could it be setting the stage for that down the road?

Most people probably would.


So that’s what those dorfs were working on

So does a battle pass.

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Why are you not adding this to the draenor trading post or beefing up the garrison. It’s a great feature and something more should be done with it.