I'm glad I play this game in english

I´m part of the latam community but I play the game in english, So I can practice, vocabulary…etc

I’ll cry blood if I try to read the dialogues of DF with their new inclusive language.

Yeah, I know Asmongold react…etc but its a major concern in the Latam community, Why I mentioned this in the US forums, because it’s still and issue for fellow latam players, if you think Blizzard doesn´t pay attention to some threads and feedback here…now imagine in the latam forums…

I saw the reddit thread and this quest dialogue:


A lot of words that doesn’t exist in spanish…what a disaster…There’s a trend of inclusive language in spanish now but it should be another language option, since a lot of those words aren´t even accept by the RAE.

I hope this gets address someday, meanwhile I’ll always recommend to play in english, since you can also practice a second language.

Hola, Mokenuf, ya que quieres ser un link entre ambos idiomas y estas en el Council, podrias dar visibilidad, tal vez un paquete de idiomas con estos cambios inclusivos y otro sin estos, respetando la gramatica del idioma? Saludos


I’m glad I don’t care about this game or this community. I’ll just grab my popcorn, don’t mind me. Carry on.


Yeah probably, some people will flag it just because Asmongold or because the topic inclusivity without thinking about how other languages work and Spanish is a little messy.


You might be correct on both counts. I have seen people get flagged for far less, but you have my condolences in advance.


Huh? I mean “centaur” or “Nokhud” really shouldn’t exist, although I’m sure we have words for the creature that a centaur represents. But otherwise the quest text looks fine.


read again, the image says Centaure, Just translate centaur from english to spanish in google and you’ll find out the right options. Same for “Huerfane”, use translate tools and put Orphan.


So centaur, and orphan are wrong. I get it, I’m not saying it’s perfect. But you said “a lot of words” and this is only two. Overall it’s not a terrible effort. Could it be better? Of course, but it could also be a lot worse.

Let’s not forget, typos in English make it through release candidate. Should expect typos in other languages too.

Stay strong, mi gente!

P.S. Got a little Franco-spanish going on there with le centaure :smile:


Those are not typos. Obviously deliberate. Misguided attempt at ‘inclusivity’ or something.


Sure, Typos all the time with this game, I reported some NPCs names that doesn´t match, for example Kariokta in Zaralek Caverns and its mount journal.

However; these are not typos of that quest, i asked a friend and its the same change for any instance of those words, they´re even changing the particles, english use “a”, a doctor, a teacher. However, spanish is more complex and it has a particle for male and female," un" , “una”…Blizzard is using “une” as neutral, if you translate “une centaure”, google recommend french as your source language.

I hope Blizzard just enable this as an option (another language package if any player really use those invented words) but keep the right grammatical structure for latam…It’s another fight against the wrong decisions took by Devs.


You didn’t get the point of this topic at all, I’ll assume you just didn’t read or check anything.

It’s about the grammathical issues in the Latam version of the game due to wrong use of particles and created words that doesn’t exist in the language just to create a kind of “neutral” language. It’s not even about 2-3 characters, all the quest are being changed, dialogues…etc to use those words.


Are they just typos? Sometimes those happen even in the English translation.

They haven’t changed anything in the Italian translation.

The only de-gendered words I see being used there refer to the character. It’s still using gendered articles for every other word in your screenshot. Are you saying the neutral is being used for other cases than non-binary characters? If so, I’d like to see more examples.

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I’ll have to check further but it doesn’t look like typos, there’s multiple threads about this since DF launch in the latam forums, obviously the visibility there’s almost null.

It’ll be difficult to explain, I hope you’ve some spanish knowledge, We’ve particles for male, female. If you check the quest text in that image (specifically the part wiht <> .

Un centauro (male), Una centauro (female), using the particle in this case to provide gender, that’s the messy with the romance languages :rofl: , In english you’ll use just A Centaur. In the case we don’t know the gender or how to refer to this character, the spanish use the male particle as neutral Un centauro, Blizzard is using UNE CENTAURE, changing both the particle and the word for Centaur.

They’re using the new inclusive language that’s not official, that’s basically adding a letter “E” in order to change some words to neutral, I don’t see this as a bad addition but it should be an addition and not a removal of the spanish language that’s gramathically correct. Its a matter of respect both ways, that’s why it should be an addition to the package languages in this game, that’s the right way to do it.

Another examples of recents changes that are valid:

Method Standard Spanish Reformed Spanish Translation
Collective noun los trabajadores la plantilla de la empresa the staff of the company instead of the workers

Since, We used the male sentence to refer to everyone, “the workers” (los trabajadores), now some companies are using some workarounds or even in the past, we’ve to use both genders “los” trabajadores y “las” trabajadoras in the same sentence in order to include everyone but it’s larger that just using male as neutral… You don’t have this issue in English since your words don’t have gender.


Onx Centaux lol.
Go collect fivx bearx peltx.

edit: I’m sorry our political activists are colonizing your traditional language. If it is any consolation, I think history will take a dim view of them.


At least they’re not using the X. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:


I do, actually - I minored in Spanish literature, though that was a long time ago and I’m far too out of practice to be fluent anymore. I’m well familiar with the gendered language.

Like I said, they only seem to be using this in the case of specifically referring to a non-binary character. Are there examples of this being used elsewhere? I don’t particularly want to switch my locale to Spanish to investigate further lol

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Me neither since the game will have to download all the spanish package…and it mess up with macros, But I’ll check further, maybe its just for these characters and Majordomo Selistra. Since, those are the examples provided in Latam forums, however; Blizzard didn’t implement the same use of this new words for the Spanish client in Europe. :man_shrugging: , There’s an easy solution by doing this as an interface option or new language package. Since, most people don’t talk like that in spanish, it’s a big controversy topic (among spanish speakers and its not even about discrimination, its just that doesn’t sound and read properly for most of us ) that could be fixed by just adding instead of removing.

What? Acti-Blizz openly being racist and using cultural appropriation? Color me un-suprised purple.

What is the Latam community?

Latam is short for Latin America