Interview with Madeleine Roux

The problem the Author was trying to address was not halving the potential audience based on the 2 faction game.

I get what he was trying to solve. That may not have been the way to do it but he felt (quite rightly) that he had to do something to try address it.

Oddly enough I don’t ever remember hearing anything about Khort on the promotional material for the novel. I have attended some of the author’s panels for the Writer’s Symposium at Gencon including the year when he was promoting the book and he didn’t mention Khort or that he had added the character to appeal to Alliance members at that panel.

I meant adding the likes of orcs or Tauren. Arthas attacked elves that was a big part of his arc so they had to be featured, and back then they were not part of the Horde, and forsaken didn’t exist by then, they were just a scourge.

With the exception of Thrall(well not totally because Benedictus was there but as a villian) this has always been the case. Both Tides of War and Wolfheart, arguable supposedly Alliance books, had a decent chunk of screen time given to Horde characters.


I was reading Shadows Of The Horde during a work shift at one of my previous jobs, when a customer came in and saw the title of the book. He assumed I was a Horde fanboy and started going on a tirade about how all the Horde leaders would be killed in BFA and how the Alliance is better in every way. He even mentioned that Sylvanas is going to get the biggest death out of anyone, and I said that I hope she does. The guy didn’t even consider that I play Alliance. It’s definitely one of the most assumptious interactions I’ve ever had with someone.


I wound have told him that “they will all die at the hands of the Night Warrior” just to make him mad. :hugs::hugs::rofl:

I think it was before the Darkshore warfront

What a weirdo, Christ almighty.

Only time something like that has happened to me was in 2011, I was on an overseas trip for school and was reading Stormrage on a bus, and one of my teachers asked what it was about, I was just like elves and a big tree, and the tree turned bad and he was just like… ok.


Oh wait, I miss read that. I thought he was the horde fan boy lol.