Introducing the Trading Post!

As someone with exlusive content that is unobtainable now, I would see it as an absolute win if it were posted on this trading post. Mage Tower appearances, CM gear, whatever it is.


I loved the Omnibits system in WildStar. Thanks for adding it to WoW. I hope you add WildStar’s housing next.

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Like, you do stuff to earn the currency other than the monthly 500. It’s closer to Timewarped Tokens.

This sounds very cool… is gaining the currency character specific or account wide?

Looks like we are doubling down on the doubling down of FOMO. I’ll go read the article but that’s my first take.

Edit: might be actually fun - items rotate and don’t go away forever.

I second this.

I’m very excited for this feature, it sounds like an amazing addition to the game. But I’d love to see these pop up in other cities.


Said items would rotate so no missing out.

Me when I saw this:
pikachu wow gif


I’d like to see them add things like Rhok’delar as well. Since there is a feat of strength for having it there would be a way to show who already had it and who got it from the Trading Post if that kind of thing is important to someone.

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Yeah, just saw that in the article.

Actually looks good to me. Definitely trying to bump the time logged in metrics but if the rewards are good then I’m game to fluff their numbers.

You login and you are rewarded. The extra steps is you earning the other 500 tokens. That’s why I said it’s login rewards with extra steps.

Anymore insights from the peanut gallery?

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Awesome. Monthly content in my monthly-subscription-based game. Huge W and I am really excited to see this come out! Love that you can earn progress by doing the special quests or by playing your favorite content.

One thing I would like to propose: Allow professions to grant progress. Since Dragonflight came out, I’ve spent most of my time doing mining and herbalism; I hope that gameplay, along with M+, raids, and PvP, will be relevant for this feature.

Is this like a battle pass? I’ve never played game with one before. I also disagree with people who think the DF reps are battlepasses, the reps are closer to paragon reps (but actually getting rewards in the box).

i would be thrilled if either of those things were included.

Oo seems fun!!!

I agree, but you know there will be complaints about that.

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Great rendition of something similar to wonderous tales, looking forward to it.


Also it’s a little Moogle Treasure Trove as well.


Yea i was debating on moogle too, but wasn’t exaclty sure, since it’s an on going thing and moogle is every few months. or so