Introducing the Trading Post!

This is an amazing idea and great to see stuff that was locked away for arbitrary reasons making a comeback, especially as a reward for playing the game. Having more things to do on the side for cosmetics is a really nice system, and here’s hoping this includes things like the Mage Tower appearances.

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Seconded, I hope this shows up here, one of the many things I’m hoping crops up!


So it’s like a season pass? As long as it is just the one track for everyone and no second “premium” track gets added on top of it then this sounds amazing.

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I liked this in LOTRO; I’m sure I’ll like it in WoW, too.

If it is, i can see if being several months worth, and it will be in that saved section in the bottom.

I wouldn’t say it’s a season pass, rather subscriber rewards.

You can get a max of 1000 tender a month (account wide). 500 you get from logging in and claiming it at the post the other 500 by (looking at the adventure journal screenshot they have) by getting 1000 points (200 points = 100 coins) by doing stuff like rezing people, doing M+, raids, /love or /hug people or NPC’s. Which doesn’t seem like much effort.

Agreed. I dont mind stuff being in org but there is really no reason to go to any other city

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As long as they don’t go the way of an extra ‘paid Battle Pass’ to get more and faster…

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Yeah, I know. I said “like”. I was talking about the way you do activities and progress along a bar. Just rather than get a particular menial reward at each gate you just get some currency. Which I’m cool with. Menial rewards are garbage. (I’m basing this perception on my only experience with season passes, which is just diablo immortal)

My point was more that the similarity to full on season passes immediately made me think about the possibility of a second premium path. Which I would find extremely distasteful.

mage tower artifacts? tyraels charger? old elite pvp sets? challenge mode sets??

Fill it up with NEW things not busted old items. Old TCG and removed items are ugly and uninspiring. Looks like lots of new stuff in the picture and I hope thats what they focus on

Don’t you dare call my TCG Magic Rooster Egg :chicken: ugly…I’ll get the Westfall chickens after you…

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Don’t give me hope.

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As long as Blizz doesn’t try to monetize the Trading Post it should be fine.

Lots of old lost Transmog items and never released things like different color armor sets or unused mounts would be great. Wrath had a lot of unused armor colors like the Green Warlock T8 and lots of unreleased mounts like the Amani Style Polar Bear mount, and the 2 seater Bear mounts. Not to mention all the transmog that is no longer available like Corrupted Ashbringer

This is a good direction. Similar to what FFXIV and GW2 do. Keep it up!

I see it, I see it.

100 Trader’s Tender =1$
50 or 100 per month for normal sub, cap of 500 per month for activities.
If you pay a sub premium of $20 they increase the cap to 1000

When people get the hang of it they start selling 500=$5 cap boost packages in the shop, or they sell you the 500 coin directly in the shop, or both! Maybe the WoW token will give you Trader’s Tender!

The BP mechanics is so clear.

WoW will become a E2P, P2P, P2F, P2W game and will have a BP, it will be the glory of greedy corporates.

Okay, but what promotional material is this referring to specifically? Blizzcon events? Or expansion feature items like challenge mode items? AotC mounts? Or TCG? Because some of those things should definitely be in there, and some definetly shouldn’t.

Pros and cons for this

Pros: “So far this seem neat idea And dose not have me force to bring out My wallet, Seem liek battle pass with out money.”

Cons: “Limted time items we may never see htem until Blizzard return items”

So far it good And not too bad so far… It… Fine I guess.

I mean, when I see it I’ll be able to make a true judgement call on it b it the concept sounds AMAZING!

Hopefully this leads further to killing off fomo for good.

This is similar to something I wanted to see added for a long time, which was a login rewards system similar to DCUO and WildStar. My most realistic expectation is that it’s used to release unused tints of armor, weapons, mounts, and pets and add the complete versions of sets that have missing parts. What I actually want, though, is mogs based on lore characters like, say, a full replica of Deathwing’s human form armor, or silly mogs like pandaren elemental masks as helms and swordfish as one-handed swords.