Introducing the Trading Post!


The entire point of this is to add something fun and potentially evergreen to the game that can be carried forward and expanded. Making this reward something that rewards player power means that then it needs to connect to and be balanced against every other mechanic of an expansion - rates of gain, class balance, and so forth.

If twitch emojis could be posted here, this comment would deserve the pepe smashing his own head in with a hammer emoji because this is such a bad take. Yikes.


Basically creating the wow NFTS at this point with all the crap cosmetics.

trade goods essentially revolve around gold, hence why I included that there’s more than enough ways to utilize gold already. Hence why they’re also utilizing a new currency for this feature too.

You already have plenty of avenues available to acquire trade goods. This is for players that are into cosmetics with limited ways to obtain said cosmetics.

:question: :question: :question:

:ok_hand: :boom:

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Good idea placing it in Orgrimmar so it doesn’t lag.

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That’s a really broad and tenuous take on “power related.” I assume your logic would lead you to gold dropping from mobs to be power related to since you can use it to buy food/pots, etc… from the AH?

For real the spot they picked in Stormwind already has cooking dailies there and in the summer time the Mid Summer Bonfire is there along with games that do with that event…

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They should of put the Alliance one in Iron Forge and the Horde one in Thunder Bluff…


It doesn’t seem like it’s going to be an AH-type feature where you’re interacting with it all day, every day. It looks like it’s more of a quest hub.

I’m not super sure why people other than roleplayers are hanging out in Stormwind and Org if they’re irritated about the presence of other people and potential lag, honestly, almost anything else you need there you can get from another city.

Hope we get some more high-quality casual civilian outfits instead of another Edgy Armor#459852

I’m liking the sound of this!

This seems to be directly addressing the promise of giving players stuff to do outside of traditional endgame. This combined with a lot of Dragonflight mini-games and features really add some much-needed depth to the game beyond raiding, dungeons, and PvP.

It also did not go unnoticed that they’re making this non-FOMO, with rewards cycling back in from time to time. Excellent!

I really like the direction I’m seeing things go right now. This to me feels like the dev team is on the right track. The team can focus on new systems like this because they’re not always slammed working on the next big-but-temporary game system (garrisons, mission tables, shipyard, artifacts, covenants). It feels great knowing that systems they’re adding to the game now are features meant to last.

I’m stoked to see what lies ahead in the coming patches!


oh i know, its just crazy how much stuff is on the market over there on that game and stuff, but at the same time if you need help people help. The community over there is soo nice

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How is everyone missing the “Freeze item” window on the preview? If there is something you really want, and you don’t think you will have time to earn the coins needed, you can just freeze it so it doesn’t rotate out. No more FOMO. Even if you don’t want to do the side objectives, just keep freezing the thing you want, while getting your monthly 500 coins, just for being subscribed. This could be one of the best features they have ever implemented. This is BY FAR more enticing to keep me subscribed over a 6 month mount special. I can pick and choose what I actually WANT.

Don’t mess this up Blizz. Keep it in-game. Don’t give the option to “top off” your currency with real money, and you have a SERIOUS winner here.


So basically login rewards with extra steps.

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i mean works well with Swtor, only that one you dont even need to log on, have a Sub and authitcator you get them sent to you no matter what

damn free mounts hell yeah!! i hope they put TCG mounts and its will be the best thing with all the salt from the cryers

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It’s login rewards. It’s cool, I like it and Blizzard gets your money when something good comes from the reward, win/win lol.

they will def add them but itll prop take months of saving

Like I said before, I hope this is why Longboi has been missing on the BMAH for 17 months and I will save every single coin thingy for months to get him.


I mean, I’m not really sure why you’d pay $15 a month for a game that you don’t log in to even once in that month, but I guess you’re right in that if people pay their sub and don’t use it they might miss out on stuff?