Introducing the Tinker: A Versatile New Class for WoW

Hello fellow Azerothians,

Today, I bring forth an exciting proposal for a new playable class in World of Warcraft: the Tinker. The Tinker is a master of mechanical marvels and technological prowess, offering a unique blend of utility, damage, and support.

Class Overview: The Tinker

The Tinker is a hero class that is adept in the arts of engineering and alchemy. This class is designed to offer three distinct specializations: a tanking spec, a healing spec, and a damage-dealing (DPS) spec. Each spec not only plays differently but also contributes uniquely to a group.

1. Gearguard (Tank Spec): As a Gearguard, the Tinker uses advanced mechanical suits and shields to protect allies. This spec focuses on mitigation and control, using gadgets to reduce incoming damage and manipulate the battlefield.

2. Medimech (Healing Spec): The Medimech is all about rapid, mechanical healing. Using a combination of alchemical concoctions and healing drones, Medimechs can keep their allies fighting longer. This spec emphasizes mobility and proactive support.

3. Bombardier (DPS Spec): The Bombardier specializes in explosive damage and area control. Through a mix of grenades, rockets, and turrets, the Bombardier can lay waste to enemies from afar or up close.

Playable Races:

Given the technical nature of the Tinker, this class would initially be available to races with a strong affinity for engineering and invention. These could include:

  • Gnomes and Goblins (naturally)
  • Humans and Orcs (for their resourcefulness)
  • Draenei and Blood Elves (for their affinity with advanced technology)

Why the Tinker Would Be Great for WoW:

  • Fresh Gameplay Mechanics: The Tinker’s gadget-based gameplay introduces fresh mechanics, offering a new way to experience tanking, healing, and DPS roles.
  • Enhanced Group Dynamics: With unique utility skills, the Tinker can add a new layer to group and raid dynamics.
  • Rich Lore Potential: The Tinker can delve into unexplored lore, tapping into Azeroth’s rich history of invention and exploration.
  • Visual Appeal: Imagine the cool armor sets and visual effects tailored for a technologically advanced class!

In conclusion, the Tinker would not only bring a fresh and exciting dynamic to WoW but also enrich the game’s lore and aesthetic appeal. What are your thoughts? Would you like to see the Tinker in Azeroth?

Looking forward to hearing your ideas and feedback!


Good attempt but no thank you.


Why not dwarves/ Dark Iron, Lightforged, Kul Tiran, and Undead?

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If you suspect a tinker then you will have to consider the tailor, soldier and spy.


Would we also turn tailoring, blacksmithing, and leatherworking into classes as well if we’re doing that to engineering?


yeah no already a terrible idea if you’re limiting it to those… we don’t need anymore race exclusive classes let alone BE and humans to get something others don’t again.

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Thematically, this ship sailed with bfa, just like my beloved sethrak race. It would have been a great class/race combo with diapergnomes. Now it doesn’t fit in with the theme and direction of the game

Things like this though make me wish we had player implemented ideas/suggestions like OSRS allows with the poll booth.

Who knows, tinker has been thrown around as long as I can remember, maybe with earthen?

Let’s be honest, if blizz actually made this a playable class, they’d open it up all races at this point. They are already removing class/race limitations, I can’t see them adding something so locked down.

What a new and staggeringly unique idea that I’ve never heard before!

So, did you skip the part where you actually explained what new mechanics they would have? Because it sounds like a pretty conventional set of abilities to me. (They’re tanks! They do tank things! They’re healers! They do HoTs!)

Can’t you play a hunter and engineer and roleplay a Tinkerer? I want Necromancers as well, but people always say it’s already in game as Death Knights… So the same logic sort of applys to Tinkerer, we got them. It’s the Engineer.

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Next class should be SBDs.
Silent But Deadlies
Ghostly wisps of a humanoid form that can play all three roles with only one spec.
All you need are a stun, an interrupt, a heal/leech, a damage, and a vanish.
You simply stay within the target’s hitbox as best you can, whilst there you continuously damage said target by corrupting their oxygen supply.

If there’s enough design space between priest and pallies, then there’s enough between DKs and Necromancer.

This is like when you ask your mom for McDonald’s and she says “we got food at home.”


You completly forgot about Dwarves, Undead, Dark Irons, Nightborne, Mag’har Orcs, and Mechagnomes too.

Dwarves are also great Tinkers because they builded siege tanks, and etc.

I just really want to pilot mechs in WoW in normal gameplay and not just as mounts.


Yes the first thought that comes to mind when I think of orcs is “resourcefulness”. I also see goblins as selfless charitable nature lovers and Tauren as industrialist capitalists.

Edit - In what world are the blood elves technological? They are MAGICAL. Their speciality isn’t in building things but magic that makes inanimate objects do the things gnomes use technology to build and goblins try but ultimately end up with bomb type number 82340753048734780

ngl if they give that to tinkerers if they ever come out. I hope they make tinkerers somehow weaker or otherwise less desirable then other classes. I really just don’t want to see a ton of mechs flying around in warcraft. Yes there is technology in warcraft but it’s a subtle degree that isn’t always in your face you know? If enough players feel this is the best class in the game it would become unbearable to play by virtue of breaking the atmosphere of a mostly fantasy with some light mechcore atmosphere. It would turn the mech portion of the fantasy up too high.

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What are you talking about with this? Since when are blood elves, the famously magically gifted people, associated with advanced technology?

And how do you leave mechagnomes out?

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To be fair, that sort of thing happens with pretty much every new class, at least simply because it’s new. I understand (and somewhat sympathize with) your concern, though.

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how many times are we gonna get threads for this class?


Or Vulpera or Tauren? Both of them count among them accomplished engineers. Vulpera can reverse-engineer tech in the field, and Thunder Bluff is a mechanical marvel amongst Horde cities.

Why not all the races since everyone can be engineers and everyone can pilot mechanical vehicles.