Hello there, adventurers!
In our little realm we call home, I go by the name Lochton on Argent Dawn EU/Wyrmrest Accord (Of course a longer name as I focus on roleplaying). I am commonly a Paladin (Prot/Holy) Horde or a Rogue (Outlaw) on Alliance - Yes, two mains.
I am a guild leader of Alliance Salvaging, as well as The Light Watch Order. Both guilds in question are operating within the topic of roleplaying. I do my part in making events or campaigns, or commonly, RP’ing with others too.
My main focus in the game is roleplay, lore, stories, environment, collections, and of course, world PvP. I used to be a Normal/Heroic raider.
For me, the adventure started at the launch of World of Warcraft, where I started playing on US servers before changing to EU servers when The Burning Crusade released. Ever since then, I have been enjoying each little point of adventure, of course, our adventure has had its ups and downs.
I hope to offer my views and opinions on topics of interest, and participate in the developing talks, and hopefully, grant some useful input.
Thank you all for being glorious!
Hope you all will have a good morning/day/evening/night!