Introduce Yourself Here

Hello Everyone !
I am Kiwi but ingame i go by Hanfuhr (Because Kiwi was taken) I reside in Germany.
Im still an avid player from the good classic days, though this would be my 2nd account ive ever used as i lost my first ever account year and years ago

Im here to have a good time and enjoy the community ! Thanks for the invite and i hope our time together is pleasurable !

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Meowdy, y’all!

I really can’t even begin to describe how big of a deal this was to me to be picked for the Community Council. It’s actually better than opening presents on Christmas, not even lying. Happy to be here o7

That said, I go by Omni in guild and in most other areas online. Omnithic on Area52 (who I’m posting on) has been my main for at least the past two expansions, made the transition to them during Battle for Azeroth. A lot of my time in WoW is focused on guild leading, maintaining our community of raiders (Because to us it’s just not a guild for raiding, honestly) and focusing on PvE content in WoW. The goal is always Cutting Edge and to farm it, and our members have mixed goals for how we treat M+. There’s a lot more than that in our guild too, from theorycrafting to being analysts for higher end guilds.

There’s a lot of aspects of WoW I love and feel involved in, from the competitive nature with high-end raiding to even just farming as many herbs or ore as I possibly can and having fun with the revamped professions. Oh, and Transmog. I pass up upgrades in my vault for rare transmog and I’m not sorry about it.

I think it’s easier to exclude what I’m not very interactive with, and that’s PvP. I don’t hate it, I just hardly have the opportunity to dive into it unless there’s transmog for the season I insist on having.

I honestly really, really look forward to participating in this council with everyone. o/

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Hi there!
I am Sha from Magtheridon, currently residing in the guild Anje! I have been playing since MoP, but only started setting foot outside of collecting/lfr/legacy content in Legion. Nowadays I am devoted to the PvP life while still dabbling in occasional raiding and collecting old appearances and items.

I am not a hardcore forum extravagant but do like to advocate for my Shaman brethren in having positive changes for the class! Now that I’m part of the Community Council I will try to give good input on the parts of the game I have knowledge in, and hope to have a good year with the host of content to come for Dragonflight.

Cheers, Sha

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Hola! Cómo están ?

I’m Mokenuf from Ragnaros (US) one of the spanish speaking latin american realms in World of Warcraft. I’m from Argentina and I’ve been playing WoW since 2007. I’m a Healer who mains Resto Druid and I focus on Mythic Raiding with my own guild “Hair Recovery” it’s my favourite form of content, sometimes we get Cutting Edge, sometimes we don’t.

I’m also a partnered Twitch streamer and enjoy a lot of English speaking WoW content through content creators or fansites like Wowhead. I like to keep my community informed, I cover the Race to World First, I share wow news, datamining, alphas and betas and information I get on English speaking content creators and sites with people who don’t speak the language and might be missing on some great info and insight.

As a member of the Community Council I want to be a link between the Spanish and English speaking players of the world I think we all can learn a lot from one another.

I hope everyone is enjoying Dragonflight as much as I am. Nos vemos !


Greetings from the lower parts of Europe, AKA the Netherlands!

My name is Cyrios and I forever main a Druid (and for a while also a Priest) on Sylvanas EU, I’ve been playing this game since vanilla WoW and through these years I’ve been switching game styles from Hardcore to Casual ect.

I enjoy lore and story, raiding, M+, leveling and out door content and give feedback about class and specc balance for PvE, which are the subjects I will focus on in my year on this council the most.

During my time in WoW, I’ve been a raidleader/GM/officer in almost all of my guilds… something something control freak, I guess? :joy: Anyway, it is a nice combo with me being a Social Worker irl and sometimes I do use my profession in game, social interactions are quite interesting to me.

Now, with that out of the way, I would like to thank Blizzard for this opportunity and I look forward engaging with you all about the game we all love.

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Hi! I’m Kass from Tichondrius (US). I consider myself a jack of all trades when it comes to WoW, and I have been playing since Vanilla. I am a CE raider who enjoys M+ and in the downtime between patches I like to focus on collecting everything.

I am a healer main that has played priest since TBC, and since SL I have been dabbling in some more FotM specs like Resto Shaman and Resto Druid.

I am excited to provide feedback and ideas for the game I am most passionate about, and I am also excited to hear what players who enjoy the game in totally different ways from me have to say.

Thank you for the opportunity and I look forward to working with you all <3

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Hello all, this is Hailo, and I am a paladin tank for my guild’s 25m team and raid lead for 10 player content. I’ve been playing WoW since TBC was new. I stopped playing partway through Warlords of Draenor. When Classic launched, I started over again and experienced the first raids for the first time.
My focus in the game is raiding, and playing with people I enjoy. The friendships I’ve discovered in the game are important to me, and I will play as long as they do.
I am excited to provide feedback about my experiences in classic, and help classic continue to thrive into the future. I also want to learn from all of you who have figured things out that I haven’t yet. I want to share my knowledge and experience with you, and hope you will all do the same.
Many thanks to you all!

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Hey Everyone!

I’m Rydragon. Proud member of the Zeroes to Heroes Guild/Community, currently a member of the Horde, but have much love for my buddies on Alliance :slight_smile: I started playing WoW at the end of TBC and begun my full journey through the beginning of WotLK, I’ve always been a warlock fan at heart but currently enjoying soaring over the Dragon Isles as a Dracthyr. Always been more of a raider as my reaction times are a little too slow for PVP, My goal for most raids is at least cleared on Heroic, although I do dip my toes into some Mythic content here and there. I am really looking forward to contributing in any way I can to the council. My goal is to help players of all experience levels.

See you in Azeroth and the forums!

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I’m Syphaa, a holy priest and raider for the guild Kryptic on Frostmane. While I have a few memories of playing during vanilla, I mainly started playing during TBC and really jumped into the game co raid leading during WOtLK. Iv played most of the expansions since then, taking a break in MoP and BfA for schooling purposes.

My heart has always belong to priests, starting Shadow in TBC, then to Disc and ultimately going full time holy starting in Legion. My main focus is raiding, enjoying the push and the satisfaction of getting the hard bosses down while making ever lasting friendships with a second family.

I look forward to providing feedback in order to help strengthen my second home!

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Hello all!

I’m Bip, an Alliance Warlock from Doomhammer (formerly “Laghammer” back in vanilla). I am a forty year old father of two young boys who keep me on my toes and create an interesting raid-night juggling act during bedtime routines. As it comes to gaming and PC life, I dipped my toes into MMOs back in the FF11 days but when WoW was released I dedicated all my time to the Vanilla grind life and have never looked back.

I do casually stream for guild members and friends that are interested in the game play and certain fight mechanics.

As it comes to WoW, I am a Mid-Core AotC raider and officer for my guild Night Renegades. My primary role is recruitment but I assist with raid leading, PR and guild maintenance. I am also a major alt-oholic, with multiple warlocks ready for the 60-70 grind, and at least one of every class. I will grind a few old raids/dungeons for mounts but I am enjoying the availability of fast-paced rep for alts in Dragonflight.

When it comes to the Council, my primary interests are based around my guild responsibilities and the inherent complications that come along with it.
-I would love to see Blizzard create a cross-realm guild recruitment application. I primarily use the Blizz forum, recruitment, GuildsofWoW and a few other similar sites but an option in game would be a life saver.
-Low population server economy and options to rebuild gold income for the average player. I will admit I crafted more bows for a vendor than I ever want to see again but the complications of a server restricted crafting system with region wide stable material cost is something that is not something I feel is benefitting the small fish.
-I would also like to contribute and try to assist in server growth potential options.

I am very excited to have the opportunity to assist in community growth, game solutions, community feedback and to help voice the opinion on the basic player base.

Great to meet everyone!


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Hey there Everyone!

I am Acelocke, a Death Knight on Sargeras. I have been playing mmorpgs as my main game of choice for the past 21 years. I never seem to get bored of trying brand new mmos, but I find that the ones I tend to stick with the most is because I find some like-minded people who I can have a good time with. I have always enjoyed collaborating with people and getting bosses dead.

I look forward to collaborating with the other people on the council and hope we can make some positive changes.


Howdy all!

I am Kazureseth, an evoker on Moonrunner. I have been an avid WoW consumer for many years and consider myself dedicated to being casual. I love the Warcraft story, class mechanics, and exploration that comes with adventuring in Azeroth and beyond. I have recently started my own guild with a few friends and look forward to pushing M+, and maybe one day getting AOTC.
I am looking forward to talking with you all and making WoW the best it can be!

Hello Everyone!

I’m Ariadne, a long time mage and GM of on Moon Guard. I’ve played since Classic, taking a break off for a few years to pursue grad school, and returning in BFA to collect battle pets, achievements, and raid/mythic fun with a group of absolute scoundrels. I’m really excited to help encourage positive change in the Warcraft community as well as get to know all of you!

Hey everyone, I’m excited to be part of the council Hey everyone, I’m excited to be part of the council.

I’m reletively new in terms of Retail WoW only started back up just before the Shadowlands Preparch event but have been playing since. (Last notable time playing WoW prior was from launch of WoW up to the WotLK)

I played classic from launch up until TBC launch

I have the most experience in PvE content & leveling alts.

I’m most focused on getting more rare mounts, continuing to build up my achievements and eventually working on Ahead of the curve.

Lastly I imagine I’m going to talk about the new/newer player experience/perspective and how things might be able to continue to be improved on :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi everyone, lovely to meet you!

I am Fyreswrath, my main and one of probably 33 (ish) destro locks. I have been playing warlocks since I started just before BC so I might be a bit lock biased :wink: WoW was my first experience of an MMO and remains my favourite. When asked my most memorable piece of loot was my hubby when we met in game, and we’ve been married 14 years now (mage and lock combos make a great team). We both raided heavily back in the day but now I’m more into casual gameplay; transmog, mounts, achievements and battle pets. I adore alts and they are spread across about 7 realms in NA (plus a few on the EU). I am particularly fond of sharing artistic aspects of the game and showing people other ways to see and enjoy Azeroth. As an older gamer (61 this year) I think it’s important to demonstrate that everyone has a place in Azeroth, and everyone sees and enjoys this game differently. I hope I can bring my perspective to the forums.

Thank you for having me here, it’s an amazing privilege.


Hello, I’m Exaltys. I’ve played WoW on and off since Wrath and then since Legion to current consistently. I’ve only started actually raiding and participating in “endgame” PvE content (M+ and Raiding) since the end of Battle for Azeroth. I enjoy mog and customization mostly. I am an eternal Paladin player and only really have my paladin Exaltys as one that I have played any real content with.

As for what I think is important to be talked about, I think that player options and quality of life are the very important aspects to the game.

Hello everyone! I’m Eriendra! Ive dabbled in the game since mid wrath but didnt start to fully play until end of Cata and beginning of MoP. I would call myself a very casual player who just enjoys their time experiencing everything the game has to offer on some level. I usually spend my time out in the open world, be it questing or just flying around finding neat little spots, but only this expansion have I started to get more into the mythic dungeons with my guild! I hope to offer my own perspective and eye from a casual view and look forward to seeing what everyone else has to bring! :smiley:

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Hello everyone. I am Linnai from Whisperwind. I play all specs of Paladin, though Holy and Prot are my favorites. I am the Raid Leader for the guild Night Wraiths that contains folks from both the Whisperwind and Dentarg servers as they are connected. We are not a CE guild, but we do shoot for AOTC every tier. We have gotten AOTC this tier and are always looking for more people to join us.

Personally, I have been playing the game since Wrath, though I did skip MoP as irl things got in the way of me playing that expansion. I focus on PvE content exclusively, though I did do a bit of PvP in WoD with some friends of mine.

I hope to contribute more discussion to Paladin changes in particular, but think I have enough broad knowledge of other classes and specs to be able to contribute meaningful, objective input.

I look forward to discussing with all of you about this game that we all love to play and for it to continue to be something that we all enjoy.

Hello there, adventurers!

In our little realm we call home, I go by the name Lochton on Argent Dawn EU/Wyrmrest Accord (Of course a longer name as I focus on roleplaying). I am commonly a Paladin (Prot/Holy) Horde or a Rogue (Outlaw) on Alliance - Yes, two mains.

I am a guild leader of Alliance Salvaging, as well as The Light Watch Order. Both guilds in question are operating within the topic of roleplaying. I do my part in making events or campaigns, or commonly, RP’ing with others too.

My main focus in the game is roleplay, lore, stories, environment, collections, and of course, world PvP. I used to be a Normal/Heroic raider.

For me, the adventure started at the launch of World of Warcraft, where I started playing on US servers before changing to EU servers when The Burning Crusade released. Ever since then, I have been enjoying each little point of adventure, of course, our adventure has had its ups and downs.

I hope to offer my views and opinions on topics of interest, and participate in the developing talks, and hopefully, grant some useful input.

Thank you all for being glorious!

Hope you all will have a good morning/day/evening/night!

Hey y’all! I’m Lavenderhaze, your friendly neighborhood purple dracthyr. I’ve been playing WoW since 2015, and while I’m not a Vanilla veteran, I do think I offer a lot of insight in terms of how new players navigate Azeroth, addressing plot holes, and accessibility. I look forward to providing feedback as needed this year!

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