Introducing the Trading Post!

Looks so cool!

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Thanks for this!

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Nice, can’t wait to get my swift spectral from this.

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Looks awesome! Can’t wait to try it out! :smiley:

Yet another promising sign for the future of the game. Can’t wait!

Can we buy an unlock to play ogres and tuskarr? please and thank you, lol


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Challenge Mode Gear, Weapons and Mounts. Let’s Go!

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Good change but unless you are going to let people get everything that has been exclusive and I do mean everything. Then it isn’t worth it. Let people get gladiator mounts, KSM mounts, Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal mount, any and all elite PVP sets/appearances, the challenge mode sets from mists and weapons from WoD, and any and all TCG items. Especially the Spectral Tiger.

Heck, go further. Let this be the way to skip doing tedious or annoying content in general. No one actually enjoys your bs gearing hamster wheel we just put up with it because we have no choice. This can be used to avoid it. Good. But let’s go further, if people don’t want to do Nazjatars zone meta or Mechagons, put the mount on this vendor, and let them skip the meta. Who cares. Give it to them.

Edit: I know a lot of people will hate my comment but its just how it should be. Digital scarcity, rarity, exclusivity, etc, just should not exist in any video game. Best to kill it all now even if it takes years for someone to get even 1 of the things I mentioned, it’s better than gate keeping rewards that anyone and everyone should just have.

How about a build a trading post for Raid Run sales, Mount sales, Encounter sales, etc.
The amount of scams going on right now is crazy.
Take some accountability and build a solution, as you’re profiting off the increased token sales that boosties are likely purchasing.


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blizzard is adding a battle pass to wow

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Wonder if this new currency ends up in the store, $15 for 500 bliz coins.

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you are wrong


Wondrous Tails brought to Azeroth? YES PLEASE!

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Id like a full refund for my Celestial steed please, and my head cosmetic you gave away for free on twitch for that i paid 15$ for. Thanks.


I’m not big into collectible and transmog scene, but I feel this is honestly a really cool feature to add to the game for the people that like this stuff. Also, I like that they’re adding it immediately to the PTR instead for waiting months down the road to deploy it with the first 0.05 patch.

In game way to earn cosmetics? Literally a slot that allows you to make sure something you want to save up for doesn’t cycle out? A decent chunk of the currency just for logging in every month? Sounds great to me


Im positive for ingame currency only for buying these cosmetics, but knowing Blizz and companies these days its bound to become monetized eventually.

Really Limited time transmog unlocks? So you buy a transmog and it gives you like a week of it? Idk about that man

This is nothing but a 100 percent, capital letter, “W” for Blizzard.

I like to see a way to get the cash shop items in the game somehow and this seems like a step in the right direction. It is also something else to do for casuals.