Instead of Asking for Pathfinder to be Removed, Ask for a Mounting Revamp

but that would prove beyond all doubt that Blizzard and by extension Watcher was WRONG when even the ones so adamantly defending pathfinder would go ahead and spend gold to have flight

it would be too big of a ego crushing move that Watcher would be unable to ignore after all you saw the reaction he got at the last Blizz-con and he still acted like everyone was supportive despite the deafening roar of EVERYONE booing him when he mentioned PF for shadowlands

seriously ive never seen a person so detached from the playerbase and living in an echo chamber like he does

Unless it was done right and it was a choice between PF for account wide flight and gold for individual/character based flight. The trick is hitting that right price point.

My concern with flight for gold is Blizzard can put it in at gold cap+1, thus forcing PF or no flight while saying they did as players wanted.

Roll horde and you’ll see that the damn place was designed for flight

Just as long as it’s NOTHING like it was in Wrath. For some classes it makes sense. For Rogue, Druid, Fury Warrior, or Monk? Absolutely not. But as I said above, I think having a mounted vs foot dynamic between classes would be really interesting.

Either way, ground mounts should be castable in combat.

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Better yet: Mounts should be separate entities within the game. You can dismount them and they’re still there.

I never liked how we’re always pulling mounts out of thin air.

But… I don’t want a mounting revamp. I want pathfinder to be removed?

A missed opportunity.

Wow. All you did was read part of his post and then intentionally quote him out of context. Adding to the clown car, we also have 67 people who mindlessly clicked “Like”, and I’ll wager they did so because they likewise assumed that he was speaking about removing flight; when he was not.

I for one would welcome a riding revamp that did something like say… enabling mounted combat, or combat on the back of one’s flying mount. It would be a nice addition to the game. Too bad you were too focused on the wrong things to note the difference. That’s what’s made the game a mess. People like you blindly engaging in improvised campaigns spin-doctoring.

Dayon is suggesting ideas on how to move the game forward, and instead we have you making ludicrous claims about how it wasn’t a problem until the Devs made it one. Do you thrive on making the most hyperbolic statements you can, instead of relying on facts to back your claims?

Where in the post you are replying to did he claim that the post was about removing flight? In the post you quoted, he said the OP was wrong to claim that flight enables exploitative use of the z axis, and explained that flight was not a problem until the devs made it one. No mention is made in the OP or in the reply about removing flight. He discussed flight being viewed as a problem, but the logical deduction from that becoming “remove flight” is a link YOU made, not the person you ascribe it to.

That’s great. Good for you. The OP is saying that people should ask for revamps to the mount system rather than request roll-backs to the limitations on flight. The two are not related and not mutually exclusive.

The OP makes claims that flight is a “broken conveinience mechanic” and that Blizzard should fix the chores rather than reinstate flight’s status as it was before. The title of the thread makes a dichotomy between returning flight and asking for a mounting revamp.

You are the one that is making the thread into something its not, “spin doctoring” as you call it. The post that you quoted is a direct, topical reply to the OP.

[quote]Dayon is suggesting ideas on how to move the game forward, and instead we have you making ludicrous claims about how it wasn’t a problem until the Devs made it one. Do you thrive on making the most hyperbolic statements you can, instead of relying on facts to back your claims?
It’s only a “ludicrous claim” to you because you fall on that side of the fence. For people who like flying, it’s an accurate description. No part of flying made the game worse for me, and limiting flight limits my enjoyment of the game.

This is not hyperbolic; describing it as such is more hyperbolic than the comment you are describing.

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Got flying. But thanks for your concern.

Golf clap for that brave attempt.

You only need to browse the flying threads of the old forums to see that it’s far, far, FAR from “improvised”.

Well, it WASN’T a problem before the devs made it one. I’ve only played since early Cata, but it wasn’t considered a problem then, and in my old guilds with many veteran players, it was never mentioned as a problem by any of them either - instead, they talked about it as one of the most unique and exciting features of the game, something you couldn’t do in any other MMO.

Yep, 67 people are “mindless” and you’re somehow above them all and are gonna put them all in their place! Go you!


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This is illuminating.

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All that text, and not a grain of intelligence in the entire thing. You clearly don’t know what the term assumed means. That was the crux of the statement. I said people ASSUMED automatically when he started to speak that it was an anti-flying post. I did not say that it was. If you can’t speak intelligently, you are probably better off not doing so at all.

Yes, we get it. Your edgy. Can we move things along?

Finally we have someone who understands mob mentality. Because of your rousing words of encouragement, I now am re-bolstered and fortified. I will continue to call out the forums and their hive-mind logic when and where I see it. Your vote of confidence and encouragement was appreciated! I considered just giving up, but with your words I can carry on! Thank you friend. ^^

This moreso. You’re going to begrudge someone for only playing for TEN YEARS? “You’ve only been here for 60% of the game’s runtime, NEWB!”

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Mount talents, stamina bars+mount sprint, and different bonuses by mount family (kind of like hunter pets) would all be welcome additions for me.

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When someone starts a discussion with…

Sounds like concern trolling to me.

What, is nearly a decade of continuously playing the game not sufficient for your “back in the day” mindset?

I was there for the entirety of the best expansion in the game’s history, which we all know was Mists of Pandaria. So nyah :stuck_out_tongue:

I was asking where IN THE POST YOU REPLIED TO that the poster talked about removing flight, or indicated that they thought that the OP was talking about removing flight.

You assumed that the person replying to the OP was assuming the OP was about removing flight. That person did not say that, nor imply it. No part of the quote you replied to when saying this implied anything about flight removal; it discussed Blizzard’s perception of flight as a problem.

If you’re going to go around talking about people lacking intelligence and assuming things that aren’t apparent or implied in the content they are replying to, you should start with yourself. You accused someone of assuming the OP was talking about removing flight. They weren’t.

What? I have no idea what this means. I was directly addressing the content of YOUR post, where you implied that the OP was not doing something that he directly did. It had nothing to do with being edgy.

Also, “You’re* edgy”.

I would usually assume that you know that Audrena was being sarcastic, but given your demonstrated lack of comprehension skills thus far, I suppose someone should point it out in case you quoted this unironically.

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Not at all. Flying had actual “support” in BC and Wrath in the way the world was built with that kind of navigation in mind that Cata doesn’t.

A player’s impression of the significance of flying will be different based on which expansions they had first exposure. If you weren’t playing when BC and Wrath were relevant, you’re not going to have any context for when having flying meant more than just moving up and down in the game space.

This is why it makes sense Audrena has the position she does.

Uhh… Deepholm? Cata is the only expansion ever where flying was free and had no specific restrictions. It was also the only expansion ever that let you fly from day 1 even while levelling.

And what position is that, exactly?

You’re the one that wants thousands of discarded mounts standing all over the place. And mount-specific traits so there can be a “best” mount that 90% of players use and anyone who chooses a mount for rp/aesthetic reasons has to accept being “suboptimal”. And fatigue!? Yeah, let’s have mounts daze themselves! That’s always been super fun in games that have it!

Every one of your ideas is terrible.