Instead of Asking for Pathfinder to be Removed, Ask for a Mounting Revamp

I’ve honestly never run into any of the difficulties navigating the ground that people describe. It seems like you have to be pretty dedicated to being this disadvantaged.

Pfft, you see how many people are crying about a worm that’s 200 feet in the air above you and near impossible to get stacks from? How do you think a ballista that fired at them would end up?

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the worst thing is that they are complaining about a debuff that slows you for 3 whole minutes like you barely notice one stack and if they are flying that high like you said and getting more than 2 stacks chances are they are afk too and deserve what they got. lol

I hope you walk everywhere for the rest of the game’s life for saying that.


That’s only your opinion. It’s never been bad for the game at any point in time. If it was bad for the game BC and wrath would have suffered for allowing players to fly right at max level (level 77 for wrath even). Those were two of the most successful expansions in wow history. Hence, flying isn’t bad for the game.


Truth hurts.

It’s bad for the game now. There used to be content designed for flying back then. That isn’t the case anymore.

To clarify: It’s not only that flying itself is bad, but flying being a bare and shallow system that offers no gameplay in and of itself is even worse. At least if there was more to mounts in general, the fact that flying performs like a no clip hack would be less obnoxious.

Nah the worst thing is that this was actually something they directly asked for as a rebuttal to Pathfinder then chose to do a 180 and screech about it being an attack on flying.

That night elf hunter who uses a santa mog asked me to point out where people asked for something like this and I cited a post at them they themselves made just a month ago talking about “It would be nice to have aerial threats that we had to avoid.” Then they’re crying their eyes out in the Great Worm From Beyond thread about how this was unasked for and an attack on flying.

Thing is though, I sympathize with the pro-flying group in some regards, but the majority of their more vocal elements (players) make such ridiculous arguments and shift the goalposts so much that I have to hate them just on principle. Yeah it sucks having the rug ripped out from under you, trust me I played this game every day with passion in my eyes for years because it was an immersive world I fell in love with. Then people decided it should be more streamlined and what we got was a mobile phone game on the computer where you’re only ever required to play three hours a week to get the maximum benefit.

These people went from “Leave flying in the game, please we don’t care if we have to earn it rather than pay gold for it!” to “WTF nobody asked for pathfinder! We meant earn like paying gold for it!” Then when you ask them on the gold cost they cite you some ridiculously low number like 10k. If they argue “We just like flying and want it back.” then if you mention retuning flying to be available on launch but only 60% speed until Pathfinder is complete they complain that’s not at all what they want because they just want things to go back to how they were in MoP. Snooze through quests to cap, pay a small sum of gold, then you double in your speed, arguably more because you bypass any ground threat or mountain in addition.

These are the people who ask you for 20 dollars, you give it to them then they ask for 40 because well you gave them 20, why not give them 40 more?

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Yeah, the design DID change. And it’s garbage. It’s Diablo/PS2-style design where you make things LOOK like they’re 3D or even 2D, but then only allow a single railroad path forward. It’s far less pronounced in BfA, which is good. It’s mostly just Zuldazar and parts of Kul Tiras instead of everywhere.

I wonder if they scaled back on the theme park zone design because of players NOT “getting over it”.

On the PTR, the wurm could put stacks on you before it ever rendered. Also, the stacks aren’t interactive, it’s a speed debuff that lasts WAY too long and stacks up to a 330% speed debuff, meaning you fly at less than running speed. Could you imagine if getting dazed by a ground mob you were running through lasted 3 minutes?

It’s the worst flight “interaction” they’ve put in the game so far.


Sounds more like the DESIGNERS are bad for the game.

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Pot, kettle.

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I don’t know what this means.

It doesn’t need to offer gameplay. Just like ground mounts don’t need to. They are modes of transportation. We don’t need to make everything in this game overly complex and annoying.

EDIT: Grammar is hard when you’re only half awake.


This is subjective. If we want to talk about design changing that is garbage we can go much deeper than something as miniscule as flying. This is Blizzard trying to right their wrongs of the past because well, they listened to people like you and look where it got them. A game released in 2010 that was a complete joke to everyone is now seeing more interaction than WoW. The first time this has ever happened and the majority of complaints revolving around how lame WoW has gotten. Not because it’s gotten old, but because it’s gotten streamlined and dumb largely due to requests from people like you who don’t consider game health over your own convenience.

Selfish is the only word I have to describe it.

Except they are, they just cease being interactive when you get them. I have never gotten the debuff except the one time I flew at a worm trying to see how close I could get. I had to get pretty close to get a stack.

The people who claim they get stacks all the time are the people Blizzard put these things in the game to curb, people who just mount up, fly up and in a straight line on auto pilot until they get to the objective. Maybe pay attention to your surroundings. What the hell do you even have to look at when flying? Your action bars that are irrelevant? Your health which is also irrelevant? Or are you just alt tabbed on Hulu until you arrive which guess what, you were part of the target audience. Pay attention to where you fly and you won’t get stacks. WOAH IT’S LIKE MAGIC!

If a core game element of the game that’s been around for 13 years is suddenly “bad for the game” when it wasn’t before, then that’s a fault of the current designers, not that element.

Nothing changed to make flying bad for the game. The designers tried to return to 1990’s design philosophies and flight made it seem really terrible. I especially remember seeing the southern part of Gorgrond from flight for the first time and realizing what an awfully-designed, rectangular, space-filling maze it was. It looks like an NES Zelda map.


That’s a fair point, not everything needs to be.

That in mind, I don’t see what’s wrong with building a system that creates a more meaningful relationship between a player and their mount.

I didn’t say it was perfectly fine before and is only a problem now. It’s been a problem for a while.

No, I’ve never shifted any form of goalpost. Try again, also if you could read which judging by your class choice you probably can’t, you’d see if you froth mouthed fools could quit crying and being obnoxious for the span of two days more people probably wouldn’t despise you. But all you do is cry and look like “Oh it’s those whiner guys, I don’t want to associate with them.”

I don’t understand how you can just “have” group content without people being “forced” to group to complete it. Like WoW has had for its entire history for almost all of its challenging stuff.

Why not?

Don’t talk about me like you know the first thing about me, Mr Pot.

Grow. up. You’re useless.

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And here you make my case very evident for me. You know nothing of structuring an argument, or giving any actual reason. You just come up with some nonsensical phrase that you think sounds witty despite not knowing anything about what the phrasing is meant to imply then parrot it.

Oh wow, another mature gem. Clearly the pro-flyer people are just super eloquent and sophisticated that a common midwestern living rube like me could never come close to. . . oh wait no he’s throwing grade school insults instead of actual arguments because he has none of those to offer.

Have you seen the vastly inflated gold-sink prices the devs have put on in-game mounts lately? 2 million here, 5 million there, 333,000 x 3 over there, a casual 100,000 in multiple places…

Flying at cap for gold has always been priced as a gold sink, and with the way the devs are thinking these days, I’d be very surprised if paid flying was less than half a million per character.

That’s why I like Pathfinder. I play the game, I get flying on everyone including my levelling alts.

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