Introduce Yourself Here

Hi folks!!

I’m Sixy, aka Pyxis (my favorite baseball teams logo). I’m an implant to Australia from the US of A and have been playing wow since 2004. I’ll admit, retail hasn’t been keeping me as entertained as classic has, so Arugal is my home atm!

After playing for the amount of years I have, the community is what keeps me enthralled! Even met my husband of 10 years here!
Hope to have some good chats and maybe even chat/level/giggle/pick on a few folks! Drop in on me anytime!

Thanks for reading my dribble!


Hey all!

My name is Savage and I have been playing since the end of MoP generally focusing on high end raiding. During my 10 years I worked my way up from running my first ever raid team who got ahead of the curve and was super proud to reaching guilds in the top 10 in the world (although honestly was a bit beyond my skill level so didn’t stay long). I have done mythic progression on pretty much every class at some point in time getting cutting edge on most of them. Last few years I have settled into a DK main at around world 200 rank but love playing and maximizing other classes in PVE environments.

IRL I work as a balance designer for another gaming company and got the job through a friend I first played with in WoD and play other games with friends that I have made through WoW over the years. The game helped me through some dark times in my life as a way to express my abilities to perform at something and I want to give back to the game that has given me so much.


Bal’a dash! :woman_elf:

I am Noa, a first-generation American who has played World of Warcraft since Vanilla. I’ve grown up with the game, alongside my family; my mom and I initially as Horde, my late father and sister initially as Alliance. A divided household by every measure, including a mom that ganked my father whilst he carefreely quested in Stranglethorn Vale on the opposite faction, mouthing off the quest dialogue. My father always enjoyed the lore, my mom was for PVP and plays on Classic now, my sis for social connections, and me? Everything!

Roleplay is my favorite component if I had to pick one. ‘Art with words’ as my childhood self called it (writing) has carried over into my gaming life as an adult. I appreciate the craft of writing and those who also write within the game as part of their own gaming experiences.

My role on the council is dedicated to my community below and my late father and his love of art with words, in addition to the lore. I can remember him writing my stories for me when I was too young to write properly. Instead, I illustrated the pages of my ‘novels’ while telling him what to write. Then I would sell said storybooks on the beach for a whopping 50 cents to bypassers. An extra 10 cents for my autograph on the stapled storybook. They probably didn’t think much of it, but it meant the world to me. Thank you, Dad. Your advocating for my writing has created a life revolving around character and world-building developments.

I represent Moon Guard Alliance and specifically the Quel’dorei community. High elves have been a significant part of my headcanon for my characters since we could play blood elves. To say I loved them in the previous Warcraft games is an understatement, and I look forward to bringing that passion here.

Offline, I work in commercial real estate and can use the aforementioned ‘art with words’ within the industry. In such a structured, corporate atmosphere most of the time, Warcraft has been my gateway to much-needed chaos and freewriting. Through player-created experiences and a robust storyline campaign, it has created a personal balance for me. I owe the RP community for such a balance and a fantastic time overall in a world we enjoy.

A mission of mine is to showcase that roleplay is as valid as other game types. The time between patches? We are here! The time between expansions? We are still here! We create a living world on our servers that is enjoyable to be part of or entertaining to watch as a non-RPing bystander, and I wish for us to be seen as valid. Roleplayers are also gladiators, AOTC raiders and content enjoyers, just like everyone else here. Each of us is valid in the reasons we love this franchise and I aspire to deliver that balanced mindset within the Council.

Shorel’aran, friends! :sunny: :dove: :herb:


Heya everyone!

Safeguard here! All-around player who’s been playing WoW for the last 14 years. Dabbled a bit with it during Wrath => MoP but didn’t play “for real” until the end of Warlords of Draenor.

At the start it was mostly getting to know the game and world content but I started doing M+ during late Legion and my HC raiding days began in BfA. Nowadays, I do decently high M+ (16-20) and pug HC raids with my protection warrior (Safeguard) while doing achievement/mog/mount collection on my monk (Compassion).

Been having a blast with professions, world events and the new updated Renown system in Dragonflight and looking forward to see what Blizzard has to offer during this and upcoming expansions

I also joined up the Classic era when it went into Wrath as I wanted to experience its end game. Been having a blast going through leveling, getting my professions up and doing 10-man raids with my guild. The long awaited dream of doing Lich King on 10-man HC will soon come!

See you around!



I’m Irli, or Frinata as my widespread online identity is, and I’m happy to be welcomed apart of this council!

I’m most versed in PvE, and RP, with some PvP understanding sprinkled in here and there, as I try to engage in the major cores of the game.

Currently, I’m mostly focused on the first two, though if I had to grade them, it’d be RP first and foremost.

My reasoning for joining the Council was for that very reason, as RP in a true sense, has been, as I feel, a struggling side of the game’s culture and management.

In an MMORPG, people focus on the meta side of things, which I absolutely agree with, there is no fault in that, but I also feel that people tend to forget the RPG side of things, and what the RP could extend to. In this sense, I’m talking about making stories with others, assuming the role of a character you designed, and ‘living’ out that life.

Aside from a YouTuber that I know, the public reception and perception has been tainted by a certain location, and I hope to help disspel that this is the norm, and become a voice for those who truly care about such a craft


Hello everyone I am Dorranor!

My cousin got me into the game way back in wrath and I have mained a night elf druid since. I’m big into helping new players find their footing and making friends with others to play and hangout with!

I mainly quest or do battlegrounds and dungeons in my free time. I also love exploring the wide world of Azeroth and beyond and seeing the little details of the game.

Im hoping to use my position on the council to voice the opinions of the wider wow community about subjects they feel are important as well as my own. I’ve always looked up to the council and it’s members and look forward to seeing everything that comes from it moving forward.


Hey all! I’m Zarolya!

After reading through the majority of everyone’s introductions, my WoW resumé is lacking.

My first introduction to WoW was back during Cataclysm, but I was fairly broke in those days, so my time to play was minimal, and I was never really able to delve into it as much as I would have liked. I eventually had to sell the computer I was using, and was unable to touch it for years.

Finally, a few months after BFA launched, I purchased a laptop with the bare minimum specs required for this game to run, and this was the ONLY game, I had downloaded, because, even though there was a break of several years, I just wanted to be able to play again.

My time to play is still minimal, so I fall heavily into the “casual” category. I’ve never touched a raid, just started pugging dungeons within the last year, mostly so I could unlock Allied races, but more recently to try and keep up on them and understand the mechanics a little better.

I applied to the Community Council because I feel like those of us who are solo casuals and don’t have a lot of time to set aside for raids, let alone gearing up for the raids, don’t typically get a lot of voice in games like this, and, while I understand I’m far from the only casual on the Council, I think it’s wonderful to have the opportunity to be one of the voices of the many solo casual players in game.

I look forward to chatting with you all and getting to know everyone!


Branches here,

I started playing back in Burning Crusade as a mage, up through the end of Wrath. Came back in MoP and have been an Rdruid main since 5.4. My time is spent in-game is either collecting mounts or healing in higher end PvE content, both M+ and Mythic raid. Since the inception of challenge modes and m+ I have enjoyed the challenge of healing 5 man content. Raided semi hardcore for a while and earned my first CE in Nyalotha.

Gonna keep this short, but I hope to bring a voice for the often overlooked healer mains out there.


Well Met! I’m Hash(I know my full character name is Hashtagyolo, but it was 2013, I was in high school and it was trending on twitter, a bit outdated).

As mentioned above, I started playing in 2013 during the Throne of Thunder patch in Mists of Pandaria. However, I really began in 2004 as a child who eventually had to be disconnected from the game as I’d wake up at 6am before school to play every day(got to level 52 on an undead priest).

Currently in the game, I am the GM/RL of The Meme Team on Stormrage-US as a Cutting Edge raiding guild. I also enjoy m+ a lot and think it is single-handedly the best addition to the game since Flexible Raiding in patch 5.4. Just for perspective, I have already completed over 60 dungeons of the 10±keystone level this season.

Outside of PVE content, I am a hopeless collector thanks to the All-The-Things Addon. I even have the sickness of wanting to collect every item ID that a priest can wear vs just the appearance. I hope to also one day be able to have every achievement in the game and that is a constant grind.

When there’s people to play with, I also play classic and have been loving the hardcore challenge. Classic has given me the ability to see the older versions of the game that I wasn’t able to due to being too young and addicted too early.

WoW has allowed me to make so many friends across the US and the world that I otherwise would never have even known existed. I look forward to providing feedback and contributing to the betterment of the game with everyone.


Hello all, the name’s Volneiros, but I’m generally known as “Vol.” Unlike those with an impressive resume, there’s not much to my name, but I’m happy to be here all the same. I applied under the banner of accessibility for the deaf and hard of hearing since I’m a deaf player, having raided Mythic difficulty and ran Mythic+ keys with deaf guilds.

When I’m not raiding or doing M+ on a casual basis, I’m collecting mounts, toys, titles, profession recipes, and what have you in my spare time. Playing through old content and doing old epic questlines is another thing I find myself doing. One thing I really enjoyed was preparing for and doing the Herald of the Titans achievement, and would like to see more flavors of this in the future.

With all that in mind, I hope to contribute feedback regarding accessibility as well as how we can make in-game rewards more rewarding and interesting other than the Big Four: mounts, pets, titles, and toys.



Since the beginning with Orcs vs. Humans and then the beta of vanilla, I have been enjoying many aspects of WoW. It took a while to find a guild I could call my first home back in Vanilla, mostly because friends wanted to play Alliance, and I went shaman all the way!

While I raid led from SoO through BofA, my wife would sit near me and be laughing and enjoying her time in WoW… learning to roleplay and joining Redwood Tribe on ED. Being a writer myself, I wished I had time to join her on story night or these D20 adventures she would try to explain to me. I played tabletop games, it sounded fun.

Finally one night, I went to the weekly meeting, creating a new toon, Lohkawas Wildmane, and meeting an ominous Warbrave that said Hi after the meeting. I said “Hello.” And was invited to a new World of Warcraft.

Two nights later, I was standing in front of a small group making up a background story on the spot of how I met my mate (and IRL wife) Mokalyn. We still raided, so I didn’t have to give up what I enjoyed, and as an RP-PVP server, I learned to escape danger whether on my shaman or monk. As a healer, escaping a 2v1 or 3v1 after a long chase is a win in my book. Three alliance chased me across two Kul Tiran islands for 18 minutes one time before they gave up. A proud victory for a mistweaver!

But then came classic. Several of us as junior officers took on the challenge of starting Redwood on an RP-PvP server. We opened it up to multi-race and on the 3rd night led a mighty group before Thrall to pledge our allegiance and then raced out to Ashenvale to slaughter what alliance we could find. We were joined by several others as we marched from Crossroads to Razor Hill for a rally, to Orgrimmar, and then to Ashenvale.

It took me 50 days game played time to make lvl 60 in that first year… What can I say… there was a fresh world and a story to tell and roleplayers that wanted their voices and stories told.

By now, it should be clear that the RP community is my focus. I’ve got a newspaper online detailing the adventures of the server as best as I can get to events or catch odd happenings. We have produced huge cross faction server events like Grobbchella and Burning Grob and during Covid gave out diplomas from all the major cities to graduates on both Horde and Alliance for those that did not get to walk. I made certificates with pictures of their home city and sent a copy to each graduate.

And despite the pain of layers and the transfers that have no respect for RP, we continue to add a flavor to the world that makes the experience unique and deepens their own connection to the game, whether they have played a few weeks or several years.

Sorry for the long intro, but I would not still be playing WoW if it were not for Redwood Tribe on ED and the amazing role-players on Grobbulus. I still love to raid and pvp, but the story of Okwaho, Lohkawas, Leidolfr… those journeys are my own to tell, not scripted, not the same as anyone else’s that is called Hero or Farseer by an NPC…

It is unique and amazing to live in a world where RP can flourish.

Hope I can help breath life into RP for others and encourage folks to add some depth to their characters… and bug some folks to hasten transmog and more toys to us in classic! (my bags are full with RP sets, PVP Set, Healing Set, and DPS set) Please, I beg you!!! Have you ever seen a Shu’halo cry? Of course you have… at Great Mother Hawkwind’s funeral! … Oh wait, that hasn’t happened yet for us in Classic!)

Thanks for extending the invitation to this community and already seeing a familiar face has made this a new home.

Mu’sha watch over you,
~Okwaho Redwood
Sage and 2nd Chieftain of Redwood Tribes, Warlord of the Horde (yes, I earned this title slinging Dwarves around by their beard in AV), Seer of the Earthen Ring


Goodmorrow and Darkest Greetings, fellow adventurers!

I’m a little late on the introductions here, as I’ve been fairly busy IRL, but I’ve taken care to be as active in the Discord as I can.

Most of you know me as the resident Blood Elf and Venthyr enthusiast. I run two long-standing and well-established RP guilds, and run and contribute to several Moon Guard Server Projects over the last 7 years.

My main goals are to cultivate and celebrate immersive game-play. Not just for RPers, but for RPG-enjoyers alike. Warcraft at its core is an experience you want to feel yourself getting lost in, where time can not only get away from you, but is also fulfilling.

I’ve been playing World of Warcraft since TBC, and have been an avid fan of the IP since Warcraft II. I’m heavily enthused and inspired by the stories and characters that became fleshed out in Warcraft III and hope to help cultivate that same enthusiasm for characters introduced in World of Warcraft.

I have several articles I wish to put forth that can help not only the Role-player experience, but to help casual players feel a more lively world.

Seeing the cultures of the races expressed in new and unique ways, experiencing more visual story-telling, and allowing players to interact with the world in a more seamless way through accessibility options and access to areas they usually cannot interact with.

When it comes to RP, my philosophy is Always Be RPing! You are the best contributor to the world and when you’re out there and public and approaching people at random, you help keep the world alive. The best advertisement for any RP guild or project is to be seen and to be active!

I not only RP, but enjoy casual PVP, AOTC Raiding, Achievement Hunting, Mount Hunting, Secret Hunting, and Transmog Hunting.

My deep love for the Lore of Warcraft has lead me to seeking out the secrets of its universe and avidly speculating with my fellow Lore Enthusiasts.

I hope to bring a voice for the little niches in the world one does not usually pay attention to, but help the world flourish in a big way.

May the Shadow of the Eternal Sun guide you,
Solareth Dawnseeker


I will speak my piece.

I am Mistmoorex, mostly known as Mistmoore, the x is because this isn’t actually my original Death Knight but my second one. I had created this one to play Horde with friends in <The Remnant - Firetree> and was a Blood Elf for many years. But now I am back as a Worgen and very grateful for it. I’ve played WoW since vanilla getting more and deeper involved in the game as time went on. I’ve Mythic raided since Legion and have gotten Cutting Edge each tier from Jaina through Raszageth but I took a bit of a break this tier. In addition to raiding I generally also complete M+ achievements to unlock up to Keystone Master or Hero and relevant portals each season. And occasionally I’ll pvp to unlock the elite set. I dabble in each of the big tentpoles but overworld content is my absolute favorite.

I am a collector at heart and love collecting mounts and transmog before all others, though I do go for toys, pets and achievements as well. Leveling can be a lot of fun for me too and I have a multitude of Death Knights and a whole lot of others at 50+. I really enjoyed crafting early on in this expansion but that tapered off along with the demand. IRL and my work has necessitated less playtime lately than typical for me so I haven’t gotten to engage in the amazing return to Naxxramas and similar features that have been added but I am very excited to do that. Being on the council I hope to advocate for collectors of all kinds, with all different playstyles, so folks can engage with World of Warcraft however they love and show off how awesome they look. I’m also an unabashed Breath of Sindragosa enjoyer and hope to see that playstyle return to favor soon.

You might also consider me a lore nerd, despite being Stumped by Sean for second place in Stump Sean Episode 3. I absolutely love engaging with the story and have a lot of fun with the comic book style storytelling of the warcraft universe. I have attended 7 Blizzcons in the past. From 2013 through 2019 and it is regrettable that I’ve been priced out this year. Maybe next year?

Despite my brief game show appearance and joining you fine folk here I am not a public facing person and don’t stream on Twitch aside from the occasional raid night for historical purposes or post to YouTube or have any active social media. You’ll find me here, on Discord, or in game only. I look forward to getting to know you all and for us to provide a voice for the community so World of Warcraft can be more fun for everyone.

Suffer Well.


Hello everyone I’m so excited to be here! I’ve been apart of WoW since the end of wrath. I’ve been playing this same priest since then! I love the priest and it’s always the class I play as I can not seem to get away from the comfort.

I’m really hoping to get to know more people by being a part of this!


Im excited to be part of the community. Iv been playing casually since vanilla WoW, Iv raided and Pvp’d with PvP being my main focus. Im excited to really hear about PvP changes and hopefully can give some insight into the scene as well. I love WoW, see you in Azeroth!


Hello my fellow council members,

I’m Admoria, a main guardian druid player from EU. I bring experience working with several guild in terms of organizing events like archivment runs, transmog runs and so on. I also am an officer for a few years at Schwerter der Nacht (Swords of the Night).

Personally I enjoy collecting mounts and archivments, tracking down and figuring out how to do things and sharing this knowledge with my guild mates and friends. I love a good raid and learning the mechanics of it as a tank as well as a dps player. The occasional M+ is also present, since there is a mount to earn and gear to be obtained :).

What I hope to contribute to this council is insight into what can be done to make the game enjoyable / more enjoyable. Also I would love to provide feedback and suggestion on ideas that the devs maybe present to us. All to make the game enjoyable and easy to get into.


Warm wishes everyone! I am Ziffy of Emerald Dream. I have played wow since Burning Crusade. You may have seen me in the arena or out in the world before, I have been enjoying the mythic plus scene this patch, but my greatest experience is in pvp/world pvp. I hope to take this opportunity and bring my perspective to this great Council and create positive dialog within the community regarding PvP and World PvP : )


Hello, my mains name is Shaddam (Dune reference) and I have been playing on Bleeding Hollow since November 2004.

Over the last 18 years my playstyle has changed as life changes. I used to do hardcore raiding and occasionally enjoy some Heroic and Mythic raiding.

I spend most of my time playing alts or working on collecting mounts and doing Xmog. I am currently active on 3 servers both ally and horde.


My name is Fusur, but some of you might know me as Minso and I’m part of the elite Shado-Pan. I began my adventures during the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. I used to have a hardcore approach in the past, but nowadays I’m more of a casual player. My current focus lies in world content, roleplay, and assisting new players by answering their questions. I also post extensive feedback on the brazilian forum. I’m not a fan of engaging in instanced game content (except for the first time to explore).

Sometimes, i need to eliminate players who are interfering with the operations of the Shado-Pan throughout the world.


Hey all,

I played Vanilla through WotLK and into the beginning of Cata back in '04-'10 then took a break before getting back into vanilla wow in '17. I am currently an officer in SF (formerly SPACEFORCE) and enjoyed speed running (#1 NA Horde Naxx) and competing for world bosses throughout Classic Vanilla before taking the foot off the gas a bit for TBC and WotLK classic. I currently raid with a number of retired speed runners in our OG raid. I also raid on Classic Era with OKAY BOONER since earlier this year as I started to get the vanilla itch once again.

I am certainly a (mostly) Vanilla enjoyer and most of my input and commentary will be focused around that version of the game.