Interest Check - Support Group

Hi all! Just a quick interest check for an idea that popped up into my head. A fair percentage of people IRL deal with depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc., and there are support programs for those mental conditions. In my head, it stands to reason that characters in WoW would also deal with such things- especially considering we’re at war 90% of the time with -something-.

Would there be any interest in a neutral event support group? A place for people to explore writing a more emotional side of their characters, and for their characters to learn coping skills? Or would this be a little too close to real life for folks?


Hi, there!

I would be interested in this, as well! Can we meet to have an IC and OOC discussion about this? I’d love to help start it up!

Definitely! Sorry for alt posting, it won’t let me post on my monk for some reason. Altoholic#6666 is my Discord. Feel free to add me, and we can do the OOC discussion, and work on getting things IC!

Awesome! minnegander#0001 :slight_smile:

Hi, everyone!

Kasmeris and I are in discussion on locations, topics, formats, etc. We will keep this thread updated when the time comes, but are planning for a May 2021 implementation. There has been feedback from some that they like this idea, too, so we will bring it to the community!

More info to come. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the support!

I’d love to be a part of this! Can’t wait to hear updates:)

I’m interested for sure

I’d like this a lot

I got a chance to explore just such a thing with another RP group advocating mental health for the character. It was an amazing tool to help myself better explore the character and delve deeper into her. Count me in!!! :two_hearts:

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I definitely want to hear more about this.

So I can pass the information on to a friend, I mean. I’m perfectly fine, myself!


Very interesting prospect, and something I’d love to explore ICly.

Not sure about their current status but Marigold Mental Health was offering support to Alliance members.

But a Neutral group sounds amazing. Is it possible that there could be group support for separated families as I would bet that the small handful at the Gathering were not the only ones hoping to get closure. Good luck getting this off the ground!


As nice as this sounds… aint there outside sources that while not as good as payed-for services for mental health are abit better than nothing. Nothing wrong with getting friends for the help but the ordinary person would be way out of scope with stuff like this. Also… -squints at all the posters- is… is this just one person replying to themselves? dose this come off as shady to any one else or am I being paranoid? Tell me im just being paranoid Darvile.

Different posters mostly. You can check their account achievement points next to the name to confirm.

This project is meant as purely an In Character endeavor. We won’t be attempting to provide IRL assistance beyond providing the material we adapt.

And I don’t believe there are same posters, aside from me on Kasmeris and Cahodir.

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That is the group I was referring to in my comment here. My sessions with my Guru were PHENOMINAL RP and forever cannon for Yveti! Unfortunately, according to their most recent discord post, they are in a null state atm. sad panda

BUT… I saw Them as the IC Professionals were as this concept seems to be more Support Group oriented! Excited to try that aspect!

looks for the coffee and donuts

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Looks like only two of the posters are one person just looking at their battle pets. It’s not the OP though. I’d just chalk it up to accidentally posting on different characters.

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ah allright i see, i only went off of there post count since they are just… 1-10 posts? incredibly new to the forums atleast and i guess that rattled my sleepy brain. Not to mention how this kind of thing could go south real fast by using this kind of sensitive info against a person for future :duck:ery. Guess I also mis-read the ic part too. MB mango.

I sometimes do this on my alts. Nerinth here is my forum poster (due to thinking I would main her in SL but then changed my mind and now I don’t want to start over with trust levels again lol) but sometimes I will post with an alt and/or main if there is something that pertains to that specific character in RP/events. I find that sometimes people will reach out in game in regards to what the thread is about, so it helps if they can reach the character I am actually on and not this poor forum alt that barely gets my attention in-game lol

OP: All that aside, I have yet to post in this until now but I would potentially also be interested =)

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I just tend to lurk more than anything.

On topic: As previously stated, I’d be interested in this project. Elysium#1025 on discord!