Instance servers crashed yesterday, guilds not working today

As per usual customer service is not allowed to give refunds for vessels that were wasted because of instance servers crashing. Guilds are not working today. Cant see guild members, cant chat. What is this company doing with our money? We are paying monthly for a service and the bare minimum cant even be achieved? No support or reimbursement for time lost and items wasted because of problems on your end? The whole customer support team literally does nothing beyind saying shrug “sorry”. Where is our money going? We are paying premium prices for a subpar product here…

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I’m guessing you didn’t see the Breaking News about the DDOS?

The money you pay specifically gives you access to the servers in the condition they’re able to be present when you want to access them. Subscription fees haven’t increased for fifteen years, so downtime is factored into it.

These forums and the other non-shop services they offer are a bonus.


Blizzard posted earlier about issues that have impacted the game:

Another update from 20 minutes ago:

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This was posted an hour ago…

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Okay so DDOS, was that yesterday as well? And are the CS reps unable to provide refund for vessels for everyone who was kicked out of visions because of the DDOS?

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That is correct.


As it cannot be accurately determined why you might have been disconnected, for example via DDOS or intentionally unplugging your ethernet cable if you have a wired connection, the policy must be game-wide.


Oh so we will receive refunds for all the players who lost vessels they used on visions yesterday when the instance servers crashed?

You said:

I just agreed with that. If you asked if they was able to, I would have disagreed.


Increased downtime, decreased customer service. As for forums. I mean cmon every no-name website has had forums since the late 90’s. What a bonus.

Been playing since 2005, actually down time has gone down not up. I remember servers going down for days. Now, if they crash, they come right up.

Not getting what you want is not equal to “bad” customer service. The customer is not always right.

If you want to see refunds for being d/c-ed in visions, post on General Discussion. The devs do not come here for player feedback.


How on earth isn’t that poor customer service? Players are losing a limited currency through no fault of their own. Also the server issues are well documented, and I have no doubts that Blizzard’s extensive logging capabilities can show whether a player was affected during a Horrific Vision.

In addition, note that we aren’t talking about disconnections here. We are talking about players being REMOVED from their instance (teleported out) which is likely even easier to track. I even submitted a screenshot in my report, showing how I was moved from the Vision to the Chamber of Heart.

Nothing to do with “Customer is always right”.

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I understand you’re frustrated. This game should be an outlet and especially now, with interesting things happening around the world, people expect the experience to be positive. :slight_smile:

I’d consider taking a break - maybe coming back tomorrow.

Please understand also that Blizzard has never refunded currency, specifically because they want to ensure a high level of fairness, and good service.

Refunding currency for you wouldn’t take much time at all. Five minutes to verify the logs, five more minutes to key in notes, five minutes to reply to the ticket. Now, imagine that of the tens of thousands of Visions that run every day, that someone pulled the cord in 1% of those runs because it just wasn’t going the way they wanted it to. They get refunded and then the following week it’s 5%, because word of mouth starts getting around. That isn’t fair to the remaining 95% who’re honest, right? Now what?

How’re Visions different from mythic runs? Maybe I was 5 seconds away from doing a 15 key. Ooops, I was disconnected. I want a refund. Arena? Ooops, you didn’t really defeat me.

Ultimately, the issue isn’t that it’s hard to help one person… or a few dozen people. The problem is that it can go out of control very fast.


Interesting Slippery Slope argument, though flawed, since in this case Blizz knows exactly what time the alleged DDoS disrupted Vision runs and it would take less than 15 minutes to write an algorithm that cross-references and verifies the lists, auto-replies via in-game mail, and auto-refunds 1 vessel. Similar to the Postmaster messages we receive in mail when an item “got lost in the ether.”

It absolutely is a slippery slope, and one Blizzard is concerned about. :slight_smile:

I’d be very concerned about any algorithm that took 15 minutes to write, particularly as you’d be checking against hundreds of millions of live database entries.

Anyway, good luck and good night. :slight_smile: