Instead of Asking for Pathfinder to be Removed, Ask for a Mounting Revamp

In before equippable Running Shoes that increase your unmounted speed by a flat 15% but have no stats on them.

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In before it’s actually mount equipment, but the mount equipment slot is disabled until level 40 as well.

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Did anyone else just picture an Elekk in running shoes?

Kodo. Just Kodo it. swoosh

Instead of the thumping drum sounds while you run, “squish-swoosh-swiff-squeak!”

Pssh. I’ve got my Air Vol’jins. /dab


To be honest, trolls playing basketball would be sick as hell to watch!


Why is this not its own thread?

Naah… I just stopped buying/playing Retail.

Happy to play more legacy servers as they are released, then I can enjoy flight the old fashioned way.

The solution is simply to design an expansion with flying in mind. Wrath was designed with flying and it was amazing. We got a gigantic continent with a lot of verticality and places that actually required flying, and we got to fly very soon after starting the expansion.

Just repeat that design.

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But how else is he supposed to push his agenda? :stuck_out_tongue:

OP,flight is something the majority enjoy heavily and is consider gameplay,the only people I’ve seen against flight are those who are just salty they can’t gank people willy nilly and force them into WPVP.[even though staying out of warmide also prevents that :P] Just because you dont like it and doesn’t meet your pretentious standards doesnt make it “not game play”. If you want Guild Wars 2 then go play that,just sayin’.

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This is the angle I’ve been arguing for a while. If players feel the need to try to get through gameplay as quickly as possible, it’s probably not quality gameplay and that’s the actual root of the problem. If the game were designed well mount speed and capabilities would be a cherry on top, not a must.

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Mounts could be better. It’s not just about flying.

Oh, go play Classic. Shoo.

I don’t want to play Classic.

You really shouldn’t bother responding to people who haven’t read your thread sufficiently enough to understand that you’re not advocating for the removal of flight.

Also, I think you probably ought to propose in some detail what sorts of gameplay you’d like to add to mounting, and in particular flying. It’s hard to discuss your position on mounting when the end result you’re aiming for has been left unclear.

Even though i see what you’re saying. If i have the choice of walking or driving somewhere. I’m always going to drive

What do you guys think about mounted combat?

They promised this for WotLK but then cut it due to time constraints. It’s even advertised on the wotlk box.

It isn’t a premise. It is a logical conclusion inferred from your own argument. P if Q Or if you would rather p implies q

I’ve had ideas on the subject for a while.

Here’s a quick and dirty list of concepts:

  • Mount can be mounted/dismounted and persist in world.
  • Species Classifications
  • Passive/Active Abilities
  • Specializations based on Navigation, Combat, or Utility
  • Mount Health and Fatigue
  • Inns gain Mount Posts to generate Rested EXP for mount.

Stuff like that.

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I would rather just buy it with gold like we used to.

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