Introducing the Trading Post!

Gacha mechanics will definitely improve subscription retention. Well done business department.

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This looks like it will be nice simple fun.

This is a Battle Pass.

Wonder how much the MTX will be.

This looks amazing and I can’t wait to see what rewards we’ll be offered. Hopefully this will also be used as another method of re-introducing retired promotion, RaF and TCG mounts/pets.

Defo testing this once it comes on the PTR!

Is this currency going to be account wide or can each character earn it separately?
Will my accounts be separate at least? (WoW1/WoW2 etc.)

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Blizzard, could you tell us if the brutosaur will be in there? I won’t be able to spend any tender without knowing that.


Yes, we need to know if this is why it’s been missing for 17 months.

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This could be a good thing I am excited to see how it plays out.

It literally says everyone gets the same, no matter how they’re subscribed.

all i know is all the mounts that get added people paid lots of money for or gold for are about to have a fit, we all know the tcg mounts will be added i just hope they add the plague drake and black drake from wrath that i missed.

8 races?
Human got 4 of them, orc got another 4, undead got 4, and night elf got 4.
So we are just waiting on… Dranei, pandaren, and trolls.

Something else DF did right. For the most part it seems like Blizz finally listened. :slight_smile: Just wish they’d bring back Threads of Fate cause I can’t find a decent place to level 50-60.

If another race can wear your armor then no it’s not a heritage set. The Darkshore sets also didn’t come with their own story, like the other races.

Also, pandas should get faction-themed sets, which is why I said 8.


You don’t know what a gacha is do you?
Card game booster packs are Gacha, this is not.

Missed opportunity to introduce a currency abbreviated to AP IMO


I love the endeavor system in ESO even though it was a strongarm attempt to get over EU gambling laws when MS bought Zenimax. While I have no idea why they are putting this in WoW, I’m intrigued.

This looks great.

This is so awesome!! Super excited!!

I feel for ya. SL got so bad i leveled my druid on herbing. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Please, I am begging you, PLEASE never let the trading post currency be purchasable with gold or real life money.