What is that thing FF14 has where people can’t be mean to others?
I think it would clean up the WOW base too.
What is that thing FF14 has where people can’t be mean to others?
I think it would clean up the WOW base too.
An active moderation team?
Amazingly WoW has similar rules in place, they just suck at enforcing a lot of it.
This has some negative vibes associated with it. Sounds like you want someone banned. Thats pretty toxic of you.
Is it Sunday?
Absolutely agree with that. They need to actively address the toxicity and vehemence that you find in WoW. Tell someone they’re trash? Suspension. Link meters and tell someone to kill themselves because they aren’t doing as much DPS as some website told you they should? Suspended.
To be honest I wish they’d ban logs/DPS meters period. It would fix a lot of the issues just by doing that.
The community clearly will not police itself and encourages toxicity so Blizzard needs to address it.
FF14 where you can’t say people their dps is bad(literally no other thing must be associated) or you can get banned and then you gotta carry them. It is soo fun, wasting my time with people i don’t want to be with and have no say on the matter.
The ignore function works great on WoW btw.
blizzards new design created the rise in toxicity.
From disposable people through group finder/lfg to destroying server identity.
All of these changes have made the game less social and more toxic.
Wow has active moderation team. Right click report goes farther than you think.
If folks like the atmosphere at FF better, they should go there and stop trying to make WoW into FF14 2.0
Let’s go!
I want this.
Honestly any game that values oversensibility over efficiency and time is big garbage
Thank you for saying this.
The thing is you do not treat people that way in a game. You help them get better.
Did they really ban someone for simply jumping over a bench? Sure there was more to this story lol.
No, they didn’t. People cast stuff in the cities all the time. And jumping over a bench? Really?
APB Reloaded while plagued by issues has a really good moderation team who enforce their Terms Of Service on a regular basis.
Racism/Bigotry/ Hate Speech/ and Certain other Rules of Conduct if broken will get you a permanent hardware/IP ban.
I remember the days where there were many active GMs and when something bad happened it was handled quick. Then after Wrath their values went downhill.
Pretty much lol. Good luck convincing Bli$$ard to hire back all the CS reps and CMs they fired, though.
Helping others is not a requirement at all for anything in this game or really in most of life. There’s nothing wrong with having some expectations and holding people to them. This is not to say that I think anyone whos doing bad on the meters deserves to get called out and spat upon or anything but, its not exactly selfish and jerk behavior to expect someone whos applying for a mythic +15 to have at least some idea of how their class works.
Yeah, the game was sunshine and roses without LFG. No toxicity in Classic at all either. Yep.