Interesting quest in Mists

Considering the dating on it, the Temple of the white tiger quest has an interesting narrative to today’s events.

It’s a good lesson for us all.


Thank you for including a brief summary of the questline so I know what you’re talking about.
Hahah yeah! Crazy huh


MoP had a lot of issues about hatred, anger and discrimination.

My fave line out of the entire xpac was Lor’themar talking about how the racism Garrosh was showing was what drove the Blood Elves to the Horde in the first place.


Would also recommend Karasang Wilds on both factions. :robot::+1:

Which is good timing I offer as Dezco and Lyalia make an appearance in the war within. Several MoP characters too. :world_map::robot:


It wasn’t racism but a desperate last stand to keep the alliance north of southshore from collapsing. Its abit if a retcon.

No, Garrosh’s ‘true Horde’ was nothing but Orcs. You can see it in every line he has during the xpac. He despised anyone who was not Orcish in nature. It is why he despised Thrall, because Thrall was asking the Elements for help, not taking it by force.

Garrosh was the = of Hitler, to invoke Godwins Rule.

I remember seeing a bunch of Goblins too.
Were they Orcs too?

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I was talking about the blood elves feeling betrayed by the alliance. Yeah the commander who delivered the order was a dick but it made tactical sense for how doomed their situation was.

He used them. Simple as that. You can tell the hatred he as for Gazlowe in several interactions.

Goblins are too powerful. Hellscream couldn’t remove them. :robot::sweat_drops:

But what about Blackfuse? It is even one of the SoO bosses…

It wasn’t as much as how about it made tactical sense but how he really treated them. Kael’thas was the uncrowned King of Quel’Thalas, and yet Garithos, like it or not, highest officer rank of the alliance gave him those instructions and treated him worse than nothing.

Stormwind and Ironforge were spared by Archimonde push as he focused in the World Tree and set sail to Kalimdor. Even with the news of destruction of Lordaeron and Quel’Thalas, Stormwind and Ironforge did nothing.

Garithos himself WAS RACISTS towards the Blood Elves and Dwarves, viewing them as inferior and unwilling to work with them. His racist beliefs were rooted in his past experiences, including the destruction of his hometown by the Orcs and the perceived lack of help from Elves during that time. (see he parallels here?).

You may agree with his actions but you can’t deny that he’s racists. Night Elves were pretty racist and xenophobe towards everyone, Daelin was also extremely racist.

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Yes, he used Blackfuse.

Thats the thing about racists. They view The Other as lesser, yet they need them. Its why the big R word is used in War as a weapon. People will view a person as subhuman, as lesser than, yet will still R them.

Racists dont use logic, they use hate. Then they have to rationalize their hatred. Just like Garry did. All ‘for the horde’.

Have you never wondered why the Goblins were always in that swampy, icky part of Ogrimmar?

Garrosh used everyone. Even Orcs.

This “used” argument is invalid he could use anyone who wanted to fight for him.

He despised trolls because they were weak. I mean, they were kicked out of the Echo isles by a bunch of level 9 necromancers. Before that Thrall had to save them from Murlocs. Their backbone as warriors wasn’t that great.

He despised the Forsaken because of Wrathgate, and when he became Warchief he saw in first hand Sylvanas raising more undead with her Valkyries.

Most of his plans would’ve failed without the Blood elves. What he did towards them was a major mistake. But who would’ve thought that Jaina would be even bigger genocidal and make the Blood Elves rather stay and fight off Garrosh than join the alliance…

If he could he would’ve the Taurens with him, as they were strong and like minded just like the Orcs.

At the end of the day, he remained with those that were still loyal to him, and those that could profit a bit out of him.

He thought every non-Orc was weak. That is literally in his voice acting.

He despised them because they were Forsaken.

Same with the Tauren.

This is legit like watching a certain rant in Germany and going “oh he just dislikes such and such about the People, not the People themselves”.

The quest where Taran Zhu gets mad about people hating Garrosh and then later Garrosh destroys the Vale and hands Taran Zhu’s butt to him?

Great quest, stupid panda.

Do you have any time he saying that towards Tauren?

Edit: that doesn’t matter, he despised the tauren for not siding with him either.

Sounded more like childish to me: “you don’t like me I don’t like you”

I seem to remember multiple times he said “tauren” with venom.

Sure, if you just read what he says without hearing it, you can draw that conclusion. But when you hear Garrys VA speak, you can hear the hatred.

If we’re talking about Garithos the game that built his canon has him calling the elves “Lesser beings” before giving them a suicide mission and telling them he’ll kill them if they leave.

Humanity can screw off tbh

Mission for Primalmatter:

Use Leser Beings in a phrase talking about some minority without getting banned from the forums, let’s see if that is not racism :rofl:

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Hey also don’t forget that Garithos was the de facto leader of the Alliance at that point. The last of the Lordaeron humans who weren’t part of the scarlets or the argent dawn. He was the top command - and his decision was to kill them out of his own hatred.

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