Introduce Yourself Here


I’m Intense, Guild Master of Kitty Whiskers on the Area 52 Server (NA). I began playing at the end of BC as super casual and when WOTLK came out is when I truly started playing the game nonstop. I’ve been maining Enhancement Shaman ever since. I enjoy raiding with my friends and depleting keystones. Although my favorite aspect and focus of the game would have to be the lore, quests, and of course achievement points! My wife and I created our guild six years ago after we transferred to A52 from Mal’Ganis and before that the Hydraxis server. One of the main reasons being is that we have played the game long enough to see countless guilds go inactive and wanted to create an active home and community for others to enjoy and play together without concern. In World of Warcraft regardless of if it is retail or classic, there are so many stories to tell and so many playstyles for everyone to enjoy and experience. So many of us call Azeroth home as it can be a safe and enjoyable place to escape to. We have seen the WoW community come together through a number of challenging times and it’s something I not only respect and cherish but a community and home I want to protect.

I have attended the last four Blizzcons. The event itself is extraordinary and I believe strongly in bringing the community together. I really hope we are able to get back to sharing and celebrating several days together in person at the end of each year. I also had the pleasure of touring the Blizzard Entertainment Headquarters in Irvine several years ago. It’s incredible how much work goes into the game we all love and what each team had to overcome to keep pushing out fresh content during the pandemic.

I look forward to collaborating and sharing ideas with everyone throughout our WoW Community Council adventure. I know together we can make a difference and expand upon this already amazing game and community.

Take care

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Hey there, fellow Deafie! I’m Deaf, too. Always great to see Deaf representation on here. :grin:

Also, to all the new members: welcome! I’m sure you’ll enjoy your time with us.


Hi all, I am known to some of you as Aira in the WoWsecrets/Perky Pugs crowd. I’m super into collecting mounts. Had a day one otter on login. I would define my playstyle as casual hardcore. I will spend a lot of time in legacy content for mounts I missed out on, ex: red infernal, UR (friend got hers in my 13 +2 UR run), KR, achievement mount runs (these are amazing end of xpac to gear up and knock out). Deathwing still has my Lifebinder’s Handmaiden but I remember having to learn to solo spine to finish off the raid meta. I do like questing, powerleveling, bgs . I am a certified tour guide. I have all of loremaster except northrend.

I’ve been playing constantly (with the occasional rare break) since WoD, with my first actual experience playing having been back in high school on my friends’ potato pc during vanilla-tbc (she had dialup).

Currently, I plan to do the 6 weeks of timewalking, some forbidden reach, wq grind. Will finish KSM by the end of the season. I like to collect the tier from the timewalking caches/try for infinite timereaver also.

Hello everyone!

I am Athlios from Greece. I am 43 years old of age and I play World of Warcraft since the first day of it’s release.

My history with gaming started back in the 80s with games like Karateka, Shinobi, Golden Axe, Double Dragon, Mario, Wonderboy, Hybris and more.
At some point when I was around 13-14 years old, I went to my uncle’s house and I saw he was playing a really nice strategy game with amazing graphics for the era. That game was Warcraft. I fell immediately in love the with lore, the graphics, the game play and everything pretty much.
Later on I managed to buy the game and started playing on my own PC. Continued playing with the rest of the Warcraft franchise games, with Warcraft 2 still being my favorite until today.

Around 2000 I had my first experience with MMOs and specifically with Earth n’ Beyond. I straight created my own guild and fell in love with raiding there. The raids were of 200 people size and they were a very different experience both from what I knew about gaming up to that point and from what we have now in WoW. EnB stopped it’s operation in 2002.

Since 2004 I am playing World of Warcraft with a couple of small breaks, about 8 months in total. I started as an Alliance Warrior Night Elf in Runetotem. First I joined one of the biggest and most successful guilds for that era in Runetotem, Treehugging Hippies.
After a few months there I became an officer, a main tank and by the end of TBC I was leading the guild.
Over the years I changed 3 more guilds ending to where I am today and for the past 7 years, leading Gordian Knot in Draenor Horde.

I am always playing most of classes and currently I am maining Mage and Warrior.

What dragged me in World of Warcraft was the lore and the game play.
What kept me in World of Warcraft is the lore, raiding and community.

I love you all, just because we share something we love, we stick with it even in tough times for the game, we try to present our arguments and opinions, to created a better community for a game that is entertaining for everything, for a community of friends that is a great escape from the routine of the day, and a magic world that never ends.
I would love to see World of Warcraft regaining it’s former glory. Not that it is not glorious anymore, but I do believe that the game has much to give and it’s people still have great talent and great love for it.

Thank you for having me here and I am looking forward to start putting my ideas on the table.



I’m Juel, from Wyrmrest Accord, formerly of Proudmoore (2005-2017, 2017-current). I used to PVP and raid more consistently, including getting HWL back in vanilla on a healer, but I moved to RP as I’ve grown to enjoy the story and my characters’ places in it. Plus, I can hop up and down when needed without putting people out too much like I would have in raiding.

I mostly focus on RP, and getting as much story done as I can solo when it comes to PVE. I think one of the biggest things I can get creative on are QOL stuff regarding the game.


Hi , Prismatic here.

I started back in the beginning. Ran a huge Alliance guild for Wrath, Life caught up with me took a break in Cata. I returned in MOP

My Son (now an adult) has been my constant game partner. It has kept us bonded. He is now a fan of Mythic + , his RL friends have dazzling skill … it’s a thing of beauty .

This Ol’d Fart is now having his second child hood playing Wrath. I’m in a great guild, and decked out like I was in 2009.

On a personal note I’m a OG Tech … so I will naturally try to answer gearhead questions

All this is to tell you we are having fun! Thank you for the invite.


Hi there!

I’m Tallarni, or Talla. I’ve been playing WoW for about 16 years at this point, beginning with the mid-end of BC as a teenager. I play (primarily) a worgen druid, but began my WoW journey with my hunter, Tenneiyl.

For most of my time spent in WoW, I’ve played PvE and participated heavily in raiding, dungeon content, and cosmetic/mount/title collecting. I picked up casual PvP in WoD, and dabble each season for fun. I’ll play all roles as a druid, though I prefer healing and tanking.

In recent years, I’ve turned significantly more casual in my approach to play as my family has grown but still love to participate in each M+ season. I’m hoping to add valuable feedback to discussion around players who are indeed “retired” raiders, and now play casually as time permits.

Thanks for having me! :slight_smile:


Hi there, in game i go by the name of Kerapac. I’ve been playing WoW since the WotlK era though i probably didn’t get properly invested heavily into the game until late cata / early MoP.

I remember the day i began, my rogue named Diabolum on the Earthern Ring server. i never knew how to properly play at first, my entire rotation being “Spam sinister strike” and then never knowing the whole combat system. I chose Rogue simply because of my passion for playing Rogues in Dungeons and Dragons. It was early into WoD that i learned more about the game, became passionate about the Lore and the ins and outs of WoW. Blizzard as a whole made me feel complete as i took to the games daily.

During legion i was a warlock / DH Tank enjoyer and during BFA i got more heavily invested into the M+ Side of things. During Shadowlands i started aiming for KSMs and now in Dragonflight im absolutely passionate about the keys i push. I love helping people gear up as well as helping out in high keys where i can. I hope to provide valuable feedback to the community and to the other community members on what i think could be improved in the M+ experience for the benefit of the other players.


Meowdy yall,

Imasleep here! Let’s see a little bit about myself. By day I am a father of 2 and by night and weekend, I am a demon hunter, rogue, and spriest. I started my wow journey back in vanilla as a little gnome rogue. I remember my best friend and I farming bgs nonstop trying to get grand marshal. My dreams soon came true…lol j/k I was working I fell behind pretty fast. I was really bad. I remember keyboard turning and clicking probably up until wrath.

I loved Wrath! Like a lot of other people, it was my favorite expansion. I currently play wrath classic a lot. Although a little burn from Ulduar at the moment thankfully p3 is coming! As for retail, I stopped around Cata and then came back for Shadowlands pre-patch. I must say how much the game has changed is incredible. Some were good and some I didn’t like so much but definitely a huge change. That is where I met my true love M+ and the pug factor. I played m+ pretty religiously on a handful of characters during Shadowlands. I took a break in season 4 to prep for wrath classic. I actually got so hooked I missed most of season 1 of Dragonflight but this expansion has been amazing!

I will say I do miss one thing about Shadowlands, and I am probably alone in this but RIP ashen hallow you are forever missed, my friend. I do however not miss venthyr demon hunter at all lol. Anyway, I could probably write pages but I won’t bore you all with the details. I know wow has its ups and downs but I still love this game and always come back to play. Currently looking to step out of my comfort zone and challenge myself with some of that retail raiding. I am always actively looking to make friends across all the activities this game as to offer.

Lastly, I am very excited to be on this council. I look forward to a fun year of being a part of this community and hopefully making some friends along the way. Oh yeah, and to backtrack to my first paragraph I will be happy to let you all know I don’t click or keyboard turn anymore (still a big noob tho xD). I have adapted over the years thanks to a lot of force of will. I will end this on a quote:

Gigachad out-David Harbour 2022


Hello There! I am thrilled to be here.

I am Kaylessa. Kaylessa was my first and has been my main throughout my journey from Wrath to the Dragon Isles. I started playing Wow in Jan of 2009, at the invitation of a good friend who already played. I immediately fell in love with it and have been at it ever since. I was in a great guild and much fun was had working my way to 80, Naxx, Ulduar and ICC. And I made some great friends. Every expansion has brought new experiences and story to wander through.

I truly love the lore, and buy and read all the novels as they come out. I do a bit of everything. I love to run old content for mogs, mounts and pets, I love achievement points, I try to do all the quests in the game, some pet battles, I can’t stand a reputation that isn’t maxed out, a little pvp. . .only a little, because while I love it, I’ve always been a bit intimidated by some of the folks in there. Some raiding, some mythics+, and exploring every nook and cranny of the game. Along the way I raised two kids, one of which also plays and does very well and loves the game as much as I do. I do the virtual ticket for blizzcons to always hear the announcements and see the goings on.

Things I’d like to discuss is including more class flavor (I loved what they did in Legion and I LOVED the old class questlines), storyline and lore, improving community, the state of professions, and helping out in whatever way I can offer.


Hello there, I’m Dorf!
I started playing WoW in December 2004 as a Troll Shaman on the Durotan Server. That’s still a character I play off and on to this very day. Since then I’ve played every class to max level. Currently I’ve been playing Dorf the Paladin, a warlock and the shaman.
My playing history started by playing with a group of friends that came from another MMORPG. I was mostly a 5 man dungeon healer and a solo artist from the start until WotLK. We put together a 10 man team and defeated all raids. About 3-4 months after Cata launched most of my friends had left and I wandered away from the game.
I returned about a month before the launch of Legion and wanted to get more into RP so I moved to Moon Guard. For the record, it’s a great server full of fun people. Sure, if you look for debauchery you can go to the Lion’s Pride Inn, but even just 20 feet away outside in Goldshire is full of fun and classy RP.
To get back to my Game history, I played all of Legion and drifted away during BFA launched. It just didn’t feel… right. The story was very off-putting. I found myself playing Classic WoW at launch on Bloodsail Buccaneers. Ended up raiding in a very laid back guild that ended up killing C’thun the week before Naxx Launched. Alas, I received a work promotion and had to quit raiding, thus I found myself drifting back to playing Shadowlands off and on and now Dragonflight.
My playstyle now is very laid back. I stay away from M+ due to experienced toxicity and most of my raiding is LFR. I enjoy open world activities, pretending like I am a good crafter and playing along with community RP events.
My PVP Experience is mostly classic (both original and relaunched classic) Alterac Valley and Arathi Basin. I hated Warsong Gulch because too often it promoted degenerative gameplay or I grew tired of chasing druids for hours. Currently I love Comp Stomp and I play a couple Epic Battlegrounds a month. I prefer the chaos of the big BG’s rather than the small group and 1 on 1 stuff. I’m not very good… lol.
I applied for the Community Council to give back to a game/community that’s provided me with years of entertainment. I look forwards to our future conversations, disagreements and gnome hating.
I kid, I kid.


Hey everyone!

I’m Yumuros from the Server Thrall EU and for the Classic Folks you might have encountered me occasionally on Razorfen EU as Astralos :slight_smile:

Gaming has been always a part of my life. My first Blizzard titles were Diablo II, WC III and SC I which made me fall in love with the blizzard universe.

I’ve been playing WoW since 2006 with several breaks in between. During this long journey in Azeroth I have encountered many different types of players, monsters and epic questlines.

Up until Legion, I mostly participated in normal and heroic raid content and forged still holding friendships along the way. It was during Legion that I first got started with Mythic Raid content, which made me a more competitive player. Then I learned how to raid for Cutting Edge in my current guild “Intended Failure” during BfA. I also raid more casual in classic in my time off of retail progress.

As you may see, I known both sides of the raiding scene and try to see things from both perspectives. That’s it for my raid background.

Aside from raiding, which is my biggest passion in WoW, I enjoy collecting, casual PvP, theorycrafting, and developing new strategies. I also try to help newer players understand the game whenever I meet them. So if you see me just ask - I don’t bite unless I’m using Moongoose Bite. :wink:

My classes
I’m mainly focused on the Hunter class as Beastmastery Hunter and I’m one of the few Survival Enjoyers aswell, besides that I spent some time as Shaman and Druid. That said you may have encountered me on the Trueshotlodge Hunter-Discord.

Why I joined the council

I wanted to join the council to talk about problems. So I’ll start this part here with a quote that reflects my moral compass:

It’s easy to be upset with something but you won’t change things just by yelling. Only a constructive feedback and exchange with every opinion can lead to the goal. It might not be the vision you had but atleast you may understand every viewpoint at the end.

More specifically, in my time as a council member, I want to talk mostly about PvE content, bridging hardcore and casual gamers, and like most people, class design and fantasy.

Thanks for reading,



My name is Lydess and im here to help!

I’m a Druid who loves kittys and throwing leaves at people to unkill them.

Been playing since early TBC but i had a charecter on a friends account in vanilla, but i got as far as getting rekt by murlocs in crystal lake

I’m a PVE player that loves challenging small group content like Keys, aswell as challenging solo content such as mage towers and last xpac soloing. I’m also a massive lore nerd and love to talk about interpretations of the story and having debates about whether or not various leaders in azeroth were good leaders (Antonidus was useless and he deserved what he got, come at me :smiley: )

Wows been a massive part of my life and i’ve grown up with this game as its changed over the years, so getting the opportunity to take a part in the discussion of this games direction is truly an honor and im looking forward to taking part in the melting pot on these forums.



My name is Nikisndrs and I’ve been playing since midway through the burning crusade. I mainly play retail now, though I played classic and TBC. It became a bit hard to juggle WOTLK and retail raiding. I’m one of those people who breaks the meta often in retail since I main an assassination rogue in raid and keys.

Can’t wait to be able to join in on the conversations here.


Hi everyone!

The name is Fleewood and I’m excited to be here.

I’ve been a Retribution Paladin since mid-to-late Cataclysm after a short stint doing what would now be considered Cutting Edge content as a Restoration Shaman during WotLK and early Cataclysm. My first experience in World of Warcraft dates back in the closed beta when the level cap was 40, there was such a thing as “exhausted experience”, and hunters weren’t even in the game yet.

These days I’m a semi-casual raider, collector of many things, and have a PhD in idling in capital cities. Most nights I’m either raiding or running M+ with my guild or soloing old content to complete a transmog set or hunting down pets and mounts.

I’m looking forward to joining in some awesome discussions about a game and community that has been a huge part of my life for the past 18 years to help ensure that we’re still making friends and memories for the next 18 years.


Hello everybody!

I go by Zeropulse, most of my friends who have been playing with me for a while call me Z. Most of the people I run with know me as a Druid, usually Feral but I’ve done just about everything at a Semi-Hardcore level. Lately mostly Mythic Plus and casual Heroic raiding. I am a lucky husband to an amazing wife and father to a 2 year old baby boy.

I’ve been around since the middle of the Burning Crusade and consider WoW a HUGE part of my early teen years and a very important part of my video gaming “Career.” One of my life dreams is to one day be able to go to a Blizzcon with my friends and family.

I will try to participate as much as possible in my time frame here and give feedback in areas where I feel I can provide valuable feedback or an opinion that will be polite and constructive.

I will attempt to be a voice for those guys and girls out there that have 9 to 5s with a family and maybe play 2 or 3 hours a night like myself. ( Even though I cheat because I can play a lot at work.)

Thank you very much for the chance to be here and I hope I can contribute something to the conversations.


Hello folks,

I’m Erideyn. I’m a long time Warcraft player, having my account active since about a week following its original launch, roughly? …I am also the reason you cannot emote while feigning death…so yeah… i get to wear that badge of “honor.”

In all that time I’ve touched just about every aspect of this game. I was a heavy raider back during vanilla on into WoD. Benn in and out of the RP scene. Did -a lot- of pvp up until roughly MoP? I think? I’ve been bouncing in and out of classic and WOTLK classic as well as retail. I’m a massive -massive- dungeon crawler… that might be about all i do in game these days with all these bloody alts… And… Yeah!

Looking forward to working with y’all. Let’s see if we can’t create a better gaming experience for everyone!


Yo! o/

I am Rio, WoW player since OG Vanilla, have taken breaks here and there for 6-12 months. Got into raiding at the start of Legion and pushed myself to CE and Top 100 US within my first tier, came back for Shadowlands and Dragonflight. I mainly play ranged dps Hunter, in wrath classic I play a Feral Druid however. Big lover of mounts and transmog (and rare/unique pet tames!). Some of you might know me from Heroes of the Storm :P.

I’m half tryhard half casual and I try to keep an ear out in many aspects of the game to tailor my feedback accordingly to try to find suggestions and solutions that work better for everyone.


Hi there !

I’m Nicolas aka “Zaj”, GM of the French guild Conclave des Ombres on Les Clairvoyants (EU - French). I’ve been playing since vanilla, and have been GM for something like 10-15 years.

The heart of the Conclave des Ombres is raiding (we clean up NM and HM almost every raid tier, but we’re maybe too old, with kids and jobs, to go further) and M+.

I have also tried Classic a bit during BC/start of WOTLK with the Conclave des Ombres on Auberdine :heart_on_fire:

I hope you will understand i’m not an english native so my words can be weirdly chosen from time to time :slight_smile: and if you want a little known fact I was one of the players who asked to keep the “unintended” (really?) troll warlock combination on the Cataclysm Alpha. I might have been in several wow alphas. Beware of voodoo :wink:

I mostly play warrior (fury & protect) these days, but i’ve been playing holy paladin, BM hunter and frost DK a lot, with some tries to mage, druid or chaman.

As a member of this council I will try to voice the opinions of my guild members peers, along of mines. I’m quite happy with Dragonflight so far, with mostly minor issues, and I hope we can make it even better.

I’m looking forward to working with you all.


Hello Council!

I’m Taquito, RL from Dreamwalkers, a guild formed 13 years ago during Cataclysm.
I’ve been playing this game since 2006 and currently playing retail and classic.

I have fun with any class and any spec as long as I can do group content.
I really hope I can share my point of view about this great game and help to improve the experience for all players.

See you!