Interestin paralell in the Star Wars fandom

He literally did not have time. He was racing to Hearthglen to warn about the plague, got bogged down by fighting and then had to race to Sthratholme again in the hopes of stopping the plagued grain from being eaten.

There was not enough time. That was the problem and the entire point of The Sthratolme mission. Mal’ganis would have gather the undead and likely overun all of Lordaeron.

This is pretty much it. Arthas did his best, it was foolish and ultimately did the opposite but he tried as best he could.

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Cryyyy for Tanelornnnn

I wanted to be concise, as the WoW forums aren’t the place for this type of discussion. But in for a penny, in for a pound.

Anyone can look at the second and see you’re lying. Of course you’d stand by the first; your attitude toward Christians is like Trump’s toward Muslims.

Then why cite Zimbabwe too, hypocrite? I pointed out China to undermine your fearmongering and teach a bit about atheism.

I’ll give citation for my points if you also do for yours.

Your views match Harris’ almost completely, so I think you doth protest too much about not knowing him. You both consider certain religions such a threat, you think it’s acceptable to lie about them.

Repealing Roe vs Wade only gave power to make abortion laws to state governments instead of the federal government. By itself, it didn’t outlaw anything or restrict women.

Citation needed for those other laws and supposed dangerous regions.

I condemn all who try to dumb down higher education, and secularists and militant atheists are causing more brain drains in the Western world in the last 50 years than fundamentalist Christians have in the last 500, so save the left-wing atheist conspiracy theories for r/atheism or RationalWiki where they belong. As for some proof;

You also ignored my point about Islamic terrorism and violence in the US. Omar Mateen by himself murdered more gay people in one night than the entire Westboro Baptist Church or Alliance Defending Freedom has combined in years (both of which thankfully sit at zero, nor have they tried to).

You can fearmonger until you’re blue in the face and sweating blood about Christian Fundamentalism. Nothing you say changes the fact about the positive Christian influences you deny or the greater damage certain non-Christians are doing.

Now are you going to keep trying to spread bigoted propaganda or actually get back to focusing on WoW?

I mean, from the way I understand it —

  • Starwars has different spiritual symbolism in regards to character reflection and different cosmology that touches everyone & everything in the universe.
  • With that in mind, Anakin becoming Darth Vader was like the dark side ‘killing’ Anakin and prevailing over his persona – So Darth Vader finding ‘the light’ (in a sense) side of the force, was his good persona ‘Anakin’ triumphing over the darkness.
  • Thus on the above note – Fans & followers of the force could respectively accept Anakin Skywalker’s conclusion at the end as ‘Redemption’ as he was able to prevail over the dark spectre, defeat the Sith and ultimately put things back onto the right path to bring balance to the force.

If they had the ‘good half’ of Sylvanas’s soul be separate from her ‘dark side’ – Have it revealed far earlier, reveal that the dark Sylvanas wants to consume the good side to become more powerful – Yet have the good side meet up with Tyrande and state she’s a representation of all the good memories, fond times, heartfelt emotions and righteousness — Then have them team up and have her battle it out, alongside Tyrande towards ultimately having the good side ‘consume’ the dark side to become whole – THEN I’d probably find it a bit more plausible for a ‘redemption’ of sorts.

… Gosh, it’s pretty depressing that half the forums both before the expansion, at the start of the expansion, in the middle, at the end and even after — Can have better writing that’ve had been beneficial for the game’s health and story progression than what we actually got.


How long did it take you to come up with that? Because it’s telling that one person can come up with better writing in one day than an entire team did in months for Shadowlands.

On the spot to be honest. :joy:
I saw so many better fan-theories for BFA too, that I would’ve loved a whole lot more than what we got :sob:

Although, there were stories about people in the teams suggesting different story routes for Shadowlands & getting yelled at or dismissed – So I suppose you can’t blame the entire staff. However blaming the company (as they’re the ones that make executive decisions, leadership and push forward ideas) is another story altogether. lol

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I try not to blame all of the staff. It’s hard when you don’t know which writer or director was responsible for which story beat getting implemented into the game.

Sometimes you can figure it out and sometimes the dev in question says what they did (such as the rot that Afrasiabi introduced to the setting during his time in the director’s chair from WoD - BfA).


The plague was spread via the grain, which likely hadn’t been eating by everyone. Arthas and his mercs were able to go in and do murder without worrying about the plague, for example. It would have been difficult and bloody, but many people and the city itself could have been saved. And he’d have had the help of the Silver Hand and Jaina, instead of just the mercenaries.

By killing everyone, all he did was turn the entire population into fuel for the Cult of the Damned, as opposed to a portion of them, and Stratholme was lost entirely. He was so fixated on proving himself as being worthy that he made a brutal call that removed the chance, in his mind, of failure.

That reminds me. Jaina was not only with Arthas when they first found the plagued grain, they theorized it was the source of the infection, caught Kel’Thuzad and the cultists in the act of infecting the grain and Kel’Thuzad himself told them he was doing this. I’m surprised Jaian didn’t share that information with Uther or the Silver Hand. While purging everyone was too far, it proved Arthas’ right regarding those who had eaten the grain.

They literally saw empty crates. A good chunk of the city was already infected. There was no saving the city and like it or not Arthas was not given many choices. Hell, neither Jaina nor Uther could give him a compelling enough alternative.


Spot on. This reminds me of a later moral turning point for Arthas. When he sailed to Northrend and King Terenas ordered him and his forces back, Arthas hired mercenaries to help destroy the ships so they couldn’t leave Northrend. Then Arthas lied to his men by saying the mercenaries did it against his wishes, and then he helped kill them. Muradin knew the truth and confronted Arthas, but for some reason he didn’t tell his or Arthas’ troops the truth. In the novel, he even takes Arthas somewhere private before calling him out. Why?


Because Arthas was still someone he thought of as a son, someone who just needed correction from a wrong path and he wasn’t going to condemm him publicly, but give him a chance to correct himself.

Except that Darth Vader was an expression of Anakin’s personality, his frustration, his hatreds and his rage. They are all absolutely sincere feelings of Anakin, as much him as his love for Padme. his admiration of Obi-Wan and Qui Gon, and his growing desperation for his wife and distrust of the Jedi Council, distrust they had honestly earned, and continued to do so, climaxing in their behavior through trial and removal of his Padawan Ahsoka Tanoe. Clone Wars gives us definition to Anakin and we see his evolution to Darth Vader as a natural consequence of his circumstances.

The Sith Lord is just as much Anakin as the Jedi Knight.

And again that was his, Jaina and Uther’s failing. The moment Arthas mentioned burning the ship muradin should have told his men.

Jaina and Uther should have dragged Arthas kicking and screaming from Stratholme if they had to.

Jaina had no qualms about freezing Varian and teleporting him out of the Undercity. She should have done that with Arthas.

Why do people ask for gray stories and then proceed to paint them as black as a goth kid’s makeup kit?


No? He had ghouls, necromancers, abominations and nerubians at his disposal, why it is difficult for you to see that they needed a plan to deal with the scourge forces in the city? If your best plan for everything is just improvising good for you, but arthas had is mentor and a powerful sorcerer at his side and could have gained insight for a good plan to deal with the situation. He choose to not listen to anyone than himself.

Well he had jaina at his side she alone is more powerful than mal’ganis. And at the time leadership of lordaeron was already knowing what they were against. Undead.
That was what they needed to know.

You ignore the fact that I said the mages would serve as SUPORT not that they would save the day.
They would serve to conjure refreshments for the soldiers, to bring up portals, to send messages, to lock ppl up and to help in battle against the undead. Anyway arthas did what he did, he is evil and probably only Gul’dan is on par with the evil arthas did. This is going in circles.

No the plan was kill them before they turned/was organized by Mal’ganis. The game makes it quite clear that killing civilians is significantly easier then killing them when they turn.

They were not giving him any viable plans. That was the point, there was no to little choice but to purge the city because otherwise all of Eastweald was going to be destroyed.

He’d already given Arthas a chance with burning the ships. Giving him another chance after that led to innocent deaths (this time without the arguably mitigating factors, like with Straholme); Arthas needed to be reined in at that point.


Actually they wouldn’t make her that powerful until well into World of Warcraft.

Honestly, I was quoting George Lucas in the regard of Anakin & Darth Vader
so … :woman_shrugging: