Interesting quest in Mists

" The tauren have made themselves useful. Look - this one is a shaman."

He was such an insufferable cretin.


Yeah I know I just like playing with alternative reasons beyond the stated ones.

When there’s space for it, sure - Garithos is just another man who’d be more useful as a corpse.

Garithos would’ve been a great leader for the Scarlet Crusade.

Yeah but…well it would be a more interesting story if it was one about resources stretched thin as the alliance was crumbling from the scourge onslaught

If you do a Horde panda and meet with Garrosh he talks about everyone pulling their weight, ‘even this tauren is a shaman’ he says in a condescending tone.

Yes, Garrosh was pushed heavily into going a different way with other leaders being confrontational, but MoP was still him going off the deep end.

It’s still feels interesting on my end at least - heck it shows the corruption inherent in the alliance and honestly gives the blood elves a good reason to leave. Everyone, from Prince Arthas to petty lords like Garithos sucked.

You can’t justify a choice to leave the last surviving remnants of a civilization behind out of spite - not when they’re trying to help you leave too. Humanity would’ve stood a better chance, logistically, by having casters moving with them as they evacuated. Dalaran is hardly a strategic point at that point in the war - it’s already been overtaken by the scourge. It’s the Osgilliath of Warcraft.

Resources were stretched thin. Garithos chose instead of allowing the elves to escape with them to take their supplies, their human reinforcements, and left them to fend for themselves. I feel like he’s kinda the logical conclusion to an old fart like Terenas being the head of government.

Would you want the blood elves to like, deserve it?

Like nobody deserves that.

This could be my memory acting up but i dont think he was retreating but trying to hold strat in lore… I could be wrong there.