Interesting Mathias reports to Genn and keeps things from the current King

The doubt exists in fan theories or wishful thinking. If Xe’ra had a hold over him, he wouldn’t have protested her initial decision. When Alleria was locked, he planned decided to talk Xe’ra her about it later (or maybe considered Xe’ra had a valid point that she’s allowed to make rules forbidding Void use on her own ship).

If you know anyone in the army, ask what they would do if their partner broke a law during wartime in front of their CO.

Good point. Also, it was the pain of Alleria using the Void to pull the knowledge from their mind that hurt.

While there’s some good points here, I have a problem with the premise. If the Light controlled him, he never would’ve disagreed with or challenged Xe’ra. If Xe’ra was so controlling, she wouldn’t have compromised (the number one thing fanatics don’t do) at Turalyon’s (and Lothraxion’s) pleas or allowed anyone to question or challenge her decisions.

They were not controlled by the Light, especially not as much as Mith claims. I’ve even done a thread addressing this very topic (and Mith/Ren knows it too).

That said, you make some solid points.

Spot on about Turalyon.

Partially wrong about Xe’ra. She allowed mages in the Army of the Light, who use Arcane magic, the force of Order/the Titans, something she would not have done if she considered all but the Light profane.

Plus, she had a valid point opposing Fel and Void after everything they’ve done and are doing.