[Into the Dunes] Quest isn't working properly

Blizzard, I have resubbed 3 months in a just bought BfA yesterday. As a returning player, I’ve and many others have waited 4+ hours for this extreme flaw which is quite unacceptable to be fixed or at least hear back after we submitted tickets. The worst part is this quest actually makes us stuck and cannot circulate another zone or quest chain as we are too low ilvld for dungeons, do not have access to changing another zone even when abandoning quest, and just overall a huge mess. Please give us Classic beta keys or some sort of compensation, and upvote if you agree.


Still waiting on my ticket to be answered after 4 hours later. GM needs to improve their response times for a triple A grade company/publisher.

I was experiencing this issue as well, and managed to circumvent this bug. This may be worth a try for anyone else still dealing with this bug. When you’re on the pterrodax mount and approaching the entrance to Vol’dun from Nazmir, /logout as you cross from one zone to the other. For me, the logout commenced a few seconds into the cutscene that begins playing where you get shot out of the sky by the snakeman. When I logged back in, I was correctly placed in the cave, rather than back in Dazar’alor.


You shouldn’t have to as the GM staff team should be able to reply to a ticket much sooner especially the day of server maintenance

This trick worked for me. Sucks that you have to do something like that, but at least I get to play my alt now. Thank you so much Nomisc :slight_smile:


I logged out nearing the quest objective and it went to the cut scene, I tried again exiting the game when I got in zone and it logged in inside the cave! Thanks for the tip.


You are genious. This worked, but blizz needs to hotfix this ASAP.

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I cant seem to get this to work? I hit /logout as soon as it says im in vol but entering the cutscene cancels my logout attempt and it just shoves me back to zuldazar again

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I’m not entirely sure honestly. I would try experimenting with different timings, maybe start the /logout slightly earlier so you’re logging out right as the cutscene begins. For me, I was still logged out even though the cutscene had begun to play, but there were only about 3 seconds remaining on my logout timer. Aside from that though, I’ve got nothing unfortunately.

thing is my logout attempts get canceled when i go into voldune but doing it the second im in the zone leaves 5 seconds left on the logout timer before im in the cutscene.

i’ll keep trying to eek out an extra second or 2 see if thats my issue

Exit instead, that worked for me. right when you get into voldune.

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i was able to get it to work by just quickly pulling up the main menu and force exiting in the few seconds before the loading screen pops up after the cutscene

so if your having trouble doing it the normal way just know there is a very short window to force exit right after the cutscene and it does the same thing as what nomisc’s idea does

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same issue here.

Did the logout\exit trick not work for you?

thank you. it worked :smiley:

I changed my Graphics API to direct11x like a previous bluepost back from August i believe had stated and afterwords logging back into game i was still at Bladeguard Kara and her Pterrodax… BUT the quest was completed. I manually flew/ran to the cave. Nisha was there with a golden question mark and i was able to continue on the quest

After trying and it failing/sending you back to the royal armory with the ~45second stunned debuff*

This worked for me. You do have to be very quick, though.

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I Alt-F4’d right as the cutscene started and logged back in already in the cage ready to meet Nisha


Worked just fine for me too