[A-RP] <Marigold Mental Health> Welcomes You!

The Marigold Mental Health Clinic is a new clinic that provides professional therapy sessions for those who seek it, completely free. We pride ourselves on our total patient confidentiality, making our clinics your safe space.
Dedicated to helping those struggling with mental disorders, victims of abuse, and veterans returning from the war, our staff will go above and beyond to guide our patients onto the path of healing.

We hold many different types of sessions! We offer one-on-one sessions, marriage counseling, grief counseling, a veteran support group, and more to come. Each session will be held by one of our trusted and trained therapists.

We would love for you to join our team if you:

  • Feel that you could provide valuable ideas to improve the quality of therapy sessions, and could help find locations for extensions for the clinic.

  • Feel as if you are experienced enough to provide security to protect our valued staff and patients.

  • Are a counselor, therapist, or feel as if you meet the background to be able to provide solid and educated advice to seeking patients and be able to communicate in a healthy way.

  • Are frequently available to help with the clinic!

Our Staff Positions(We need staff!):

Therapist: The backbone of the clinic, these are the specialists who help the citizens of the Alliance with their struggles, using the glorious power of healthy communication. They’re also responsible for patient confidentiality. Therapists can be booked for appointments, or help those who desire a walk-in session.

Security: Though we don’t require many, these guys are important in helping to keep our lovely patients and staff safe from harm. Lethal force should never be used unless extremely necessary.

Hospitality: This staff position will mainly be used for those who don’t feel as if they have the education or background to be a therapist or a security guard(or just have no desire to do either). These wonderful people are here to help think and execute ideas for how to make the clinic more comfortable, helping us find more places to have sessions, planning locations for events, etc.

Coordinator: Moderators and the most trusted of the clinic. In charge of the day-to-day of the clinic and are in charge if the Head Therapist isn’t present. They will also be helpful for networking(advertising for the clinic)!

Our clinic is stationed in the Cathedral District beside Town Hall, directly behind the orphanage(Argent Dawn building). If you wish to make an appointment, please send us a letter(or join our discord for quicker responses), disclose what date you wish to have your session, and we’ll get back to you.

(Important OOC note: This guild is STRICTLY for IN CHARACTER issues. Those who get it confused will be informed as a warning, but if one ignores the warning, they will regrettably not be allowed to interact with our clinic.)

Send me mail or join our discord if you wish to be a part of our staff or be a patient!

Character name: Cordyliea
Discord: quesadalla#3430

Clinic Discord: discord.gg/XV54U7G
(Discord is required if you wish to be a part of our staff. IC interview also required, must be above level 20. You do NOT have to join the guild to be a patient.)


WHOO! These are awesome people with great RP. I love this idea, and so many possibilities for types of therapy depending on a counselor character’s background knowledge and abilities (traditional counseling, Pandaren chakras, meditation, dream walking/hypnosis, music or art therapy, etc.).

Very cool. I’m excited to see this new type of RP introduced to the MG community. :smiley:


ah cool idea!


That’s absolutely the beauty of our clinic! If one character felt as if they could have a better experience with chakra alignment, guided meditation, or would maybe love to try massage therapy, we got them covered.


This is a very interesting and seldom explored idea, and I hope it flourishes.


Very intriguing!


really really digging this one


What a cool idea! I hope to see you guys around!


We are in desparate need for staff! Our upcoming events and sessions are going to be put on hold indefinitely until we have help!

We would love for you to join our team if you:

  • Feel that you could provide valuable ideas to improve the quality of therapy sessions, and could help find locations for extensions for the clinic.
  • Feel as if you are experienced enough to provide security to protect our valued staff and patients.
  • Are a counselor, therapist, or feel as if you meet the background to be able to provide solid and educated advice to seeking patients and be able to communicate in a healthy way.
  • Are frequently available to help with the clinic!

Thank you, and we look forward to working with you!

Character name: Cordyliea
Discord: quesadalla#3430

Clinic Discord: discord.gg/XV54U7G
(Discord is required if you wish to be a part of our staff. IC interview also required, must be above level 20. You do NOT have to join the guild to be a patient.)

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I’m happy to be the newest Therapist on staff at MMH clinic!

Xueying helps people work through deep-seated issues through meditation and the process of unblocking chakras. If you’re brave enough to look at your own inner darkness and face it, Xue is your gal!


Neat guild. Hope you get the staff you need! If I wasn’t attempting to juggle things I’d toss an alt your way with animal-assisted therapy.


Animal-assisted therapy would be a great addition to our clinic! I hope you’ll get to join us someday!


There are a variety of non-therapist positions available within the guild as well. Since Marigold Mental Health strives to create a calming atmosphere for patients as well as providing therapists to help them along their paths to healing, other positions are needed as support staff for the therapists themselves.

Primarily, we are in need of the following:

Housekeeping and groundskeeping staff: While cleaning a small office building is not a job for a massive team of housekeepers, cleanliness of the premises is important to provide a professional appearance to the facility.

Hospitality staff: While much of the food and drink are provided by local vendors, they are not generally provided in a ready state, and must be prepared to one degree or another. Making sure the refreshments are not only delicious, but aesthetically pleasing is important, and attention to detail is necessary.

Administrative staff: keeping track of patients’ appointments and paperwork while maintaining confidentiality helps to take a load off of the therapists, allowing them to focus on helping the clinic’s patients rather than filling out forms. Administrative staff work closely with the therapists in order to keep MMH running smoothly.

Security staff: Though small, MMH’s security staff requires a special type of professional. Security staff are trained not only in non-lethal restraint techniques for a variety of situations, but in de-escalation and conflict resolution, with the goal that their restraint techniques need never be applied. While the standards for all staff are exacting, security staff applicants are held to a higher degree of scrutiny than any other applicant.

Additional positions, such as herbalists and alchemists to help produce herbal remedies and medications, animal husbandry experts to help tend to the therapy animals and ensure their comfort and training, artists to help to provide a pleasant aesthetic for the clinic’s decor, and others are also available, or may become available in the future due to needs as the clinic expands its services.

As always, we need more staff. If you believe you would be a good fit, please contact either Cora or Trizaari to arrange an interview.


oh no interest intensifies
now I wanna create/play liveDarvile and I don’t even have time for the deader one

this is really an awesome concept and I wish you much success with the guild


Thank you so much! I hope your interest will lead you to joining someday! We’d love to have you as a staff member or a patient.


This is another call for staff.

As thrilled as we are about gaining so many patients, we will not be able to fulfill our duty to hold all requested sessions until we have the appropriate amount of staff. We would love for you to join our team if you:

  • Feel that you could provide valuable ideas to improve the quality of therapy sessions, and could help find locations for extensions for the clinic.

  • Feel as if you are experienced enough to provide security to protect our valued staff and patients.

  • Are a counselor, therapist, or feel as if you meet the background to be able to provide solid and educated advice to seeking patients and be able to communicate in a healthy way.

  • Are frequently available to help with the clinic! Thank you, and we look forward to working with you!

For further information or to join the clinic’s staff or list of patients, please contact us!

Contact information:
Character name: Cordyliea
Discord: quesadalla#3430
Character name: Trizaari
Discord: Ideaforge#5592

Clinic Discord: discord.gg/XV54U7G (Discord is required if you wish to be a part of our staff. IC interview also required, must be above level 20. You do NOT have to join the guild to be a patient.)


Attention! We now offer physical therapy!

Yes! You read that correctly. We can now offer physical therapy sessions. Here are five signs you could benefit from physical therapy:

  • You are experiencing constant centralized sharp pain. This can be indicative of a stress factor or muscle strain.

  • Having some pain following an intense workout is normal. Rest should address this, but if you’re experiencing lingering pain after applying an ice pack and resting for a few days, it might be time to explore physical therapy.

  • Sudden or traumatic injuries can benefit from physical therapy. Muscle tears and broken bones are two of the most common injuries that are treated by physical therapists. When you experience sudden trauma, it is important to take care of the problem at hand, so the issue doesn’t get significantly worse down the road.

  • If any medicine you are consuming or administering is ineffective. If the discomfort continues even after using pain relief, it may be time to seek out physical therapy.

  • The truth of the matter is only you know your body. If you notice any physical changes in your body, especially in areas experiencing pain, schedule an appointment to talk with your doctor. If you are experiencing sudden discomfort and localized pain, you may benefit from working with a physical therapist.

We are also seeking physical therapy specialists, or those who feel they provide the background and experience to perform a session.

Also, yes, we are still in need of all staff roles! Don’t be shy. We hope we can count on you.

For further information or to join the clinic’s staff or list of patients, please contact us!

Contact information:
Character name: Cordyliea
Discord: quesadalla#3430
Character name: Trizaari
Discord: Ideaforge#5592

Clinic Discord: discord.gg/XV54U7G (Discord is required if you wish to be a part of our staff. IC interview also required, must be above level 20. You do NOT have to join the guild to be a patient.)


I love being part of this guild as a therapist. Our list of therapists and therapy styles has grown, as well as our list of patients (both in-guild and outside of the guild).

This is such a great opportunity to do some awesome RP character development. Everyone come check us out! :smiley:


cool concept.

Happily discharged another patient from therapy tonight, her progress complete enough that she felt her issues had been resolved (as best as they can be for now). With ongoing as needed basis.

If you haven’t tried enrolling a character in MMH for a therapy session, you should! It’s OOCly tons of fun and a great way to explore your character’s backstory, current mental state, wrestle with RP trauma, and create organic character growth. :slight_smile:

Can either join the guild as a Patient rank, or don’t join and just RP alongside the guild for therapy sessions on whatever character you want.