Instead of Asking for Pathfinder to be Removed, Ask for a Mounting Revamp

“The title of this thread contains “pathfinder”, but the thread has nothing to do with pathfinder or flying”.

Yeah, right. Anything you say, darling.

You are the one fraught with prejudices and preconceptions that interfere with your ability to accept that other people legitimately disagree with you and your clearly dishonest failed propaganda attempt.

You aren’t discussing anything. You’re just copying and pasting something you think might be more convincing if you copy and paste it more times.

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Or just quit being lazy and go farm it out…

Weird my buddy just started playing 2 weeks ago and has flying in BFA.

You people act like its the hardest thing you have ever accomplished in your life…

And WoD and Legion are even easier because you just go back and mollywop the content in 3 seconds.

This is an outright lie. It took my first character over a month to complete pathfinder playing many hours a day.

…This is a strawman. A really obvious strawman, too. If you’re going to argue, don’t argue in bad faith, please?

No it’s not their is more ways to get rep now, than their was before. He did every world quest everyday. Used incription item to get more rep. Farmed island expeditions for more rep. He literally just hit 120 2 weeks ago promise. He plays a Orc Monk, hes like 450 ilvl and has flying.

I was actually surprised myself. I said damn you already have flying lol. I showed him how to do it, but he banged it out quickly. The main storyline is also longer now so you finish Honorbound instantly and can avoid them for insciption methods.

He used the incription items on Mechagon and the Najatar. So all his world quests gave rep for those 2. Used the items you can buy with dubloons on the island expeditions to help speed up the original 6 reps - Honorbound because the story finishes that. Then just completed everything else in a few hours and was done.

…and let us not forget to mention that if Blizzard could screw up a mounting revamp, they surely would. I’m not really very trusting of them messing with mounts and potentially turning it into something else entirely.

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Then maybe you should sit back on the flying issue and move on to the main problem, yea?

I do not believe you. My first character to reach 120 leveled up only a few months ago. It took a week to open up world quests by doing all the questing and war campaign. Nazjatar and Mechagon rep had to be grinded in addition. Mechagon and Nazjatar took a long time on foot.

Grinding Island expeditions instead of doing world quests was the hard way to get rep, considering you would get maybe 1 or 2 rep tokens a day out of it.

It is simply not credible that he got all of Pathfinder 1 and 2 in 2 weeks.

Because this isn’t about pathfinding, it’s about a flying revamp. The thread is titled the way it is to indicate that maybe if we talked about something else, we’d see improvements to flying that made it more fun.

But if you want to continue being passive aggressive instead of engaging in what’s being discussed, be my guest.

So don’t try because Blizzard is bad? Isn’t that parodixical to say while paying for their product?

I dunno, I’d probably call it just plain old run-of-the-mill aggressive, personally. I don’t think your idea will hold up in an iterative design structure, but that’s no reason to jump down your throat.

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Except again, you told people in the title that it was about pathfinder.

“Instead of asking for pathfinder to be removed” Doh.

Translation of the entire thread:

Dream on. You started a thread using a flamebait title containing the word “pathfinder”, and you keep stomping your little feet whining that people are talking about flight.

…That’s not how the language works. “Instead of talking about X,” does not mean, “Let’s talk about X.” It’s literally suggesting we not talk about X.

This is the internet. No one owns this thread, especially not you. People will continue to be drawn in by the flamebait title and talk about that.

wouldn’t be the first time they messed up and then brushed it aside remember the Ruby Sanctum? Blizzard had planned for it to go live on all US servers at the same time only AFTER doing a server group rotation maintenance with only parts of the actual servers being offline at once it was right during the first week they took the first batch off and all was fine well then the 2nd batch was down then oopsie some one hit the wrong switch and made RS go live and during that time players from the still online server group managed to get the worlds first and what did Blizz do? just oh well whats done is done and swept it under the rug

People will talk about Pathfinder because Pathfinder is a perfectly acceptable system (albeit one that could use polish/tweaking) and mounting itself isn’t in dire need of a change.

Honestly, I don’t know why the OP bothers to answer you. Every post you’ve made drips with vitriol and venom. I can’t imagine wanting to have an extended conversation with someone being so rude.


Weird because he did and I don’t fly him around anymore.

You are wrong about getting 2 a day. You can buy them from the vendors now with dubloons. So its super fast 100 per. And you get like 25-35 per mythic. So every 15 mins you can buy one roughly.

And he didn’t mind doing them because he wanted some of the mounts and xmog.

So you were flying him around. That in itself cut the amount of time required down. By a lot.

There is no consensus about pathfinder as you seem to feel there is.

Sorry. I’m not out to wreck the game as he is. OP thinks too many people are having fun and that needs to be changed.

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No, not really. Only when we would go to push keys, because he’d have to take weird flight paths and then run to them if I didn’t. He farmed all that on his own.

I like how you dismiss my opinion as just being my individual opinion…

And then immediately follow it with your own individual opinion.

It’s very amusing.

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I am so sure - we would be back to walking for 40 lvls if they were given a chance