Interesting Xala'Tath Opinion

I understand the love for Blood Elves and all their skins (well, I don’t), but I kinda wish our Old Goddess was more of an Old God than an Elf. Sure, she took this form to seem more appealing or whatever, but it’d be nice. Surely she’ll have a hamburger form later.
(Yogg looked like a messed up Hamburger! It’s true!)

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We don’t know if she’s actually an Old God or if she’s some kind of void entity.

She could just look like a floating ball of purple in her natural state.

(when she’s not a knife hanging on my hip, that is)

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Either way, floating ball of purple is more interesting then just a blood elf reskin, at least to me.

Yes, 50’ tall Amazonian belf. :open_hands:

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I’m sure she’ll pull a “this isn’t even my final form” phase in her boss fight.

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I am going to put forward that Xal is the 5th old God. The lore in game and in other places state that the old Gods consumned 1 and then threw it away. THEN the titans came kill ysarj and imprisoned the other 3.

YSarj was killed Xal got enough of its power back to start colessing and as we have killed each old God we released more of it and then iridcron came about was like “Yo Void SL** wanna hang” and she opened a portal to her void pad. Ect ect.

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Dunno about Xal’s final form but If Azeroth doesn’t become a Thicc Troll Mama I will riot!


She just took over a body to have physical form. Not exactly rocket science, and it’s not her true form

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Well she is usually depicted fully clothed. If she let it all out like Cho’gall you might see some extra mouths or eyeballs in places that shouldn’t have mouths or eyeballs.


Reminder that Xal’atath isn’t actually a “she” but more of an “it”.

She was a void-y voice from an old-god weapon, that stole the body of a deceased elf girl.

Perhaps Xal is actually a “she”, as other Old Gods have been referred to as “hims” for example, she could be the one female old god or something.

Either way though, that sexy elf body isn’t hers.

She’s probably looking more like G’huun or Yogg, lmao.

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Hot sells. Tentacle monster does not sell

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You want some Blood elf skin do ya?
Proceeds to remove armor pieces

… you must eat at some freaky Hamburger places…

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As long as tauren druids also get this option, I’m down with it

didn’t this get retconned back into existence in the latest chronicles or did i just hear that and take it for fact

Tell that to Japan…


There’s a rumored fifth “Old God” that’s never been canonically confirmed.

We know of Yogg, N’zoth, Y’Shaarj, and C’thun, that’s four.

G’huun doesn’t count because he was artificially created by accident, he’s not an original old god.

She could be the 5th, but it’s all speculation.


Hot tentacle monsters do sell though.


THis is not true. THere has always been 5 old Gods.

SInce the days of Vanilla there is a book you can find out in the wild that details the exploits of the 5 old gods. And then in Dragon flight a copy of the book is found with cliff notes in it from Neltharion.

Yeah, but we’ve never “met” that Old God, we don’t know who they are yet.

word, thanks for clearing it up