Introducing the Trading Post!

ya its insane i might start to stream that game as well on my twitch

Love the concept. Can’t wait for it to be added in game

Because thats kind of all theyve proven to be able to do. Still waiting on the rogue combo point UI fix that hasnt happened, over… 4 months into it being a thing since beta.

Btw, I wasn’t trying to diminish someone giving you 500m credits. I was commenting on the rampant inflation that’s going on.

says you. I know plenty of people that want to see more customization with their garrisons. They are still very relevant although presently no in canon in game with DF…

Looks like a cool concept. Can we expand it to trade goods or something like that for people not into cosmetics?


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If this stays a subscriber reward with no Premium paid version then it’s an awesome idea not to mention a standard for many MMOs…


Until Yrel arrives to convert us all to the Light and make Azeroth great again

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They’re completely different teams anyways. The performance and infrastructure guys are not the same guys as the systems designers or artists.

Now, I don’t have a problem saying “fix the lag” when they talk about fixing the World Server Down issue, but saying “fix the lag” when talking about something completely different is a bit sus.

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I’m looking forward to it, but can we expand this to other cities like Ironforge? Stormwind sucks.


Right? Would have been cooler to put it in Thunder Bluff and Ironforge.


Keeping two cities up-to-date is feasible, keeping other cities that are not meant to be visited up to date sounds like a chore. You aren’t supposed to ever go to Thunder Bluff or Ironforge - that stuff is basically legacy content.

Nah, they need to add more non-power related stuff like this to the game. There’s plenty for peeps to do that are into making gold or getting gear upgrades already.

If you look at some of the tasks (imbibe a poison do /love to certain npcs) it’s showing a little of atypical gameplay to do besides ‘kill kill kill’ that is majority of the game already.

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trade goods are not power related…they are profession related.

As someone who logs in daily anyway and has been looking for more to do with World Quests on a slow rotation I’m cautiously optimistic about this…but oh MAN do I have currency fatigue. ANOTHER new kind of currency makes me want to go take a nap.

At least the currency isn’t a baffling random pile of various trade goods in addition to Dragonflight supplies like most of the items you can get from Renown vendors. That was a really odd design choice.

Because both SW and Org are crowded as hell.

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Oooh this seems like a better version of the BMAH! I love it!

Rotating trading posts each month would be nifty, the same way timewalking vendors are rotated to localized areas. This is an incredible addition and more improvements should be made to utilize the whole world in Warcraft.

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