Introducing the Trading Post!

Blizz is clearly now an indie company from the quality of the product as of late, and they have 6 employees not 15.

Dragonflight beats every previous expansion for the amount of bugs it has, and that’s saying a lot.

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I quite like the idea behind this.

I’ll say that this kind of journal/notebook tracking functionality should be expanded into the actual game mechanic parts of the game. Basically trackable and month-long “war effort” from War of Shifting Sands.

add the spectral tiger cowards

I am excited to see this. Any possibility we could see Arcanite Ripper in their shop?

Some of the comments in this thread are just cooked.


ones that where also removed

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we all know that will be added so will the magic rooster

This is pretty awesome. There is no downside to this at all, just more stuff to do. A cool idea, I hope it sticks around.

People whining about minor bugs in a great feature announcement thread is why they posted asking for feedback in the community council section instead of here. GG.

I think this is an amazing feature and fulfills that want for subscriber rewards. This is 100% a great addition assuming:

  1. The currency will NEVER be able to be bought on the store.
  2. We can carry over currency month to month, some of us may have all or most of the items in one catalog but almost none in the next.

Assuming those 2 points are kept this is 100% an amazing thing and I look forward to it. Especially the other’s tab I hope for silly things.

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Blizzard, I am on my knees BEGGING that you make Trial of Style reward the currency for this.

Myself and many others adore Trial of Style, but find that it lacks reward after obtaining the limited amount of cosmetics it offers. Linking it to the Trading Post would make it evergreen (at least for as long as the Trading Post exists), and give those of us who love it reason to farm it when it comes around.

They ignore both, but I’ll sit back and wait for the “We’ll be selling B-bucks in the store for players who don’t have enough time” announcement. This is clearly the beginnings of a skins market like every F2P MMO has

Yes! Please bliz! Please make or let’s talk about making all OLD gear/mounts accesible via this method.

With a full time work schedule it really is hard to collect favorite cosmetics, personally I would even care if it would take me 1 or 2 expansions to get the gear I like.

I will be highly amused if they toss any Mage tower skins in there.

The outrage will be indescribable.

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they are going to add all TCG mounts for sure, hopefully we get lucky and they add removed mounts like black proto and plague drake…wonder if they will add RAID mounts from people who been farming raid mounts for years as well

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can’t wait until one rare thing goes on there and people will completely lose their minds. everyone should be happy at a chance of old stuff but some will cry lol

How about old Elite PVP sets? We’ve been asking for those for years.

I dont really get why anyone is remotley excited about this.

Another system, and another currency to keep track of and subsequently will be forgotten next expansion.

Yall spent months just for the ability to gain some more mounts…yay…

Adding another 500 pets doesnt change the fact that the pick 6 system is damn outdated.

This is not a meaningful update. Id put this at the selfie camera update.

They probably want a reason to make people go back to Org/SW instead of everyone just living in Valdrakken.

I think in terms of elite PvP sets we should have a Vicious Saddle like system for them, and any sets before WoD shouldn’t count as Vicious Saddles weren’t added until the tail end of MoP.

Basically this system acts as subscriber rewards we can look forward to having store mounts up for grabs and TCG items as well. Also it’s limited FOMO because items will be rotated back. Many people have been asking for subscriber rewards (not the 6 month sub mounts) and this is it. So long as we cannot buy the currency for cash.

Also this would only be on the same level as the selfie camera if that was the only thing added for a patch.