Interesting Xala'Tath Opinion

That is true, we dont know who it is. But the 5th old God is not a rumor. It has always been there. AND in chronicle it takes about how the void lords spat out MANY old gods around the universe. Azeroth is not the only world soul and is not the only planet to get old gods.

AND a small note… when you ride through the time waves on the quest where you chance down eternus and Chromie and you pop out in the Black Empire. YOU hear a voice say “I KNOW YOU. I know what you are…” ANd it is talking directly to you. NO other old God has referred to us like that.

I dare say we have met that old god… It just has not done anything about it… YET…


I think there was a typo that implied it, but has since been clarified as a typo.

At the time, I assumed it to be N’zoth. We went back in time to when all were alive. But yeah, it could be another.

He’s always been the most “scheming” old god, and often times people say he’s not really dead because it was a bit too easy to kill him.

Even on the wiki about N’zoth:

N’Zoth’s aptitude for manipulation has made some fans skeptical of how final its defeat really was, skepticism which has not been discouraged by development members.

I personally think he’s still around in some form, and had a contingency plan.

True, and Yogg disguised himself as Sif for centuries to fool Loken too.

Speak for yourself.


She’s literally possessing the corpse of her last wielder. There’s literally an entire quest chain about it.

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They refer to there being 5 old gods in chronicle 4, yes. Most likely to say xal is the 5th.

There has been reference of a 5th old God since Vanilla.

And they removed those references in the past decade in any new lore that came out.

It’s a puppeted corpse. Aesthetics might be elf, but the theme is pretty on point.

Also we can be pretty sure Xal is not an Old God. She’s a harbinger for a void lord.