Interview with Madeleine Roux

"It makes sense in game if you just read the book. "



 it didn’t feel super-fast to me, but maybe that’s because they were vague about how long Vol’jin’s recuperation took. Plus, the book made it clear that he wasn’t his “normal” self after the near-death experience, so I felt like that made him more open to things he wouldn’t normally do, if that makes sense?

The jihui games were sort of like philosophical debates, I guess.

Well yeah, you were supposed to! :smiley:

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Not for me. I can see what you mean with the “new himself” of Vol’jin after his death experience. Those were only a view pages, that’s my main problem with it. I would’ve liked to see more development.

Sort of, but not that deep and again, far and view. They were a nice touch for sure.

That’s fair and likely true.

Shadows of the Horde is my favorite. Perhaps because I am a Troll fan. But The Last Guardian is pretty good.

I agree. Their circumstances also made it easy to understand. They are in a Pandaren Monastery, recuperating, under their rules, and working together to survive.

Voljin is not very rash or stubborn. He is a pretty open minded character for the story. Given his situation, I could see him going with the flow until he was in better condition. And he has worked with Humans and Alliance folks in the past.

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 does this mean we might never hear/see Bwonsamdi’s origins? If so I’m ok with that, as long as they don’t do something really weird

On another note, this might be the first WoW novel (I tried to read Shadows of the Horde, but the descriptions for some scenes were too graphic for me) that I’ll end up actually reading. I kind of have a short attention span when it comes to books, so I maybe will not finish it within
 one week? But still, I’ll give it a try

It’s a Teen rated franchise. What can be too graphic?


For a WoW book it was well written. Out of curiosity though, what did you like from a Troll perspective?

Perhaps a Troll standing back up after his jaw was destroyed without said jaw?

Well, since it’s a novel, they can get away with more
 grosser stuff since it’s just left to the reader’s imagination. I have a rather
 detailed photographic memory so if I see something in a game/movie that bothers me, I’ll remember it for quite a while lol

That, and Vol’jin(?) getting dragged around with a tusk somehow still in the ground. Poor Vol’jin. He’s had a lot of awful things happen to him

Horror movies must be terrible for you.

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I skip them entirely. I have seen a few edgy movies that could be almost considered it, but I think I’ll just leave it at that. It’s off-topic

Well, looks like all my fears about a certain character being written as a psycho are gone now, but there’s defiantly some retconning in it lol

You might want to be cautious going into Shadows Rising, Madeleine Roux is a horror author

Judging by what I’ve heard, it isn’t too bad but I’m still going to be cautious about it.
Apparently there was something in the book that disgusted my friend (he did say it was shoehorned though) so I might have to skip some parts

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Some of the battle sequences were surprisingly intense, as I recall, though not outside the bounds of PG-13. Trolls getting skewered to the floor and thrashing around a lot–stuff like that.

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Some of y’all should never read a manga.

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I like descriptions like those.

But I think I can understand it.

Well, about that

I’ve watched Jojo, but didn’t really read the Manga, since I could only seem to find the black and white versions. I was mostly fine with how screwed up it got, since it’s supposed to be an Adult/M rated Manga/Anime

The thing about novels based on T rated games it that they can potentally get more violent since it’s not visual, and the ESRB can’t really say anthing about that I think

Oddly enough the human character wasn’t originally planned for the book. The Author asked to create a Alliance Character for the book cause he felt the book was “too horde-centric” and Alliance players might just skip it.

He wasn’t wrong cause even though I liked Stackpole’s Battletech novels, as an Alliance player I didn’t give the book a second glance cause it was a horde novel.

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I would rather not have human character, and for worse human who befriended with troll plot. People came to read about Vol’Jin and Horde. It’s like expecting Horde representation in Arthas Book.

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You had elf and forsaken representation.

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