Interview with Madeleine Roux

I think I’ll look into getting it when it comes up but after the fiasco with the Shadowlands physical collectors edition here in Australia I’m not going to preorder anything. I’ll look for it when it comes out.

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I’ll wait and see what the general consensus is before picking it up. New Dresden Files novel comes out the same day and it takes priority.


It has been nearly four deployments since I read all of them in one go. Guess I better start over again.

There’s a second one in September. Good time to reread them.



That’s good, but it’ll probably happen anyway.

So, she admits that she wants to do things her way but won’t or can’t. Likely because Blizzard will railroad the story as evidenced by…


It’s taken THIS long to realize that a group of very different races loosely held together by a common theme (they aren’t Alliance) have different needs?


Yeah, I’m not going to hold my breath.



Color me cautiously optimistic. In particular her horror roots have me hopeful. Golden comes from a more sci fi, and more specifically Star Trek, background.

And I like Star Trek, but I like it and WoW for very different reasons. War Crimes was kind of patient zero. A bunch of fantastical creatures conducting a trial sounds like a good set up to a Star Trek story, hell that’s basically what the original pilot episode was, but it felt bizare in the Warcraft setting. Where immediate summary execution seems to be the punishment for most things.

I really did enjoy the Lor’Themar short. Sappy maybe but I thought it very neatly expanded on the characters and their settings without making any big dramatic reveals.

It was an excellent supplement to the game. It expanded on ideas without any of them feeling different from the game experience. And it’s there if you want it. If you don’t read it you won’t be hopelessly confused by in game plot details. Which is what the stories should be. Asides for the lore dorks who care. Not mandatory homework vital for understanding parts of the in game story.


Wait, excuse me. THERE’S NO AUS CE???

Well Blizzard has a track record with mishandling continuity, but I see no reason why would she lie on how her cooperation with Blizzard looks like. The whole point of this interview was to give some bigger picture on the situation.

I don’t expect for people to be totally on board, and I also don’t have any big expectations myself, but at least I’m willing to give it a try, as I consider myself cautiously optimistic.

Obviously the author has to follow plot points Blizzard gave her but her attitude toward fiction is imo superior to the likes of Golden, this is why I want to give her a chance.

If you don’t, well that is also fine. Each to their own.

The physical CE at least. A few weeks back all of the outlets selling it pulled it from their shelves and offered refunds/store credit to anyone who preordered it. Apparently Covid made distribution impossible or some such.

I like her. She seems promising.


probably the biggest takeaway from this. note that it’s not a comment on the stories warcraft is telling or the characters in them, just that WoW at the moment is set up in a way that means a lot of the cast is simply not doing anything.

and I think while it is fun for fans to speculate that they are doing things in line with their characteristics during that time and their next showing will be grand, more often than not they are just in story purgatory.

we really could do with a lot less characters. I appreciate khadgar and the like not being part of the plot, but just them being left behind is tacky because now you’ve got this loose thread after all his player interaction during legion; you’re damned if you include them because you’ve got an ever growing cast, and damned if you don’t because of this major character suddenly dropping off the map.

bring out the executioner’s ax.

personally, would start with jaina and thrall. cull the old guard and crown it off with sylvanas at the end of SL.

it was really good.


That’s actually so awful. I’ve gotten physical CEs since Cata, hopefully something changes…

so i know…it was originaly planned to kill turalyon.

I wholeheartly agree, not only Horde and Alliance grew to monstrous level to the point they cannot really represent everyone, but the roster is so much expanding that they really need to priotize who should they develop now.

And I am now leaning to develop all 3 OG Horde races as they were gutted so much from actual progress and character growth that they really need some new faces to get Nazgrim like treatent. On Alliance side introducing inner conflict and making few human heads roll would be a good start since human cast is of monstous size and instead the narrative should’ve focus on actual culture of humans, to bring back house of nobles and see what is actually going on in Westfall for example. I’d rather read about that than yet another insight on how wonderful Anduin is.

But That was still author’s desire and she doesn’t have any power in how to direct WoW lore, but it’s good to see that there is a writer who recognises the story problems.


I think it’s even kind of brave…to say it openly, I don’t think a lot of people would have done that, because it’s certainly not in the interest of Blizzard to look stupid.


I have only read a few of the WoW novels, but that one was by far the best-written. And from your post on the other thread about how you like the tribal themes in the Horde, I think you’d really enjoy it.

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I can never decide if I like Shadows of the Horde more or The Last Guardian.

In 11 days we will know if concerns listed here were justified :wink:

I really hope book will be done right. But I also know there is lots of wrongs that could happen.

So I want to ask if there is something in particular players are concerned that could go wrong in this book?

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It is well written for a WoW book.
I had my problems with it as a Troll fan tough.

One smaller example: The Vol’jin human friendship took way to fast shape for my liking. It’s not that it can’t happen at all (even though I’m not a fan), but it should have take a lot longer than it did (especially with their past experiences. Tyrathan Khort was described as a troll hunter) and could have involved some philosophical debates etc.

I also hated the Zandalari commander, who dressed up as a Mogu.

But overall, Vol’jin was handled good and it was not a bad read. Even though I had my problems with it, like I said.

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