Instead of TBC expansion

This guy gets it

This all sounds like it could be fun. One question: why would they do this? It seems like it would be more work for the same amount of money from Blizzards perspective.

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Couple thingsā€¦

Whats a guild hall?
What are guild wars/battles?
Hell no to the spell animation/ graphics update. One of the reasons i donā€™t play retail, they look foolish and more like a ripoff of the other failed MMOā€™s that tried too hard.

Everything else iā€™m cool with, i guess.

Not gonna happen. The best youā€™ll ever get out of Vanilla are minor Quality of Life changes.

Besides, I know a lot more people interested in TBC than Classic, including me.

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I think they should keep Classic on ice after Phase 6. Iā€™d like to be able to revisit Vanilla in the future and see what people have done with it. Perhaps Classic will revert to a primitive warrior culture with only one realm per region, where bots achieve sentience and Goblin settlements become the new capital cities.

the problem with people who want WoW2 is they just want retail with updated graphics. itā€™s not worth the investment at all, as it would require years of work and an entire team.

classic+ only requires adding quality of life features (barbershop, arena, guild battles sounds awesome, etc.). and balancing the classes so warrior isnt the only viable tank. I think if pservers can do it, blizzard can.

The only classic+ I think is acceptable is if they scaled down TBC to level 60 stats, added it into the game, removed flying mounts, kept the same class talents and removed resilience. In other words keep classic exactly the way it is while adding TBC content as if its a patchā€¦ Let people level 50-60 in Outlands if they want.

I donā€™t know what TBC raiding would be like with classic talents and class balance but hey it would be a fun experiment.

That + having the world buffs be consumables.

This is easily the most fun solution for everyone I think.

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The current devs would turn any attempt at classic+ into some boring weekly warforged loot chest that gives your friends bis weapons but gives you belts for months unend.

It would be awful. Classic class balance was rubbish.

Except for the broken, half finished specs that were improved exponentially in BC.

Brand new raid content with harder modern mechanics TBC talents same arena and pvp setup except no resilience. #allthechangesforTBC

People could never agree on a model moving forward just like retail. TBC is a proven formula with most of the fixes people have asked for with Classic. There is no chance they will add on to Classic with content not in the original version. Look at the feedback with retail expansions. If you could get the entire Classic population (not forums) to agree on a direction then you might stand a chanceā€¦ but since that is impossible there is no hope. They will release what has been proven to work and nothing else.

Has nothing to do with proven to work and everything to do with nostalgia and novelty. The best formula would be to learn from classic in that we want a modern raid difficulty with the arena based pvp of TBC. #allthechnagesTBC.