Instead of TBC expansion

I would rather see Blizzard update Classic and add to the base game rather than release TBC. Classic and every expansion is finite. Goijg forward. the most logical thing I can think of is keep releasing expansions until we’re at the same point as retail, 15 years behind. Does it make sense?

I would like to see Blizzard turn classic into something like Diablo. I think there are plenty of things that can be implemented without taking away from the classic feel of the game.

I enjoy gameplay and lack knowledge of actual storyline and lore so some things listed may not make sense. Here is a list of things that can be changed, implemented, ect

Guild bank
Guild hall
Guild battles/wars
Graphic, spell/animation update
World events
Zone events
Zone control
Add dungeons
Hard mode dungeons & raids
Character model options
Fix flight paths
Battlegrounds changes
New gear
Seasonal characters
Seasonal pvp

The list can go on but I think that’s enough for reference.

The guild bank, guild hall, character model options, and fix flight paths have been implemented in newer expansions or are quality of life updates that don’t affect the feel of the game.

World events, zone events, zone control, new dungeons, hard mode dungeons, seasonal characters add an aspect making character leveling new, interesting, slightly increasing leveling speed, and include reasons to world pvp while leveling. Take for instance The Deadmines. You could add a small instance or two in the cave that has to do with the defias. A few bosses, similar levels, couple pieces of new gear. You could even make deadmines hard mode for its level. Increas mob health slightly, numbers of mobs, damage. Take gear like Cruel Barb add 2stam 4 more attack power, change the model color and make it an epic. It will be better but a blue of a few levels higher should replace it. Zone events could be something like the defias attacking sentinel hill. Event lasts X amount of time and have a repeatable quest or two that encourages group play. Could even give a buff for completing the event to reduce damage taken in deadmines by X amount or percent, making it the slightest bit easier to do heroic dungeon at your level.

Seasonal pvp, Battlegrounds changes, new Battlegrounds, hard mode raids allows for the release of the exact same content without being completely stale. Raids can be tweaked and re-released; MC hard mode gear essentially being slightly better than Naxx gear, color variance of the original tier sets. Health, damage, and fights can be changed slightly for the same experience with new twists so there is some progression without prior knowledge.

There’s so much more. To me, classic is about the classic game and its core gameplay. BC and other expansions will never be the same as the original WORLD of warcraft. A bunch of the things I can think of are already implemented in retail and can translate over. You can change the game without taking away from the true feel of the original world of azeroth and classic experience.

Through? Comments?



It’s been discussed to death. Classic+ isn’t happening, and will never happen. Everyone has their idea of what it will look like, and blizzard will never spend dev time making new content when they can just copy-paste successful expansions and devote dev time instead to modern wow.

TBC will come. Classic+ will never be a thing.


Trusting nu-Blizz with original stuff is a bad idea, they can’t even get a remastered version of Warcraft 3 done correctly.


LOL. The fact that retail is so much like Diablo is precisely why people don’t want to play it.


Isn’t classic wow similar in ways to Diablo? You do spend the vast majority of your time dungeon/raid farming for gear.

No, the two are not remotely similar just because they tangentially share a feature.

Current Devs and Activision can’t create a game I would consider worth playing.

Asking them to implement new ideas with the “spirit of Classic un mind” is pretty backwards considering these are the people who hated classic and the RPG elements of the game.


Its worth a discussion or attempt. The release of BC is just retail all over again, 15 years behind.

Yeah, I think it does. At least in how they developed WoW, continuously adding to it, while it was live, rather than have expansions as separate games. This way, they may have a path to have expansions each be separate games, at least in the sense that they are independently playable.

No thanks. That’s the complete antithesis of Classic. They didn’t bring it back just so it could slowly be made into something else unrecognizable again. Does history teach us nothing?

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They brought it back because people enjoyed the classic experience and it was something the community wanted, but now they’re adding BC, and probably others after that. Isn’t that essentially the same thing except that fact its recognizable because they did it 15 years ago?

No, you don’t. You like the general idea of that, but you’re not thinking about it clearly. It wouldn’t be Blizzard 2004 adding on. It would be Blizzard 2020 (of BFA, Warcraft 3: Reforged, and Diablo: Immortal ‘fame’), under direction from Activision (COD, Destiny 2, a bunch of IPs they’ve thrown in the trash) that would be making any additions.

It would be best to reevaluate your desires based on that information.


No it’s not the same thing because we can say with a very high amount of certainty that Classic: vanilla will remain as is after Classic: TBC releases based on a survey sent out by Blizzard.

It’s been discussed. A lot.



Not follow you Chuck.

Are you saying that classic servers are going to stay as is and they’re releasing BC servers?

Yes. That’s what I’m saying.


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I guess that will be okay but what happens to classic? You’ll eventually max out on gear and have nothing left to look forward to. You could constantly level characters and try to redo all the content… This is the reason I personally would like a classic +. I want to play vanilla but its content is finite once BC is released, so what do we do then?

I enjoy the thought of both classic + and burning crusade but I would much rather keep vanilla in its Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms state rather than going forward into the outlands. Outlands keeps the majority of the game the same but there is enough change for me to look for alternate options.

Many of us played classic to show blizzard there is support for legacy content with the pipe dream that they may launch TBC eventually. That pipe dream is now nearly confirmed reality. I love TBC much more than classic and this is really what I have been waiting for. Many of us here feel the same.


I enjoy BC as well but the same goes for that expansion. What happens when we’re at the end of that expansion?

Wotlk? Then probably something like EQ where they just do expansion rerelease seasons on a schedule? There’s already established systems on how to run legacy mmorpg content from other games