Introducing the Trading Post!

It does mention that it’ll be on rotation. So at least it won’t be gone forever.

A request: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put the warfront armor pieces in the trading post so I won’t have these incomplete sets taunting me for the rest of my days.


Nice. Something to do when you run out of things to do. About time.

This is almost a direct rip from FFXIV just like the crafting system. I don’t think this is a monetization setup but more of taking things people love from other MMOs and implementing them in WoW.

That said I’m sure if they felt they could this would be a paid battlepass just like D4 is getting.

Seems like a good idea but…

I like my post.

I’m not trading it with anyone.

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This is what dev time is being spent creating? And people are enthusiastic about it? I think that this might not be the right game for me anymore.

I remember a different type of game that I fear has been long dead without me realizing it.


FOMO isn’t inherently bad. If you’re genuinely afraid of missing out on something then you need to reassess your relationship with this game.


Ya would like to see core race heritage armors added sooner rather than later. For a sec was thinking they might eventually add them to this trading post gimmick, but they probably will want to put the core race heritage armors behind a questline like the goblin, and worgen, tauren sets. Which imo would be better, than putting them in a trading post.

Yeah, they address that in the article.

" Items that are rotated out of their inventory won’t be gone for good though—they’ll rotate back into the inventory in future months—giving players who missed them the first time another opportunity to add them to their collections."


Players can earn cash shop mounts through in-game gameplay. Why would people not be enthusiastic about it? It’s the #1 content creators #1 problem with the game and this fixes it.

The FOMO of… things you already MO’d.

The biggest ticket item on there is the Celestial Steed and that’s already something you could have gotten if you wanted it.


Why not let players use the Garrison trading post also?


This is already the case, though.

YES PLEASE, or at least let us solo queue for the warfronts already!


the portal rooms to everywhere is in Org/SW so it only makes sense from a design perspective for them to put them there too

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So should the 10.1 and beyond development team stop until a completely different team resolves an issue?


Honestly I don’t care what they rip from other games. WoW needs help to catch up. Other games offer so much more now.


I want to wait and see what the sets look like.

As a premise, this is a good idea.

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That’s a different argument than they shouldn’t be working on new content because some of the other content has problems. I’m on Stormrage and Span has been fine for me for the past week. I think Stormrage has a pretty high population.

Would be rather nice if Blizzard would finish the dang Heritage armor sets that were promised to all races…still missing quite a few sets…


Most don’t think that way. I am sure these are the people that contact Customer Support and think they are talking to a Dev Team member.

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