Introducing the Trading Post!

Huh. This is… actually kinda neat. Just don’t screw i tup.

As a collector, I’m so excited! WOOHOO!


Though I am curious to see what sort of cosmetic looks y’all have come up with, I don’t really see the point in this. Why not just add more costumes to the Trial of Style?

Also… the name “Trading Post” doesn’t make sense. Needs a name more like Brunhilda’s Boutique or something.

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Ooooooooh! Very interesting!
More mounts, pets and cosmetics? Make it so!

Yes it is /10char

You never know they could rotate the items and it would kinda be the sameish.

This one?


Can’t wait!

It’s just an alternative means of getting unique stuff.

Hopefully the rewards will be recurring so that this isn’t super FOMO but this could be really cool.

They specifically covered this.

This is nice and all, but let’s actually show some appreciation for once.

Every single time Blizzard posts something, it’s always “great, can you work on this instead ??? ?? ?? can you nerf this now???” No wonder Blizzard doesn’t communicate with us as much as they should.

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I sure as heck wouldn’t. :rofl:

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I don’t care what it said. I only trust what I see from Blizzard.

Blizz should consider community design contests and offer the winners on the trading post every now and then :slight_smile:

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This sounds great, and entirely unexpected. I will be honest, my first thought was oh, are they fixing work orders, but this seems good too.

Oh Look! moogle treassure trove has a new name!

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wonder how they will add Raid mounts, like the black proto drake and the plague drake back in wrath days

I was about to say that!

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The possibilities for customizable animations is my first thought. Gonna be glorious - considering it avoids predatory pitfalls.

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