Xtra is like that special needs that can’t take a hint. Guy has some serious issues
Its the shaman brain brother
heh leave it to some random person to try and make personal insults while we are trying to have a real discussion about something theyve themselves claimed was an issue.
You lack the critical thinking to have a discussion. Again, they should stop allowing people with 30 IQ to spam the forums.
This guy Xtra actually thinks his ideas have merit. Legit brain-dead
A few shamans on the forums have “god complex”
yawn. i wont be interacting with you from here on out.
youre boring and provide nothing of substance and lack any real input on anything cause all you can think of is to try and insult me and cant counter even 1 of my points with anything coherent of your own.
gl being wrong.
anyways anyone else have any thoughts on the subject?
Idk from his 63 posts I seem to find more accurate statements than your 4316 posts
You’ve provided nothing of substance for 4300 posts. 30 IQ dribble
Disable tank runes in pvp, that’s the solution.
Tanks have never been fun to deal with in pvp EVER in wow’s history. 20 years and they’ve never been well balanced. Just remove them from the equation in PvP. We’ve got enough problems.
what runes would qualify as “tank” runes and does it even solve the problem with specs that arent completely using specific runes and still would qualify to the eye test as “tank” specs?
which is why we can’t just nerf tank runes. Just reduce the overall damage output of all tanks and increase the threat generated form their abilities
Probably the ones adding crit reductions and dr’s… You’re not seriously trying to lump in prot warriors and prot paladins, all the prot warriors are playing glad stance which is dps with prot utility. and I’ve seen 2 prot paladins, they were useless. Especially when ret and shock exist.
You’re as disingenuous with that argument as the enh shamans saying shamans aren’t broken because they play the 1 garbage spec.
But yeah, just disable all the tank bonuses that boost damage/give extra dr’s from runes and whatever in pvp. Shouldn’t proc in instanced pvp or off players.
tank shaman > prot war> druid tank> prot pally> warlock tank> rogue tank
or about that right?
either way you lump them in , to nerf just 1 or 2 leaves a vaccume for others to take their place and still be a problem.
it wouldnt be as much of a problem yes, but it still would be annoying as crap and would be unfair if johnny got to keep his toys and everyone else had to give up theirs.
none of the other tanks are anywhere NEAR as big a problem as tank shaman. It’s literally not even the same realm. Don’t be stupid. Even if, all tank shaman had was hp/def stats from gear, they would STILL be a problem with self-healing to ever actually kill. They full block all my attacks from the front. That means I can’t even apply debuffs like hamstring, because it full blocks.
Just disable them in PvP. IF prot warrior or druid somehow come out of total irrelevance to god tier (they wont) just nerf them too. It’s not a complex process dummy.
Not with goons trying to constantly nerf tank damage, I have enough to sweat.
The underlying problem is tank gets a defense upgrade and offense upgrade is correlated.
Damage gets offense upgrade, but a 500 damage hit is still pretty chunky.
Xtra being disingenuous? No way.
Couldn’t be the same Xtra that has been against nerfs unless it’s to do with paladins.
Not the same Xtra that figures out the PvP spec to play after its already dominated for 2 phases.
Don’t think of it as being disingenuous, just low IQ / no critical thinking.
you know i said i wasnt gonna interact with dude but whatever just this once.
i was for specific targeted nerfs to the 1 unfair thing i saw with paladins which was the ability to 2 global people while also being nearly fully immune to almost everything in the game.
they addressed that by giving them a -50% damage done while bubbled.
ever since then i have actually made posts in support of pallies keeping the damage they do have without any nerfs to them at all .
the only thing i would be in favor of nerfing is if they make seals and stuff undispellable which would have to come with some rebalancing as it is an always on thing at that point with no counterbalance and would be op .
but do go on how i am all about nerfing pallies where i have defended them in several recent posts .
Yeah but 1 month ago you’re saying people shouldn’t be calling for nerfs to classes.
Again I don’t blame you, you aren’t being disingenuous on purpose. It’s just that low IQ of yours. Anyone that thinks any of their argument actually gets through to your brain is kidding themselves. You will always think your ideas are better.
See how you have all this nerf ammo pre loaded for pallies, but someone even mentions a nerf / adjustment to shamans it’s “instead of calling for nerfs”
The fact you can’t see it at this point just proves how low your IQ is.
while i thank you for the bump , you are back to insulting my intelligence and dishonestly trying to frame my arguments as something they arent or the fact that i can change my mind on subjects but whatever.
done with you again for now.
anyways if anyone else has suggestions or solutions that are able to be implemented please continue to post.
typical shaman behaivior, cry like b*****s and get pally nerfed.
pally and others complain about shaman, blizz doesnt give 2 s