Instead of TBC expansion

No this is garbage, as you can see by blizzards content or verison of wow in 2020 its not very good, Make tbc and wrath than leave servers up with wipe cycles like private servers have been doing for decades

While I get your hope for it and understand I can’t see it happening. Maybe if this was the 2000’s with the old Blizzard guard but this new era Blizzard team would upset the Classic purists more than make them happy. In a world where the Internet exists and majority of people like to be miserable saps on here they will find anything to cry about. BC Classic if that was to come is a safe bet for Blizzard to draw people in since many people have fond memories of BC these days and it will be instant money for them. BC Classic will come with some changes I’d assume but it may actually be even closer to itself compared to WoW Classic if they decide to patch the game along the way but I doubt it would be the case. WoW Classic is like going back to your old hot GF and having some fun again but the feeling isn’t like it first was. Enjoy it because some action is better than no action.

I mean, maybe thats your take on it. I think everyone else playing is enjoying it, no remake is ever gonna be like it was. The game is better than the alternatives for us, so we play it. Its not about “GoINg BaCk”

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You can ask to discuss this until you’re blue in the face. It’s not happening any time soon. BC is money. The minute the account surveys went out on BC servers the hype shot up. BC is money with little effort or time investment. Classic+ is time and money. In reality Classic+ is another MMORPG for Blizzard to run. And Blizzard has stated they don’t want to run two MMORPGs.

If you’re going to discuss Classic+ bring it up near the end of Classic Wrath in a few years. Then people will be talking about quitting as Cataclysm wasn’t the most well received expansion. Then it will be a way to keep legacy players. So sit and wait or keep posting and being disappointed.

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Yep, I completely agree

As someone who considers TBC to best Warcraft at it’s absolute best, I must kindly disagree.

While I support a Classic+ server with fixes and other such things, that would still take a back seat to an actual TBC server. Here is what I put down as a suggestion on that though.

Cool you can disagree but the subs dont lie buddy, The game had the most number of players during WRATH AND BC. So unless you have a statistic to show otherwise its than your opinion.

No reason we cant have both :slight_smile:


If it was a choice between Classic+ or TBC, I’d choose TBC.

If they came out and said they were thinking of doing Classic + then I would start advocating for WoW2 instead.

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Yeah exactly, if you are gonna do a entirely new thing just make WoW 2 and fix this crap

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Or maybe make a TBC server and then do like they did with the last terminator movie and pretend that everything after T2 didn’t exist. Could do like Nintendo did to explain the Legend of Zelda series and do the whole branching timelines thing, lol.

Sorry, just had to.

Only problem with that is the split of the community, lets say for a minute TBC classic became the only game, than retailers would be upset, and vice versa, they gotta fix the gap at some point

This guy gets it

This all sounds like it could be fun. One question: why would they do this? It seems like it would be more work for the same amount of money from Blizzards perspective.

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Couple things…

Whats a guild hall?
What are guild wars/battles?
Hell no to the spell animation/ graphics update. One of the reasons i don’t play retail, they look foolish and more like a ripoff of the other failed MMO’s that tried too hard.

Everything else i’m cool with, i guess.

Not gonna happen. The best you’ll ever get out of Vanilla are minor Quality of Life changes.

Besides, I know a lot more people interested in TBC than Classic, including me.

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I think they should keep Classic on ice after Phase 6. I’d like to be able to revisit Vanilla in the future and see what people have done with it. Perhaps Classic will revert to a primitive warrior culture with only one realm per region, where bots achieve sentience and Goblin settlements become the new capital cities.

the problem with people who want WoW2 is they just want retail with updated graphics. it’s not worth the investment at all, as it would require years of work and an entire team.

classic+ only requires adding quality of life features (barbershop, arena, guild battles sounds awesome, etc.). and balancing the classes so warrior isnt the only viable tank. I think if pservers can do it, blizzard can.

The only classic+ I think is acceptable is if they scaled down TBC to level 60 stats, added it into the game, removed flying mounts, kept the same class talents and removed resilience. In other words keep classic exactly the way it is while adding TBC content as if its a patch… Let people level 50-60 in Outlands if they want.

I don’t know what TBC raiding would be like with classic talents and class balance but hey it would be a fun experiment.

That + having the world buffs be consumables.

This is easily the most fun solution for everyone I think.

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The current devs would turn any attempt at classic+ into some boring weekly warforged loot chest that gives your friends bis weapons but gives you belts for months unend.