Instead of Asking for Pathfinder to be Removed, Ask for a Mounting Revamp

Your entire argument is “you’re a dumb, bad person who wants bad things for the game!”

Mr Pot.

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I’ll be honest with you on this one, in Cata and MoP it wasn’t a gold sink, it was a pretty barebones amount. If 5k was a big deal to you in MoP then it spoke of your own financial issues. But yeah, I’d support flying for gold on the caveat it actually cost something substantial. But if it’s anything that isn’t 50k or less most people act like it’s an unfair amount to expect.

5k in TBC was a big deal, the 700 for cold weather in Wrath was a big deal to some. The like 1k it was in Cataclysm was a complete joke.

Just go right ahead and keep making my point for me. I called you a froth mouthed fool and you are behaving just as it would imply. I don’t agree with you and you’ve resorted to hurling insults.

Though don’t let that stop you, give me an actual argument why you aren’t everything I presume you to be, that would be the intelligent thing to do but then again, hunter.

Depends on the system :slight_smile:

For me, a more meaningful relationship between player and their mounts would be something like raising them and training them. Letting mounts attack besides you on the ground like chocobo does in FFXIV would be nice.

I’m not interested in a system that would make mounted combat mandatory - either on ground or in sky. If they want to set up an arena or BG with that, that could be something for people interested in that. I’m one of those people that prefer hassle free flying (and not because I afk a lot or use auto flight since I don’t). Sometimes it’s just fun to fly around as a bird and explore and see if I can avoid getting stuck in trees :grin:

Blizz had a chance to make mounts more interesting in general. Instead of introducing the lame mount equipment system whose sole purpose was to kill the water strider they could have assigned mounts to different families with a different perk (I think GW2 has something like that). Every mount having he same ability is more boring than making a mount or a group of mounts have a unique ability imo.

Exactly. The system is fine. The time gating is not.

I would like to see more interaction with flying like we had in BC, as well. Daily areas only accessible with flying, areas dangerous to fly over, that type of thing.

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I want aerial combat.

Flying is the best thing for the game right now. It alleviates the baked in tedium of by the numbers content. We should have had flying MUCH earlier in the expansion to put a band aid on some of the worst and most boring content the game has ever had.


Really? If I addressed your “points”, I would be:

  1. Defending my character.
  2. Defending my class choice for one alt. Seriously, is it 2007 again?
  3. Clarifying what I ACTUALLY think instead of what you say I think.

Because all your “points” straw men and ad hominems.

Don’t even try to claim the high ground. You’re a

, Mr Pot.

For the record,

That’s where you went wrong and why you’re useless to talk to. You don’t listen to learn or come to an understanding, you wait for the other person to stop so you can lob insults at what you PRESUME they said. No, I won’t argue your “points” because they’re nothing but “grade school insults instead of actual arguments”.

Make a single, coherent point and we can try again. Otherwise, you’re not worth it.


You’re a druid. Mounted combat for you would be… utterly ridiculous! You already have leaps, charges, skull bash, and an instant-cast mount form. For a Paladin, though? Or a DK? Or how awesome would it be for a Hunter or Prot Warrior?

And what if others being mounted meant you got a few attacks put on your Travel Form like Skull Bash, Thrash, or a Stomp ability? Or a reduced Dash cooldown? Or if Prot and Arms Warriors had a talent row that was a choice between mounted combat, improved Charge, or improved Heroic Leap? (Fury just spins way too much to make sense mounted). Other non-mounted classes could also benefit:

  • Blink buffs and targetted mass-teleport (like Ryze’s ult from LoL) for Mages,
  • +100% move speed Ghost Wolf for Shaman and enhanced defensive totems, making Shaman the “stand your ground” class along with…
  • Hamstring and dismount attacks for Warriors
  • Sprint buffs, slowing poison, and caltrops for Rogues, or maybe a way to Shadowstep onto the back of a mounted character so you can ride around Backstabbing them until they AoE/stun you off or are forced to dismount.

Ground mounts are really nothing but a Dash with different graphics, and for some classes like Paladin or DK, it’s a core component of their “class fanstasy”. But in terms of gameplay, I only really see Paladins, DKs, some Warriors, Hunters, Warlocks, and maybe Priests being able to do things mounted. Other classes either already have more mobility than that or make too little sense as mounted classes.

Every class should be able to do something while mounted, even if it’s just basic instant spells like Ice Lance or Moonfire, but the mount vs foot dynamic could really add a lot to gameplay, imo.

100% wrong.
And keep staying in denial, you’ll never get flying.

Just because I’m a druid doesn’t mean I don’t use mounts. I use my Winterspring Frostsaber more than travel form when Blizz grounds us. I also have other characters that aren’t druids.

I said I don’t want mounted combat to be mandatory. We all know Blizz doesn’t do options for the most part and it would probably end up being an all or nothing system.

Some people just want mounts to be what they were designed as - a faster way to travel. I’m one of them. If others getting mounted combat doesn’t hinder my ability to move through the world and doesn’t become necessary to kill mobs then go nuts.

pictures a cat Druid attacking from the back of a horse

I think you’re safe. XD

I think it should be “mandatory” or just best-practice in classes where it makes sense. Especially Paladin and DK. But most classes in-game, especially all four leather classes, are specifically foot classes and should heavily favour non-mounted combat.

And it’s less of a “system” and more of an easing of restrictions. Paladins can already fight mounted with Divine Steed. If you just allow in-combat casting for ground mounts, go through the spell book and pick out whichever spells makes sense to cast while mounted, buff movement abilities for non-mounted classes, and allow ground mounts in more areas like caves & dungeons, you’re basically done with the “system”.

If it really is a “system”, especially one using the vehicle UI or the like, then I am 100% against it.

Edit: Oh, and some mounts need to be excluded. Like Long Boi or the Yak and Mammoth. That would be just ridiculous.

lmao you are stuck on forms :slight_smile: If I were on a mount it would be in elf form.

I wonder if Blizz would be able to balance this well though. Since the classes where “it makes sense” like warriors and DKs would also be able to fight unmounted they’d have to make it so there wasn’t only one “right” way to fight.

Now now if they can walk on water there’s no reason you can’t fight on them :joy: :joy: :joy:

If you’re in combat, you’re probably not. Now I’m picturing a Tree of Life on a horse, casting wildly.

DK and Pally should have the “right way” be mounted, just from an RTS lore perspective. They should never have been on foot to begin with.

With Warrior it would be tougher. Mounted is convenient for world content, but lowering the cast time could mitigate that. Charge & Heroic Leap are mighty fine movement spells. But then, Charge makes sense while mounted, too. I think for world content, nothing would be “forced” so long as they don’t add “must be mounted” to a bunch of abilities for no reason. That’s the best way to really mess it up. But that would be as crazy as putting everything on the GCD… oh, wait.

In Raids, it would probably come down to the fight. It would probably be mostly optional so long as it doesn’t affect DPS. I think it would be most needed for classes with poor “get out of the fire” mobility, like Pally, DK, Priest, and Lock.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: That would be hysterical.

I don’t think they should be walking on water either, for the record but they can so … haha

So you don’t want something like that? what do you think we should have instead then? Please be specific.

Then may i ask you as i did for Dayon here, what should you replace it with?

There are lots of things you could do with flight.

Put in some basic acceleration. Have going up be significantly slower, while going down greatly increases acceleration and top speed.

You could add a sprint type button to the game that causes your mount temporarily go faster. Mounts would have an endurance stat that had to be managed, with consequences for exhausting them.

With some of these characteristics, you could then put variety in how particular mounts behave. Some mounts would have great vertical acceleration, but poor horizontal top speed. Another could have just poor acceleration overall, but great top speed. Maybe most mounts wouldn’t even be able to go straight up without burning through endurance - you’d have to climb like actual planes and birds do.

These are just things you could do the mount gameplay itself. There’s a whole additional world of actual gamification you do with world interaction in the air. We’ve gotten just a (entirely punitive) taste of that in the recent patch.


I think they should just copy FF14’s system. It’s perfect.

While we’re at it, SE needs to copy WoW’s transmogrification system.

I have a suggestion for you if you like the impact that those games are bringing to flight. GO PLAY THOSE GAMES.

I am with you as well. I love flying but I am fine with Pathfinder. Plus, I rather have pathfinder vs NO flying at all. People seem to still forget it is this or nothing. They aren’t going to revamp flying since they said exactly why they were removing it in the first place and why they put pathfinder as their compromise.

I do agree with people though that maybe some tweaks to be done and maybe unlock it during the x.1 patch but a slower speed in the current expansion zones and then the x.2 maybe just have people complete exploring the new zones and finish the story line to unlock the full mount speed for the current expansion zones.

Either way, I am fine with pathfinder since I love flying and would hate to have it removed. Reps are extremely easy. I mean, you have until x.2 to geet exalted which can easily be done within a month or 2 of the expansion launching just by playing the game and just doing the emissaries.