I’m an older player, been playing since 2008, very active (three servers, maxed out character numbers, a bunch of level 70s, and playing a variety of races/classes/specs.
When I say “older”, it’s not just that I’ve played since BC, it’s because I’m 67 and disabled. I would love to be able to contribute to some of the discussions from that perspective. I believe it’s different for older players and those with various disabilities. While I know you can’t just tailor it exclusively for us, there are some things I would like to be able to discuss about quality of life, add-ons, and other things.
How do you get onto the council?
You don’t.
They only want streamers.
The council is pointless these days anyways as Blizzard ignores them just as much as they ignore everyone else. Numerous members of the council have already confirmed this
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is that true? i know a TON of wow streamers on the pve side and none of them are on the council
No, they want people who complain about petty things like eye colors and transmogs, and ignore things like glaring class imbalance, and completely broken things in the game. (Though the guy who posted the raiding complaints there the other day did a great job)
And people who go out of their way to call people names on the forums that they don’t understand or disagree with.
If OP really wants change they should write an editorial about their issues and try and spread it around and share it a bit. I totally get wanting more representation, discussion, and understanding for people with disabilities and representing a wide variety of demograpics, but the CC aint it.
Well not all of them I can confirm.
They normally make a post and open up applications for a couple months. The role last for a year so expect around the same date for them to open up applications.
While for sure not the same you can always discuss your ideas on the forums.
What do you feel is ignored and/or is broken?
Death Knight and Monk feedback. For years. Frost and WW specifically. (Just spend 10 mins on either forum, in the class discords or try em yourself).
Any and all PvP related feedback, that doesn’t involve arena. For example, casual BGs are nearly unplayable right now due to the state of MM hunter. Been that way for well over a year.
Stuff that has mountains of feedback, not weeks, not months, YEARS. That has gone un-addressed and ignored. I get ya can’t tackle everything. But these are threads and issues with 1000s of posts, videos, and mountains of real tangible feeback.
Also sorry, I am just not high on the CC right now due to my recent treatment by a member.
Ya, I would like to join said council.
Yea as far as death knights I know a bit, but I’m not sure I would be considered an expert on the subject. I feel in many ways many theorycrafters are better to explain those problems. But yea something I might want to post about.
It’s totally fine I get it. Forums are a lot of how people handle their frustrations and I’ve done the same. My top topic is “Someone at blizzard hate dks”.
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I mean, you wouldn’t be wrong.
Too many of em got killed during random BGs with Blues during the PTR beta. They emergency nerfed deathstrike, refused to take another look at it.
Dead in PvP for the rest of the expansion.
Thank you for the reply. Did they extend the time limit on applications? The site says January 8 2024.
I’m glad to know there was a place on the site where it was done, I had seen the information a couple of years ago but lost it.
Nope, you missed it this year.
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So the non-streamer CC and ex-CC members posting on the forums are all frauds?
I’ll have you know that Blizzard is just as determined to ignore non-streamer CC members as they are to ignore streamer CC members.
I’m glad youre still enjoying wow! I hope blizzard would contact you.
I don’t understand what their selection process is. I have recently seen certain incredibly toxic twitter personalities get on.
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community council is as great of an idea from blizz since trying to push IRL name for the forums. we all know how that went for bashiok.
but why they dont even do anything nor do they really listen to any of the many posts in there ?