Instead of Asking for Pathfinder to be Removed, Ask for a Mounting Revamp

If flying is an exploit, then so are all forms of stealth, stuns, speed boosts, and pets.


Like I say in all of these threads. Just get rid of pathfinder 2 and make flight available upon completion of part 1pr at least within a reasonable time ie not a year or more.

Disagree 100% with your premise and its dismissal of flight, but weā€™re in complete agreement here. The biggest issue is that flying mounts are strictly better than ground mounts. Itā€™s like running vs rp walking. One is nothing but a lesser version of the other.

Flying vs Ground needs to be more like old-school mount vs druid travel form. For long distances mounts were better because they were faster, but the instant-cast skinning/herbing-ready travel form was better for short distances or gathering.

To that end, I think itā€™s time to allow mounted combat for ground mounts. Obviously some specs & classes donā€™t suit it (Rogues, Mages, Druid forms, super-spinny Fury Warriors, etc), but they can be compensated with general movement/maneuvrability buffs. But lorewise, Paladins & DKs are MOUNTED CLASSES. Also, orcs relied HEAVILY on mounted Raiders.

Flying & ground mounts should be separated into different tabs (call them ā€œStablesā€ and ā€œAerieā€) and their mechanics need to be treated differently. Shorten the cast time on ground mounts, maybe give it a 50% reduction at level 40, and let them be cast in combat. Just have dismounts cause a 5 second CD on all mount spells.

Flying also needs some work. Max flight speed should be a function of attitude. Diving should be much, much faster, and climbing straight up should be +100%, whether doing it with the space bar or just flying straight up. Add acceleration, so if youā€™re going less than max speed you slowly speed up, and if youā€™re going over max speed you slowly lose velocity. Flying mounts should also be slower on the ground, say +80%, and should still be subject to acceleration/deceleration. This means that casting a flying mount will take longer, and it will also take time for it to get up to speed, which will make ground mounts far better for short-distance purposes like moving between mobs or nodes.

For hybrid mounts (Hearthsteed, Jewelled Panthers, wyverns, gryphons, etc.), they should have a ground form and a flight form. Use a double jump to go from ground to flight (or glide in no-flying locations/combat), and automatically switch from flight to ground after 3 or 4 seconds of being on the ground or if you do anything that requires a ground mount, like combat or gathering. In order to compensate for this massive boost in utility, give them only +90% ground and +280% flying speed and make casting them as slow as flying mounts.


PATHfinder is great. PATCHfinder is petty and spiteful.

Divine Steed IS mounted combat. It plays fine. If you want to try it as a DK, go unlock the War Wolf in Nagrand. Itā€™s fantastic!

Iā€™m speaking broady about pet battle-related content as an example of depth and complexity added elsewhere into the game. Please donā€™t get so hung up on a specific detail just because it helps you make a pot shot.

Iā€™m not asking for something so specific because I donā€™t know what a revamp would look like. The first thing is to have a discussion about whether or not itā€™s warranted. I think it is.

Thereā€™s a lot that could be done to give mounting some added depth. Maybe combat. Maybe some kind of customization or progression.

Regarding flying I think itā€™s too much of a convenience. Iā€™d love to see some more in-flight hazards so that thereā€™s some inherent risk/reward quality to flight.

Which they are 100% at liberty to do. Players arenā€™t the only partners in this relationship who get to have a problem with something.

Thereā€™s nothing wrong with flying as is. Flying was never a problem until Blizzard made it a problem.

Donā€™t like flying? Use a ground mount.


I donā€™t like flying as it is: Shallow and bare.

I want flying to be more, and I want it to be better.

If youā€™re satisfied with the way it is, thatā€™s fine. We donā€™t have to agree.

Youā€™re right about one thing. Flying has never been content. Itā€™s a means to get to content. Why arenā€™t you asking for a way to make ground mounts more interesting?


I want both to be more interesting.

I also donā€™t want Flying just to be a crutch to get through chores faster. I also donā€™t want the content to feel like chores.

If gameplay is boring, all flying does is get it done faster by reducing travel time between chores. It doesnā€™t make the actual chore go faster. Doesnā€™t make it less boring either.

OP is spot on, and itā€™s disturbing how little people get it.

Mount movement in WoW is akin to the ā€œgod-modeā€ movement you could turn on in some old 3-D shooters. It literally plays like a developer tool from a 90s era game.

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Then your complaint isnā€™t with flying. You should be pushing for better content. Nobody complained about flying back in BC or wrath because we had better content back then.

If content was interesting and didnā€™t feel like a chore you wouldnā€™t be complaining about flying.


Flying has been perfectly fine for 13 years.


I can want both.

I want better content and I want mounts to be more fun.

For this thread Iā€™m more interested in talking about making mounts more fun.

Well my opinion is flying is fine the way it is and hope it never gets changed. I feel like any attempt to change flying will make it feel like a tedious chore itself instead of adding any valuable gameplay.

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Mobs already are FAR more likely to aggro with flying than they were in Legion. In Legion, if you could get your mountā€™s wings to flap, nothing would target you. Even if your mount was half-clipped into the ground. Whereas the pterrodax area in Nazmir is really hard to fly through without multiple aggros.

But more things like ballistas on fortified walls that would fire at you if you get close would be nice.

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Staying the way it is now is bad for the game.

Yes plz.

I donā€™t care either way, but I will say this for Pathfinder; once you have it, itā€™s nice for your account.

That being said, it sucks when you missed out on an expansion and donā€™t have it when the content is current (stares at WoD), youā€™re forced to move backwards for the sake of convenience whilst sacrificing your time for the busy work the current expansion requires.

However, I donā€™t mind running around on a mount in Classic, TBC, WoTLK and MoPā€¦because the zone design was more open.

Thereā€™s something really irritating about running around in the last 2 expansions that makes me want to just say ā€œScrew this!! I am just flying over all of it!ā€, no matter how pretty it looks. It just feels cramped up and goes over the top with layers. BfA is less cramped than Legion, but, my god, before flyign it was pretty much goingā€¦how in the hell do I get thereā€¦run run run, or there was a ledge? Itā€™s now above me, run run runā€¦okā€¦oh man thereā€™s a cave system? Probably better to just fall to my death and res.

Stop spreading misinformation. People have had issues with flight as early as TBC. The difference is the problems cited now didnā€™t exist in TBC because flying mounts werenā€™t designed in a way to just get to the objective as fast as possible unless you paid the hefty premium to have 280% speed or were a gladiator/lucky to get Ashes of Aā€™lar to where those were 310 speeds which both still required that 5k premium to even utilize.

It wasnā€™t until MoP that the problems with it they are citing now existed but honestly, the pro-flying crowd is making a bigger problem out of the whole thing than Blizzard or people who werenā€™t in favor of flight from the beginning ever made about it.

Theyā€™re designing the game, they chose not to create zones with flying in mind because it shifted more to a convenience when youā€™ve done enough traveling. The game changed. The design philosophy changed.

Just get over it, and yourself.

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