[Into the Dunes] Quest isn't working properly

Same here. None of the logout suggestions that seemed to work before for others works. How can something like this go on for 3 years??


Same thing, and it’s preventing me from unlocking allied races (I think). Very annoying that this hasn’t been fixed in 3 years.

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Looks like supports latest suggestion is to submit a bug report.


Still happening; im stuck on this flying into vol part, cant progress questline :frowning:

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Also not working for me. I’ve tried almost every solution listed here, even party sync. I dont have addons and It’s not a computer issue. I am only playing the game again to play vulpera and now i cant even do that :frowning:


Same problem here, none of the fixes are working. I’ve had a ticket open that was first met with a useless automated message. I’ve yet to get any actual help with this. Extremely disappointed. I just want to level my warrior and unlock the last two allied races I need.


i got the same message here. i replied back and still haven’t heard anything back and still haven’t been able to find a solution :frowning: at least they said they know it’s happening and they’re working on it tho!


I’m stuck on this as well. I’ve tried all of the old suggestions and even tried intentionally desyncing by cutting internet instead of just alt+f4. No luck on all fronts.


Yeah this is a real problem, I have been trying to do this quest for two days now, and have turned in a ticket. you would think that blizzard, at this point, would want to keep it’s player base happy, well ya know. Not only did i put in a ticket, but i went as far as to re download the game, no luck, So i am pretty sure its not anything on my end…BLIZZARD FIX THIS!!!


same issue here, no fix yet.


Ran into this bug today after wanting to run through and unlock an Allied Race. Have seen a lot of topics regarding the continuation of this issue.

What I’ve done so far:

  1. Disabled any script/addon that controls cut-scene skipping or progression
  2. Disabled all addons and scripts regardless of their category
  3. I tried doing the “type before the cut scene” trick
  4. Tried abandoning the quest
  5. Tried swapping toons to another alt and coming back (both while still having the question, and abandoning, swapping, coming back and picking up the quest)
  6. Tried to ALT+ F4, and the ESC + EXIT tricks during the cut scene
  7. I tried this on a max level 60 Blood Elf Protection Paladin, and a lower level toon (sorry I do not remember which of my other alts I tried, but it was below level 30, also a Blood Elf)

I noticed the following:

  1. At times, the cut scene seems to repeat itself as if it’s stuck in a foreach / for / while loop that doesn’t properly break point. This seems to be the case while having addons enabled.
  2. With no addons the cut scene plays once as if the break point is reached to move to the zoom out to the mounted toon
  3. In both cases, you get moved to a 3rd person view of you on the mouht just hovering, and either the game sends you back to town, OR in some cases I receive an error from blizzard and am disconnected from the server entirely (this is the same result addons or none).

So far I find no way to trick quest (i.e. walking) or using a regular flight point (I have a map in my toybox to acquire the points early).


Running in to the same exact problem. I have gone through multiple threads, but none of the work arounds are making any difference.


Kind of seems like their latest game patch, broke the questline again, but patched the workarounds to the broken quest…

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At first I thought the bug was happeing because there was an Alliance Invasion event happening. Afterwards I tried to check if it happened because my character already know all of Vol’Dun, since I had a faction change. Tried all the work arrounds in many threads, but still nothing…

Kinda difficult giving the game another chance after I left a couple of years ago. They seem to completely forget about older content and just leave as it is, just worrying about the half-a**ed current expansion.

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i am still trying after these past two or three days, but with no luck. i submitted a ticket the day before yesterday and got an automated response saying they’re working on it, and some suggestions that didn’t work. i replied saying i still need help, and got a message today from an actual gm basically saying the exact same thing that they have on the website. they basically said they’re working on it and don’t have a solution yet but “the community says using alt f4 during the cutscene will complete the quest upon login” or whatever, but those suggestions are from YEARS AGO and clearly don’t work anymore or else none of us would be having this issue. so disappointed. one of my friends said a gm was able to just mark their quest as complete for them, so you’d think they would just do that with everyone who currently has this quest in their log until they can find a solution, right? this is nuts, i’m sure fixing it is a lot harder than i think but don’t give me a solution that literally doesn’t work. i literally just want to play vulpera


i just want my ma’ghar, why something like that is happening

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I doubt they are going to push progression through for people. The last response I got was over a day ago, and reads as follows:

Many thanks for reaching out to the Blizzard Support Team, my name is Game Master Ozaerelthy, I will be taking a look at your case!

Brian, I understand you reached our Support Team today because you are facing some trouble with both Fangs of the Devourer and Into the Dunes.

Dear friend, first and foremost, many thanks for trying the solutions provided previously, although, since we are currently working hard on attaining a permanent solution, for now we would appreciate a Bug Report for both situations.
The more Bug Reports, the more accurate the investigation taking place on the matter will be, and also it’s correction, so we would be rather thankful if you submitted a Bug Report on this.
This is the direct link to the Bug Report page:
(link to bug report page)

If you have any other queries or questions, please always feel free to contact us again, and we will do our best to help you on your adventures!

Never feel shy to share your feedback and suggestions with our legendary community and the developers, should you choose to:
(link to Blizzard support page)

Safe journeys, and have a fabulous day!


This is…beyond incompetence.
I decided to come back after the 9.2.5 to level a Horde, because “Hey, I can play a Horde AND still play with my friends! Awesome! Lets unlock some of the Allied Races I never got.”
Only now I am unable to do much because…the race I am trying to unlock requires me to do this questline, which I cannot do because of a 3 year old bug that they somehow made WORSE with the recent update.
slow clap
Bravo, Blizz…Bravo…


If they can’t fix the quest than they could at least give us completion credit. I shouldn’t have to wait days to advance in the game because they can’t figure out how to fix a bug.


ya han pasado 3 dias y aun no hay solucion para mi, intento y seguire intentando lo de la desconeccion pero no deberia pasar esto, estancado, a pura mazmorra aleatoria, aparte de no contestar los tickets, no se no deberia pasar esto en servidor original