Interesting mechagnome customization in shadowlands

Not sure if this is real, but it probably should be. I would expect the mechagnomes to continue upgrading themselves as time goes by.


I’m going to go with probably not, at least for players. I think we’re a long ways from getting non-biped playable races.

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Turning gnomes into spiders? I think science has gone too far. :fearful:


Ah good, Mechagnomes are becoming the Strogg. Excellent.


I would play a Mecha-Spider Gnome in a heartbeat.


I dunno… I think mechagnomes would have been more appealing had they gone a bit more colorful Megaman-ish and less gnome/ cyberpunk horror lol
Maybe… they’re still cute… sort of…

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I love the mechagnome spider.


That must be fake… But uh…


Can I have?


Now we have even more reason to feed them to the void…

That is actually horrifying. I didn’t think mechagnomes could get creepier but I guess that’s what I get for doubting the Internet.


Does it come with hand cannons? I’d faction change my hunter in a glimpse.

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At last I can realize my true form!! Gnomespider muahahahahahahahha… I shall haunt your dreams!

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I’m getting flashbacks of Toy Story

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The hand one screams fake, and unfortunately adding in new movement animations would be a hell of a lot more work than most of the customizations that are just new hairstyles or tatoos or whatnot.

What sort of abominations are the Alliance monsters creating now? Arachnoid gnomes?

The horror, the horror!!! They must be stopped!!!

WTB fire mages quick to burn these with fire, just to be sure!!!

/moo :cow:

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Sorry all fire mages are currently tapped out in the attempt to cleanse Goldshire.

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Clearly, the Horde is now doomed!

/moo :cow:

I assure you these gnomes are peaceful, they will not harm you, only assimilate you into their glorious collective.

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OMG yesss! My Mechagnome with spider legs and the San’layn mog is what I want right now…

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Peaceful Gnomes?