Interview with Ion Hazzikostas

If they plan on only having layering for a few weeks I’m guessing they’re going to rapidly reduce the maximum number of layers allowed per server. Hopefully it doesn’t result in people facing horrendous queues after a few weeks and having to decide to move after they just spent 3 weeks working on their characters.

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Yes. By what I understood, layer #1 will have 2000 players and layer #2 will have 1000 once tourists leave, the cap will be lets say 3k. They will just merge those two layers.

I obviously do not like layering and wish no such system was in place, but, there will literally be 2,000+ players per layer. Unless you already have battletag friends on your server who end up on a different layer of that server then you won’t be able to just randomly whisper people from a different layer to phase over.

you won’t be changing layers every time you log in either. it is not as bad as people are making it out to be.

AND depending on the amount of players who chose the same server as you then layering might not even need to be implemented on your server.

also, Ion said it’s a system that will be 100% gone when phase 2 launches, or even before phase 2.


I don’t pay money for a game that’s going to suck. I literally have no idea what point you’re trying to convey but maybe use some thought behind it?

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There’s another interview with a few other developers talking about it. It’s dynamic, so you’ll either (A) be in a full layer, or (B) you’ll be in the next layer that’s currently filling up. Changes when you log-in / log-out. So no matter what time of the night you log in, you’ll be playing with a large amount of people for the initial launch wave.

Instead of simply announcing it in official channels, we get an ad for a streamer. What a ridiculous road this company has blissfully stumbled down.


Welcome to video game marketing 2019. I hate it, you hate it…unfortunately we are the minority, as weird as it sounds to say.


Yeah. I can’t think of a company who moves in the online game industry that doesn’t use streamers or other outlets (since even wowhead staff was invited) as means to get info out. Not my ideal choice, but meh.

way to solve this:

make 4 layers per server, selectable at server selection screen from a drop down.

make the layer stickied to the character and static.

list the population next to each layer so the player can make an informed decision.

when a layer is full, lock it so no new players on it.

only allow quest objectives to be looted on a layer that isnt your home layer,

and dont allow layer hopping until player is out of combat for 5 minutes, so cant be used to cheat in pvp or pve.

also have it perform a battlenet friend check and suggest the layers of battlenet friends if not already full.


In that regard I blame the people who went to the meeting, for their laziness, they could have asked more about layering and not just getting the light definition of it.

What exactly are we trying to solve? This just sounds like explicit layering rather than dynamic layering, which sounds far more complicated / confusing.


Wow just wow

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Note that around 3:10 he states that things like “are bgs going to be cross realm?” are clear cut questions with easy answers. But then doesn’t actually answer it.


k easy description:

make stormrage server… make a copy of stormrage server and call it stormrage2. repeat till you have 4 copies, numbered so they can be identified by you and the game code. when layering done, merge those 4 together.

Wow, it’s almost as if layering is not as big of an issue as people think and it will be disabled before world bosses are released. Who would have thought?


but…this is what layering does…except it merges and breaks up based on population for the first few weeks.

I’m just trying to understand, what are we trying to solve with this manual approach?

Vanilla and all good RPGs are about the obtuse, obscurantist and immersive gameplay mechanics and the challenge. It’s not about the instant gratification. It’s not about getting the epic but the raid you fought through to get it. It’s not about hitting max level but the journey you experienced along the way.

If I’m not mistaken cross realm bgs were an answer to death/imbalanced servers. Now if what they intend to do with layering ends in a success, that is keeping a healthy population on each server because there were 45 min qs back in the day on death/imbalanced servers. Wouldn’t they consider the possibility of not using/removing crz bgs?.

well its static so you will see the same people. you wont end up on a different layer than guildies and so on, just because your session was ended abruptly by power outage, pizza or the cat spilling soda on your keyboard

but wouldn’t you end up meeting people after the layer merge that you never met before? With dynamic layering, you at least have the possibility of meeting everyone you’ll eventually see forever depending which layer you log into each day or what have you.

edit: This is essentially prearranged merges which I believe is banned in several countries. :wink: