Introducing the Trading Post!

Nah, new stuff is cooler. :dracthyr_love_animated:

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New stuff too, but it looks like they’re doing re-colors of past gear as well. Along with re-colored mounts. I imagine they’ll be tier sets on occation from past raids.

They already stated that progress rewards will never make a return, because it would devalue the players work.
They might throw a recolor, but that would probably suck just like Class Hall fake CMG sets.
Which is a good thing. Give us new content and new items to farm towards.

Not having those items doesn’t affect you, only your ego.

Of course not but they are required for class and race fantasies. That’s the difference. We lack inGame fantasies on several levels, especially when it comes to canon colorizations or mounts which represents certain race fantasies.

There will be new tmogs and mounts to farm. Blizz specificaly stated or Ion did im not sure who, that they wont be touching player progression rewards from past. Wich is good thing. Farm sets when they are current, like current elite set that is going to be removed. You can get it today. Dont cry in 5 months when season is over that you couldnt get it. It’s a game. Play to win prestigious rewards, not pay.

I would appreciate it if you pay attention to what I write:
Why are lore-based canon colorizations locked away? I’m especially talking about Chi-/Mistweaver-based and Forsaken-blight-based colors.

Don’t you agree that there is not enough out there to justify this at all? And no, we’re not talking about the process to obtain it but the practice to store important designs/colorizations away which are part of the daily canon lore.

Sadly I have no clue what you’re talking about here.

Imagine that the Alliance/Horde-tabard in blue and red are only available to PVPers and everyone else has to wear a green and purple one. This is the reality we’re living in at the moment.

This is the problem with several items. The Mag’har heritage weapon in the same exact colorization + suited for the Garrosh shoulders is a mage tower weapon. The Forsaken’s green blight cloth/apothecary canon colors are PVP items. The WC3 Alliance plate armor is a PVP item.

In their absolute stupidity they locked standard items behind FOMO. And this is why we can’t have nice things around here. They need to undo the change for several sets and make specific colorizations available. It doesn’t help either that MoP CM sets are used by NPCs.


I understand you are bothered by this, but there’s plenty of other armors you can use in game. Literally thousands of them.

FOMO is healthy. It helps keep players active. If you participate in that challenge, fine you got the timegated reward, else there are always other alternatives for you.

Tell me this. Will you push 1800 rating to get PVP elite apperance this season? Because they are getting removed in 5-ish months.

They already stated that they wont make the return of player progression rewards. It’s like a medal for achieving something in specific season. That’s healthy and it should be like that.
Look at corrupted ashbringer for example. Its a legendary sword that only few have. I wouldn’t like them sharing that item with the rest of players because there is certain “lore” and “story” behind it. It makes players weilding it unique.

I’d suggest farm content when it’s current, that way you can get plenty of cool timegated transmogs, mounts and apperances. Leave the past behind and grind for new stuff that will eventually have its timegated “walue”.
And don’t say “it’s a game, there shouldn’t be timegated items, because it’s not healthy”. Players who participate and achieve those rewards are properly rewarded. That’s completely fair.

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There are not substitutes for the ones. Otherwise I wouldn’t ever bother bringing this up. I know 90% of the whole catalogue by my heart after 10 years playing the game and even more so after I joined RP-servers.

We don’t have enough available and this needs to change. I could care less if it’s a super edgelord item but when RP-players are hindered, then it is required to change.

I might do, but not for the elite set. I would like to get the regular mounts which are gatekeeped for the mass. Maybe I’ll tackle this end of January but I have no time to play at the moment.

Nobody cares what the incompetent fool of Ion Hazzikostas has to say. During WoD he directly said in interviews that Pathfinder is here to stay and look where we are now. He is just a mere muppet at this point, who opens his mouth and brings disaster. We both know that these items will come back at some point and when the past has taught us one thing, then persistence and being angry about wrong decisions always wins in the end.

In the current system it needs to be removed. FOMO-items need to be flashy things which glow in the dark and don’t hinder the mass to enjoy the regular lore, especially on RP-servers. Ion Hazzikostas and his foolish team takes everyone for granted, until it hits the lows of Shadowlands. And they better serve us well at this point, the customer mostly knows what’s right for the game.

Ion Hazzikostas should actually step down from his position and stay a raid designer only. We do not need people who hinder us at every turn and lack the emotional intelligence to understand their wrong-doings, which impacted the game on several layers, especially when it comes to the growth and evergreen content.

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No it isn’t lol. Because you are a “RP-er” that means transmogs should be given to you for free? :confused:

No they aren’t. You get them by playing PvP. Everybody can do it and most of saddles are still in game, others are being added after 1 expansion…

No they wont. Stop being childish. You really think Elite sets and Gladiator mounts will make a return?! Sorry to dissapoint you. They won’t. It was specifically said when they are getting removed and why.

RPers not having shiny transmogs for not playing the way game was designed, has nothing to do with low SL subs, it was the bad game and lore that caused that.

Out of 100k transmogs you want 20 that are unobtainable. And you blame Ion.

BTW go and grab that elite set, don’t want to see you spaming about it in 5 months. :wink:

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“There’s no FOMO, it will be available again months later.”

All the cosmetic stuff in this game and y’all are thinking “just a few months” if you miss it once.

Well, 10 years is only 120 months, so guess y’all are right. :rofl:

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Hey, Blizzard, you might wanna tell wowhead to stop calling the Trading Post a “battle pass” so people stop getting the wrong impression.

If I understand it correctly, there will be NO monetization with the Trading Post, correct?

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For not playing the game was designed, you say?

I just quote this one part of your nonsense post to inform you to visit the Dalaran Sewers and talk to the one female goblin, to get a grasp of reality and how wrong you are on several occasions.

Don’t post if you don’t know all aspects of the game, it would help us all to save on time. Just be glad that I honor your “free” nonsense-post. We will see if you actually take your time to check the sewers soon enough in your posting that follows.

Or maybe wowhead has info we weren’t given.

So you wont get the almost free elite set this season either and then post about it in 5 months? :frowning:

No RPing is a minority. If you use RPing as an excuse to not touch any activities ingame beside playing a waitress then thats your problem, not others. I wonder what your main account looks like i really do. Wonder if you even play this game.

EIDT: No need to attack me because i stated the obvious. Makes you look weak and dumb.

I already answered this above.

Yes, it’s a minority but the people who sustain the server regardless of the game’s status. And please, don’t talk about things you don’t have any experience in.

My main account? It’s above 25k achievement points.

I wouldn’t call this an attack but just pointing out to everyone, who knows what I’m referring to, that you’re out of your league here by making it a stubborn head-on-head bashing rally for the sake of digital items, which have no quantity limits. I take the liberty to take this option from you to pick fights you cannot win.

Point is: You would actually know that Blizzard introduced a very specific item made for the RP-community which is essential in cross-faction RP. But because it’s easier for you just to wash over the discussion, it makes it for everyone also easier to ignore you to some certain degree because you literally gave the opinion that the color of grass is blue instead green.

In short, you failed in looking something up where I gave you a specific hint and chose to ignore and put your attitude head-on into the discussion. Your shown inability for empathy and actually caring about the topic is more worth to anyone else here than what you think of me. You are not reliable for a discussion and you proved it to me and everyone who followed our banter.

Thanks for the talk but you have nothing left to say.

They’ve already done this with mounts though. Not saying that means it will happen, but they’ve devalued rare mounts that were “limited time”. As a spectral tiger owner, I know the days are limited to when that is available as well, and the challenge mode gear. Yea, maybe not in their exact colors, but I can definitely see them adding it to the trade post. There is a ton of gear on NPC’s they can use that were never available to players as well.

Ill just chill in my elite and cmg sets thank you for conversation. Blizzard wont waste any time with you anyway, since like i already stated… Earn rewards then banter about not being happy about not having them. Saw tons of posts that you made and trust me, its not going to happen.
I cant pay for sub so Ion should give me unlimited game time, because else wow will be dead! The f*** outa here.