Introducing the Trading Post!

Remember when we said they would totally make a paid battle pass version of this and people argued with us about how wrong we were etc… I’m so glad these forums save all those posts.

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Trading post is like 75% of the reason i came back… if the paid currency thing goes through i will be greatly disappointed.


LMFAAAAAAAAAOOOOO :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Amazing. Who woulda thunk?

I’m shocked.

Shocked they waited this long before letting their ambitions loose on the PTR.

Look at this one lol

Oof. From Dec. 22nd. Not even 6 months old. Guess we’re going to go all-in on cash-for-tendies now.

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Yes, the post I quote was a reply to me saying exactly that :slight_smile:

As I said when it was announed, the whole system was being set up to monetize. I still 100% believe it wont be long until a “seasonal” battlepass is also added to wow. It’ll start as “cosmetic only”, and move to things like bag/bank space.

The whole crest system is similarly being set up to be potentially monetised. Either being able to purchase crests directly, or to be awarded crests as part of a seasonal battlepass (with crest tier skips). It’ll happen. Bobby needs a new yacht.

I have never understood this the whole idea of playing video games in the first place is being lazy.

Hopefully they wouldn’t make a battle pass system that is like 6-10 “seasons” a year and have it be almost perfectly aligned with scheduling of other games’ battle passes (like Overwatch 2 and CoD).

Modern Warfare 2 Season 3’s Battle Pass UI was also one of the worst UI menu designs I’ve ever seen. A complete failure in design unless the design goal was for you to literally battle the battle pass UI itself, in which case it definitely succeeds at doing.

Also, I don’t want a battle pass system in WoW, but I guess it’ll probably happen sooner or later. Starfield literally has in-game pre-order bonus rewards and a premium edition. A battle pass for WoW doesn’t seem far fetched these days.

We’ll probably see singleplayer games get battle passes one of these days. :roll_eyes:

Honestly I don’t really get what the big deal is. They’re all just cosmetic and everything on there is going to rotate so you will still be able to get everything for free, you know?

Some players can’t help but make a mountain out of a molehill…the Traders Post hasn’t even been out 6 months yet and we have complaints since day 1 of it being in game…

The problem is that we already pay Blizzard monthly, while they have been giving less and less content (or just finding ways to reuse old content).

Once they start to more heavily monetise they will stop adding the “good” stuff into the game for free, and all the high quality transmog/cosmetics will be paid options.

And it’s not a large stretch to go from that, to paid great vault unlocks etc

If wow was F2P supported by cosmetics it’d be one thing, but it’s a subscription product + box price for every expansion. Further monetisation is just greed and it hurts everyone in the long run.


To a collector, that sounds a bit like someone saying “mythic gear is just stats, it will be obsolete next tier anyway so who cares if its on the store?”


Do I get a prize for guessing first correctly blizz?
(yes my classic alt, made a forum character and cant change it cause “small indy developer”)

Also… I gotta do it now…

Darn I’m late to the party, ah well…

So the current discussion on the data mined trader post currency icons likely being a pay thing like gold?

More micro transactions. For cosmetics like diablo 4 shop

You came back for mounts and stuff with no use?

ok cool.

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Well I for one am glad they’re monetizing the Trader’s Post. Makes it a lot easier to quit once my sub is up.

I am not surprised they’re doing this, but I am very disappointed.

Your going by hearsay that this might happen not fact…if all it takes is for you too hear some idea this might happen and you’ll quit the game…you’ll never stay with anything then…its all hearsay so far.

but very likely, come on, let’s be realistic about this.

I mean I will stick around if it ends up not being a thing. I’m not anti WoW. I like it when games are good, actually.

The most simplistic compromise for this: Add extra tenders to the 6-months bundle. Raw tender purchases would just be tone deaf.

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Just because you don’t like the idea of it or just don’t like collecting stuff like appearances doesn’t mean others don’t.

But way to try to downplay my opinion on something bravo!

Edit: also this entire game is pointless if you think about it - its a video game meant to waste time in, it doesn’t improve your life.


Games in general have no real use. If you sight entertainment, then one persons entertainment is another person garbage and so on and so forth. Games are there as a way for people to waste their spare time, thus wasted time.

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