Introducing the Trading Post!

I love that game. But the cash shop was so obtrusive - even as a subscriber - from the second it was implemented. Only playable Kel Dor could get me back.

Poor scalies still limited to belt & shoulders even with all these transmog sets coming to a town near us?

I mean yeah it is but you don’t have to buy it with real money so it’s already better

I’ll take it, if it means more aesthetics.

Hell, tack on actual race customizations. Give me playable Dragonmaw Orcs.

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im shocked how nice people are, people give credits to people all the time when they ask for help or say they are poor. a guy once gave me 500m credits


The credit situation is out of control in SWTOR. 500m is pennies now.

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People who don’t know how software development works shouldn’t comment on it.

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B-bucks Soon™

I like it. My only gripe is I wish the trading post for Alliance should have a purple roof.

I don’t remember cartel coins ever being “in your face?” :thinking: But maybe I’m just used to the system since I’ve been playing for so long.

OMG GRATS!!! I’m still salty my awesome Makeb one didn’t win. :sob:

It’s all cosmetic though?

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You already pay 15/mo to play. You shouldn’t be rooting for new things to pay for… It should be built in as part of the game.

Profession reset?

Where it gets put into “grandma’s safety deposit box” for safe keeping? My main is and always has been a Night Elf so was truly saddened by it. So many put so much into creating a new tree/home. I am holding out that there is a great plan for it (the seed) if not this expansion maybe next. Once we get the dragons settled.


No. You only get up to 1k currency per month and the items will rotate every month. In the example the Celestial Steed (cash shop item) is 900 currency. So they are making you pick and choose what you really want for that month.

Like with most things in DF, they are making additions to the game that are long-term progression systems designed to last several months (or years) rather than quick burn systems for a set period of time.

The items being rotatable and brought back in subsequent months means there’s no FOMO, which is good!

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Maybe this actually helps with the Azure Span lag by getting more people out of that zone :rofl:

This is so good omg yes!

Thanks!! Can’t wait to get my gilded frame!

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Great news, returning content in a fun way and keeping it in game… Good news. Bring TCG Item, promotional… Etc

Well there is a FOMO element to it. You won’t know when that item you want to buy will return. What if it takes 6 months? 1 year? You never know. FOMO is involved and I’m pretty sure Blizz will exploit this by adding a battle pass skip/boost or a way to get tokens other than having an active sub or doing monthly tasks.

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