…about a WoW novel being announced than I do about Rise of Shadows , the novel leading up to the Shadowlands that was just announced today. Like, I don’t think I have ever been this passionately upset about the plot of a WoW novel before. Sure I ended up hating a few novels(BtS, Wolfheart, ect) but never was I so turned off by them simply from reading their premise, alone.
I mean, just who in the hell asked for a WoW book with FREAKIN’ ZEKHAN as a main character?! A character that barely even managed to exist and only because fans enjoyed his 3 seconds in the BfA cinematic. Like, Bolvar and Khadgar have barely managed to get more than mere supporting roles at most in books they were in. Yet Zekhan and Talanji get leading roles?!
And you know what the worst part is? I actually feel bad about it, cuz this is the debut of the author tasked with writing this thing. For all I know, this Madeleine Roux lady could be an excellent fit for writing WoW books, but due to the lousy premise of the story I simply can’t bring myself to get behind it. Which sucks for both myself and the author, cuz this could be new addition to the relatively small roster of WoW authors(Golden, Knaak, Stackpole, King, ect.)
I could go on pointing additional flaws that I already see with the new book, but I’d hate to get carried away literally judging a book by its’ cover(who knows, maybe It’ll be the best thing I’ve ever read) I just wanted to call attention to and express my disdain for what they’re leading into SL with. You’d think that a SL lead-in would be about Bolvar, considering it’s been awhile since he’s seen any significant development and he’s supposed to be out Gandalf for this upcoming expansion as Khadgar and Magni were in expansions prior.
More proof that the writers have no idea what their audience actually wants.
You complain about this but new characters have to come from somewhere. Why not start with one the playerbase actually likes? Eventually they were going to have to start introducing new ones.
I’d rather see Rokhan tbh. It could have been a continuation of him working together with Talanji like they did in Nazmir. He should have gotten the unique model too. Zekhan is cute but he’s just a meme character and not one that had a slow increase in relevance and organic development over time like Saurfang.
If atleast they included the Night Elves in the book in some way I would care about it a little bit, but what we’re getting with Sylvanas in the spotlight seems very boring. The only thing I hope is that it’s not a Sylvanas redemption book even though it most likely will be.
I was hoping for a book that will conclude atleast some of the faction war that was supposed to be concluded in BfA, but I guess not? 
I’m actually kinda excited for it. Maybe that’s a bit foolish on my part but I’m really looking forward to a bit more development for the trolls.
Besides, it can’t be worse than Before the Storm, right?
Told you championing that awful version of Saurfang was gonna bit you people on the buttocks, frankly it serves you right!!
That’s what happens when you accept and applaud a bad product. And BfA’s version of Saurfang and his rebellion was an awful 10th rate narrative. How were the devs to know you people dislike Zekhan (literally Sadfang’s No. 1 cheerleader) when you adored his idol?
Could you even say WoW can produce novels?
“a fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action with some degree of realism.”
ooof. Yeah. Gonna need another word… How about essay?
An essay would require more brain power than what the collective braincell of the lore team can put out.
Wow “novels” are just expensive fanfiction. Heck, I’ve read fanfic much better written than the average WoW novel of the last couple of years.
Get over yourself! You were just as equally ignorant to the outcome of BfA, as I was. So don’t pretend like you knew this was coming, because you didn’t. None of us did.
Championing that equally, if not more, crappy version of Sylvanas would’ve yielded better results?!
Don’t assume to know what I wanted out of this crap. I HATED BfA, it was a miserable, rubbish expansion that had literally no reason to exist other than it being a ploy by Blizzard to take advantage of player nostalgia and good will.
Like, how you dare try to tell me that I deserve to be punished for making a decision of which I had no idea how it’d turn out, cuz guess what? Neither did you.
Here is how this is going to go for me and, I presume, at least some others:
- Oh, new book. Welp, brace yourself.
- Zappy-boi, the novel. Well, ok. Could be worse. Could be the emo-diary of hot topic legolas.
- Ugh. Sira? Really? Haven’t the undead nightelves been enough of a bad joke?
- Maybe I’ll skip this one. Doesn’t seem hyper lore heavy on its surface any way.
- Book. Me buy. Me read nowz.
For someone who says you couldn’t care less about it, You posted an awfully lot about it.
Sure seams like you could care less.
On the one hand, I see where the OP is coming from. May as well make the next novel a steamy romance between Lt. Tink Tink of the Forsaken and Zappy Boi.
On the other hand though, I think this would be a good chance to explore Talanji if they’re smart enough to focus on her. I don’t think her role in BFA was really doing her too many favors. Everyone loved Rastakan more, and he died seemingly so that Talanji could be pushed forward as Queen. This could be a good way to build Talanji and hopefully give the Zandalari some measure of closure for their own loose end in BFA.
How dare they develop new and interesting characters!!!
Lol wut? Dude, I literally complained so much, so early and so dramatically about this trash expac potentially transforming the Horde into a glorified vassal state of Blanduin Wrynn that people made fun of me here on the forums.
Contrary to you guys, I did realize that a pre expac novel trashing the Warchief of the Horde (and the fact this title was hold by Sylvanas at the time was irrelevant); as in the in-game representation of the Horde political and cultural alignment and core aspect of the faction narrative, while it glorified the pet self insert of the author, was bad news.
It wasn’t exactly space science difficulty tier to predict that.
And yes, I “dare” to criticize you people cause I got tired of trying to make you see why it was so bad to applaud Sadfang’s sorry tale back then when it mattered. And no, don’t even try to scapegoat me as some Sylvanas junkie when I was one of the very first posters demanding her entrails exposed at Orgrimmar’s doors after Teldrassil’s fiasco.
Both narrative paths for Horde were awful, and I voted with my wallet when it became enough for me (I literally came back because there’s no more Faction War shenanigans and i need to put my main and alts up to date for Shadowlans (and no, I don’t give a f over Sylvanas or her boytoy, but I do want to see Kael’thas).
Btw, you are not “being punished”. You are reaping what you sow.
If that lvl 32 Troll shaman you haven’t played since Cataclysm and Troll Anduin are considered “interesting”, then yeah, how dare they. It’s not like they have a plethora of “new” and “interesting” characters they’ve already introduced who are collecting dust on their lore archives. (Still lookin’ at you Thura amd Jorin Deadeye)
How else is he supposed to grow as a character?
Leaked passage:
Talanji: sighs
Baine: UwU I’m sorry we got your father killed, Queen Talanji! And I’m sorry we then made the decision to forgive his killers without consulting you. But you’ll come around to Jaina and Anduin soon enough! Everyone does! UwU
Zappyboi: Ya! Cheer up, TalanjI! If not for da High King Anduin, Saurfang woulda still been mopin’ in a cell. Da High King did right by da Horde. And Jaina worked togetha with Saurfang to free Baine, the very best of da Horde! Ya gotta love Anduin and Jaina! UwU
Tinklady: UwU tink tink tink
Kiro: UwU
Talanji: sighs
Somewhere it actually makes him known to the average player A.K.A. the game? Cause frankly novels are for the people that actually bothers about the lore, so him wasting narrative space on that novel is useless for your average Joe gamer. Zekhan will still be that troll meme that followed the saddest Orc of all like a patethic abandoned puppy.
Think about it, when did Lor´themar became more than his memeish “Bob” persona for the average player in this game; in WotLK - Cata (with his 1 min contribution to a looong quest chain many wouldn´t bother with or his niche leader short story) or in MoP when people HAD to interact with him for like 2 patchs?
I’m really looking forward to not reading it and get slightly angry at the plot synopsis.
Nathanos: “But Sylvanas, why would we bother killing Bwomsamdi?”
Sylvanas, while killing a puppy: “BECAUSE THE PLAYERBASE DOESN’T HATE ME ENOUGH YET!”